A look back at University of Hawaii baseball head coach Mike Trapasso’s time in Manoa

Newly appointed University of Hawaii baseball coach Mike Trapasso dons the new cap signalling the beginning of his tenure at Rainbow Stadium in 2001.GEORGE F. LEE / GLEE@STARADVERTISER.COM
University of Hawaii Althletic Director Hugh Yoshida (right) watches as former Georgia Tech baseball assistant coach Mike Trapasso dons a UH Warrior cap as he has been appionted as the successor to Les Murakami as head baseball coach.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Mike Trapasso, left, shakes hands with Les Murakami in 2001 as University of Hawaii President Evan Dobelle looks on. Murakami's wife, Dot, is at right.STAR-ADVERTISER
Mike Trapasso on the first day of practice in 2008 on Murakami Stadium's new turf.JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO@STARADVERTISER.COM
Hawaii head coach Mike Trapasso walks towards the mound during the sixth inning of a college baseball game in 2016.GEORGE F. LEE / GLEE@STARADVERTISER.COM
University of Hawaii head baseball coach Mike Trapasso (left) shares a few words with former coach Les Murakami as Murakami has just been inducted into the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame in 2002.STAR-ADVERTISER
Mike Trapasso at Murakami Stadium in 2002.STEVEN ERLER / SPECIAL TO THE STAR-ADVERTISER
Hawaii head coach Mike Trapasso prior to a game between the UC Irvine Anteaters and the University of Hawaii Rainbow Warriors in 2019.STAR-ADVERTISER
Mike Trapasso just finished his 10th year as coach in 2012.STEVEN ERLER / SPECIAL TO THE STAR-ADVERTISER
Coach Mike Trapasso prepares his team for play during a NCAA game between the Hawaii Rainbow Warriors and Seton Hall Pirates in 2018.STAR-ADVERTISER
UH baseball coach Mike Trapasso, UH AD Ben Jay, Big West Commissioner Dennis Farrell and Architect Aaron Fujii of Mitsunaga and Associates honor former UH Baseball coach Les Murakami on the 30th anniversary of the Les Murakami Stadium in 2014.STAR-ADVERTISER
University of Hawaii Associate Athletic Director John McNamara and Head Coach Mike Trapasso look out over the stadium during a rain delay in a college baseball game against University of California Riverside in 2014.CRAIG T. KOJIMA / CKOJIMA@STARADVERTISER.COM
Mike Trapasso freshens up home plate at Rainbow Stadium in Manoa in 2007.JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO@STARADVERTISER.COM
Home plate umpire Angel Campos ejects Hawaii head coach Mike Trapasso during the eleventh inning of a college baseball game between the Hawaii Rainbows and the San Francisco Dons in 2017.JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO@STARADVERTISER.COM
Hawaii head coach Mike Trapasso, right, shakes hands with Portland head coach Geoff Loomis after a college baseball game in 2019.JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO@STARADVERTISER.COM
Coach Mike Trapasso waves to the crowd during Senior festivities after a college baseball game between the Hawaii Rainbows and the San Jose State Spartans in 2011.