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Works by 15 Hawaii-resident playwrights go on display Tuesday when the PlayBuilders of Hawaii Theater Company presents its ninth annual PlayBuilders Festival as a virtual theater event through Sept. 30.
The festival consists of rehearsed readings of original full length and one-act plays with separate divisions for youth and adult playwrights. Adult participants this year are Fili Leasau, Michael Markrich, SH Murakoshi, Carol Polcovar, Robert St. John, Kimberlee Stone and Mark Tjarks. The youth playwrights are Cole Barnes, Lucy Chung, Diza Hendrawan, Luc Lambert, Aya Lewis, Maggie Munday Odom, Wade Spriggs and Catherine Ward.
Terri Madden, founder and executive director of PlayBuilders, is embracing the challenges and welcoming the opportunities that come with going virtual.
“It never would have occurred to me to run a virtual play festival like this before COVID. Yes, it is unsettling not to be able to present this live and in person, but the advantage of being able to reach a worldwide audience for a month opens a world of possibilities and opportunities for our playwrights. It’s exciting.”
Adjudicators for this year’s festival are Betty Burdick, Rasa Fournier, Hoku Gilbert, Kevin Keaveney, Alan Shepard, Karen Valasek and Richard Valasek. Award recipients will be announced when the festival closes Sept. 30. An additional award will be presented by special adjudicator Matthew Kelty, executive director of the ARTS at Marks Garage, who has offered to produce and direct a show of his choosing at ARTS at Marks Garage when social distancing regulations make it possible to do so.
Tickets are $5 and good for listening to or watching the plays for the entire month. Visit Opens in a new tab