Women inmates walked along the fence line at the Women’s Community Correctional Center in Kailua in 2019.
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The outcome of the case for the six women allegedly repeatedly sexually assaulted by adult corrections officers (ACOs) responsible for their safety, and the “slap on the wrist” probation sentence for one of them, are disheartening and infuriating (“Jury finds state not liable for alleged women’s prison sex assaults,” Star-Advertiser, Nov. 17).
All sexual activity between a prison worker and an inmate is illegal. If the warden is not responsible for safety at the Women’s Community Correctional Center, who is? The state of Hawaii and the Department of Public Safety are mandated by federal law to protect the women from abuse.
DPS, as stated by its director, “has a policy.” But the policy is not preventing sexual abuse of women prisoners by ACOs with power over all aspects of the women’s daily lives.
Buy and install cameras in all areas. Repair the broken ones. Increase oversight and training. Mandate ACOs to wear body cameras. Women in prison should not have to endure the trauma of rape by their guards.
Linda Rich
Diamond Head
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