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It’s difficult to understand the continuous objections to the Honolulu rail project. Just resolve issues and complete the project.
Delays and cost overruns for a large technical project are to be expected, and there are endless examples.
The H-3 freeway was delayed more than 20 years and the cost increased more than four times. Critics said that H-3 was not needed. You don’t hear that now. The American Institute of Architects Honolulu said rail would be aesthetically unpleasing. Compare rail to the H-1 airport viaduct side by side. Which is worse?
The disruption to local businesses was mentioned as rail went through Waipahu. You don’t hear that now. The same concern was expressed for H-1 viaduct construction along Nimitz Highway.
The need for the rail system is clear. The objections seem mainly to come from those who don’t deal with the horrible traffic that gets worse with development, mainly in west and central Oahu.
Richard Abe
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