Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Thursday, September 26, 2024 84° Today's Paper


Letters: U.S. right to withdraw from Afghanistan; Permanent testing lab needed at airport; Unvaccinated expect others to fight for them

I fully support the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. After spending trillions of dollars, fighting for 20 years and sacrificing countless American lives, the Afghan government the U.S. tried to prop up collapsed overnight. This proves the U.S. policy was flawed from beginning to end.

Tragically, the Afghans who helped the U.S. will pay with their lives, just like the Vietnam withdrawal. That’s why so many countries hate the U.S. We meddle in their business, then abandon them at our convenience. Damn the consequences.

Carol Tsai



Biden must evacuate those who fear Taliban

I listened to President Joe Biden’s speech on Afghanistan (“Biden says he stands ‘squarely behind’ Afghanistan decision,” Star-Advertiser, Top News, Aug. 16).

He spent too much time defending his decision to exit Afghanistan. He said little about concrete plans to assist the Afghan people who want to leave the country.

The Afghan people who are at the airport are only a few of the tens of thousands who want to leave Afghanistan because of the risk to their safety and lives. Biden should find ways to expedite the exit process for these people. I am horrified when I hear of the plight of those who are caught up in the bureaucratic red tape.

Biden also should negotiate with the Taliban so that those whose safety and lives are at risk might have a means of exiting the country even after the U.S. makes its final departure from Afghanistan.

The president has a moral obligation to do all that he can to prevent the slaughter of thousands of people in Afghanistan.

Minoru Taniguchi

St. Louis Heights


Local homebuyers can’t compete with foreigners

I noticed that the last unit in the Anaha luxury condominium tower was purchased by a Japanese company (“Ward Village developer sells out third condominium tower,” Star-Advertiser, Aug. 9).

It does not seem fair that local homebuyers have to compete with foreign corporations.

Regina Gregory



Permanent testing lab needed at airport

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the COVID-19 delta variant is coming into Hawaii via air travel. The airports are the main entry points for travelers to Hawaii. If we continue allowing unvaccinated travelers to exit the airport with promises to quarantine, the spread of the delta variant will continue to increase.

We have to quickly test all unvaccinated arriving travelers to identify those who are infected, and contain the virus before it spreads.

The current mobile lab at the Honolulu airport, which has recently experienced long wait times, cannot also accommodate all unvaccinated arriving travelers. The state needs to build permanent airport testing facilities to quickly process them.

Let’s not be optimistic that this too will end. That thinking has gotten us into the current crisis.

For the protection of Hawaii’s population, a permanent robust airport testing presence is necessary.

Stuart Shimazu



Shapiro right: We are in a fight for our lives

Ten thumbs up to David Shapiro for his eloquent Sunday plea on ending the vaccination fight (“End the vaccine fight: Get the shot, get tested or stay home,” Star-Advertiser, Volcanic Ash, Aug. 15).

No one has the right to his own truth. The truth here is so transparent, but unfortunately to our peril, the unwilling minority sees right through it. Fueling the fight is, of course, the Republican public health policy, which appears to be self-inflicted political genocide.

Even in a democracy, no man is an island, including in health and sickness. Eloquence and truth alone cannot save lives. Words were never truer: Do or die.

Guy Lee

Kalihi Valley


Close southern border to protect against COVID

I would like to know why the president and vice president during this COVID-19 pandemic have not shut our southern border.

They took an oath of office to protect the citizens of the United States. They keep trying to mandate masks and vaccines while hundred of thousands cross the border illegally and are not vaccinated and spreading the virus.

The border is out of control under this administration. I believe it’s a cause for impeachment. Look, they impeached Donald Trump for a phone call. There definitely is a double standard in this country.

Look at Barack Obama’s birthday party: 300 people and no masks. So much for climate change. How many private jets and helicopters flew in his guests? If Trump had held a party like Obama, the liberal news media would have gone nuts.

Robert Hensler



DOH testing schedules need updating, clarity

Auwe on the state Department of Health and the most recent round of COVID-19 surge testing. I arrived at Aloha Stadium’s testing site on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. and was turned away. It was supposed to be open until 4 p.m. There was no explanation and no warning on DOH’s site about arriving before a specific time.

On top of that, I went to the Chinatown test site the next day and it also was closed with no warning. Just a sign on the door saying, “Closed week of 8/16-20.” DOH should either update its websites or honor its commitment just like the rest of us.

Michelle Mak

Wilhelmina Rise


Unvaccinated expect others to fight for them

One can draw an interesting parallel between major role players in current news events: The refusal of the Afghan people to fight and defend their own country against the Taliban, and the behavior of the anti-vaccination population in the U.S., refusing to fight the COVID-19 delta variant.

Both groups have received the benefit of huge U.S. government contributions of human and technical aid to provide the means to fight their respective scourges. Neither has shown a willingness to defend themselves. Both are happy to let others risk their lives to conduct the fight for them.

Dale Jensen



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