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Tiara Gomes, featuring Glenn of Maoli
Awong Entertainment
Talent contest winner Tiara Gomes partners with contest-sponsors Maoli in making her debut as a recording artist with this seductive Jawaiian/pop original. Written by Maoli founder/leader Glenn Awong, the song is a memorable musical calling card and should be the first of many hits for her on Hawaii’s self-styled “island music” radio stations. The arrangement is commercial in the best sense of the word.
The lyrics describe a dysfunctional relationship with two people struggling to work through the problems. It is an intriguing story. Some may find comfort, some may find it too close to the emotions they’re experiencing.
Awong adds a faux-Jamaican vocal as he presents the man’s side of the couple’s struggle to work things out and repair the relationship.
If this song was inspired by a real-life relationship, here’s hoping they worked it out.
For more, go to instagram.com/tiara.gomes Opens in a new tab.
“Clap Beat”
Uncle Tadashi &Da Boyz
Uncle Tadashi &Da Boyz is a group of friends who make music for the best of all reasons — because they enjoy doing it. Michael Ige is the resident songwriter; he shares the mic with Sandy Ordonez Tsujimura. Chris Yeh (alto sax), rapper Lance Motogawa, and Nolan Miyahara (“taiko introduction”) are the other “boyz” heard here. Multi-talented recording engineer Pierre Grill (“all other instruments”) completes the lineup. No one involved with the project is named Tadashi.
The clap-clap-clap-clap-clap rhythm and supporting percussion tracks bring to mind the recordings Motogawa made as a member of Club Rox Rock almost 30 years ago. The relentless rhythms make “Clap Beat” a great soundtrack for an aerobic workout today.
Visit uncletadashi.com Opens in a new tab.