Biden, Harris have failed on immigration
When did Vice President Kamala Harris get her epiphany that the root problem of illegal immigrants entering our country is not at the border, but in the country from where they’re coming? It doesn’t take a genius to know that.
It’s obviously an attempt to deflect from her and President Joe Biden’s failed policies on immigration, which is creating a crisis for our country. Because of their policies, not only are unaccompanied children and other illegal immigrants entering our country by the thousands, but also criminals and their drugs, taking advantage of busy border agents.
Solve our country’s problems first.
Cliff Toyama
Hawaii residents need vaccine passports
I have a relative on the mainland with terminal cancer. Trying to plan a visit soon, with the need to have a negative COVID-19 test within the timeline allotted to return home, seems like it can easily turn into a nightmare, as many apparently have discovered. Both my wife and myself were fully vaccinated a couple of months ago. We’re even thinking of skipping the test and staying home for 10 days just to avoid the hassle.
Hawaii needs to get with the program and get some sort of passport available for residents who’ve been fully vaccinated to return home. What’s the holdup?
Chuck Dozier
Providing child care can help seniors, keiki
I agree there is a great need for intergenerational collaboration in Hawaii (“Intergenerational care for keiki and kupuna,” Star-Advertiser, Letters, May 17).
To take it a step further, there are many seniors struggling to make ends meet due to the ever-increasing rent. Why not provide an intergenerational center where qualified seniors could provide child care in exchange for a small fee to help them offset their financial needs, as well as provide a better quality of life through socialization for seniors?
Ken Takeya
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