Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Sunday, March 9, 2025 72° Today's Paper


Letters: Open up Hanauma Bay for everyone to enjoy; Pandemic’s effects mean tourists must be patient; Be aware of unstable foundations of buildings

Hanauma Bay should be open for all comers. Since the establishment of the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, we now have a marine sanctuary more than 500,000 times larger than Hanauma Bay protecting Hawaii’s marine life.

The conservation purpose of Hanauma Bay is no longer the overriding concern. Open it up so local residents and tourists alike can all enjoy and learn to appreciate the bay and marine life. Get rid of the reservation system. Open up seven days a week. Keep the movie, fees and other rules.

Let 2,000 to 3,000 people in every day. I live near Hanauma Bay and have gone regularly for more than 40 years; I can’t go at all now. We need to rethink the current direction of utilization of this resource.

Ron Sanderson

Hawaii Kai


Air travel to Hawaii has small effect on climate

Tawn Keeney asserted that air travel by visitors to Hawaii is a major factor in global warming (“Air travel by visitors to Hawaii major factor in global warming,” Star-Advertiser, Island Voices, June  Opens in a new tab29) Opens in a new tab.

Balderdash! All of aviation worldwide contributes about 2% of emissions and Hawaii travel would be an infinitesimal subset of that. The aviation industry also has done much and continues to do more to reduce emissions.

Furthermore, Keeney’s proposed solution to this “problem,” an escalating tax on visitors, ignores the fact that it would kick out the underpinnings of Hawaii’s economy.

Sure, I am concerned with global warming and the crush of visitors sometimes annoys me, but this idea is a nonstarter.

Jim King



Encourage visitors to go beyond Waikiki

Why are visitors to Waikiki not encouraged to ride TheBus to areas of Oahu that do not have long lines to gain entry to restaurants and attractions?

When arriving at the airport, tourists should be invited to download TheBus’ app. This online resource includes schedules and facts about our inexpensive, safe and reliable mode of transportation. The information might alleviate some of the problems facing visitors that were cited in the article, “Rush of tourists leaves many frustrated” (Star-Advertiser, June  Opens in a new tab28) Opens in a new tab.

Many neighborhoods are minutes away by bus from Waikiki. These are places that could use an infusion of tourist dollars. It should be noted that recently, I have not seen long lines of folks waiting to be seated to dine or to gain entry to the historic sites, museums or shops in Kakaako, Chinatown or the business district.

Gloria Ann Katz

Downtown Honolulu


Tourists should treat locals with courtesy

We have read several articles about the effects on tourism and the tourist experience. I find it quite sad and offensive when the focus is on tourists and what they think.

I have two grandchildren who work in restaurants that serve tourists. Generally, some are personable. However, my grandson has been called “useless” and my granddaughter has been mocked by tourist customers.

If you’re going to feature the tourist experience, please include the born-and-raised-in-Hawaii locals who have to put up with people who feel we in Hawaii owe them something. Entitlement prevails with some tourists and should also be spoken of in the media. Mahalo from Kauai!

Valerie Ornellas

Kapaa, Kauai


Pandemic’s effects mean tourists must be patient

Visitors must remember they have chosen to vacation during a pandemic (“Rush of tourists leaves many frustrated,” Star-Advertiser, June  Opens in a new tab28) Opens in a new tab. We are far from herd immunity, we have the more transmissible and dangerous delta variant, and people continue to get sick and die.

Here’s what I’d like to say to those who’ve decided to vacation during this difficult time: Of course you’re not going to get the service you experienced three years ago. Of course you’ve had to wait in long lines. Of course the prices of certain commodities have skyrocketed while others are not available. Of course we have rules to curb the spread of disease that may be different from where you’ve come. Of course.

Take responsibility for your choice to travel. Learn rules and obey them. Understand you’ll be inconvenienced as we all work to navigate the ever- changing status quo. Be courteous to those who live here, and who render you services.

Brooke Jones



No to vaccinations, but yes to unhealthy food?

Isn’t it ironic that some anti-vaxxers refuse to get the COVID-19 vaccine because they don’t want to put that “poison” in their bodies or fear long-term health problems because of it? Yet they have no problem with ingesting high fructose corn syrup, pesticides, toxic preservatives and chemicals that present in (and on) most of their food.

There is plenty of scientific evidence that the chemicals on most of the food we eat (and packaging) can affect our brain, behavior and hormones, and cause long-term health problems, such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure — the very things that predispose people to COVID-19 complications.

Mildred Adlong



Be aware of unstable foundations of buildings

The tragedy of the collapsed building in Miami, and the agony of the friends and relations hoping for rescue, are hard to imagine.

We in Hawaii must consider how many large structures have been placed on wetlands and drainage basins. Climate change does not just drive sea level rise, but also raises the water table under what we consider dry land.

Flooding in Kakaako during dry weather and water seepage into coastal underground garages are indicators of instability.

Unfortunately, the 2,000-year-old planning directive to not build your house on sand has been ignored in the rush to develop shorelines.

We must avoid a similar disaster in Hawaii due to complacency and lack of preparation.

Diane Shepherd

Kihei, Maui


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