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KAHULUI >> New fishing regulations are in effect for Kahului Harbor and the take and possession of oama throughout Maui.
The rule amendments for the Kahului Harbor Fisheries Management Area prohibit the use of all nets in the harbor, removing exceptions for the take of nehu under a commercial bait license and for commercial akule net fishing and for crab netting, according to the state Department of Land and Natural Resources.
Exceptions to the net ban include “landing nets” with a stretched mesh of 2 inches or greater and “hand nets” no larger than 8 inches in diameter and with a handle that is no more than 14 inches in length.
Also eliminated was the exception for take of juvenile mullet under an aquaculture license.
However, the harbor rule changes created an exception to the rule that all hooks must have only one point, now allowing double or treble hooks when using artificial lures.
DLNR also says fishers are no longer required to report their catch at an unmanned check- station at the harbor. Check-in stations will be converted to outreach stations where DLNR’s Division of Aquatic Resources can post rules and updates.
Other changes and updated definitions in the rules as well as other minor technical amendments were made for clarity and consistency, the agency said.
Amendments to oama fishing rules throughout Maui expand the definition of oama — juvenile goatfish that are caught by hook and line as baitfish or for eating — to add weke ula (Mulloidichthys vanicolensis) as a regulated species in addition to the already regulated weke a (M. flavolineatus). The rule was changed because the two species are difficult to distinguish at smaller sizes, DLNR said.
Additionally, the maximum catch size for oama was increased to less than 8 inches from 5 inches fork length.
The new rules took effect Saturday. For more information on fishing regulations, visit Opens in a new tab.