Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Thursday, September 26, 2024 78° Today's Paper


Letters: Irresponsibility enables spread of coronavirus; WHO, other health groups deserve support; Support lacking for Kalihi homeless center

If I choose to get drunk at home, it’s a private decision that harms no one else. If I choose to get drunk and drive, that is a public decision that may harm or kill others. The police and courts will justifiably level severe penalties.

If a drunken driver harms someone, end of damage. When someone with the coronavirus infects one or more, those persons infect others and the virus grows exponentially.

Maybe 40% do not show symptoms, unaware they are infecting others. Mainland states’ selfish persons caused horrific spiking. The majority in Honolulu now, it seems, wears no masks. Fines collected? Almost zero.

The mayor says, “doing all we can.” False. “Based on best medical advice we can receive.” False. A feckless governor, an irresponsible mayor, a weak Legislature, an arguing City Council, a self-absorbed population.

Robert Stewart



WHO, other health groups deserve support

President Donald Trump and his followers have rejected and renounced America’s fundamental role in the World Health Organization (WHO), which is devoted to the advancement of national and international health and global responses to medical emergencies (and a certain pandemic).

Predictably, Trump furthers his insatiable ego and his desperate re-election schemes at the expense of the world’s poorest, sickest and helpless countries, which in many ways includes our own.

The United States of America has always morally, rightfully and proudly devoted a disproportionate percentage of funding for the life-saving efforts of the WHO. It is who we are; it’s an essential and inherent part of our DNA.

We who are exceptionally privileged and lucky have an ethical obligation to help people in need. This country does not hold the world hostage to one man’s whimsy and selfishness. The WHO and other science-based health organizations need our support.

John Hoshibata



Case-spike data calls for reassessment on schools

In March, Gov. David Ige ordered the closure of schools and put the state in a virtual lockdown.

New coronavirus cases peaked at 34 on April 1, about a week after the lockdown. The seven-day average was 23.3 and the total number of cases was 258, 189 active. Fifteen patients had been hospitalized and one had died.

The state started reopening about May 26, when the total case count was 643, 83 requiring hospitalization. Seventeen had died, but none in the previous three weeks. The number of new cases had dropped to one a day and there were only 118 active cases.

Today the pandemic is more threatening than in March. There were more than 1,000 cases, at least 119 hospitalizations, 19 deaths, and a daily average of 22.1 new cases, including a then-record 41 on July 7.

A “data-driven” governor would suspend the Aug. 1 travel relaxation (which he has), and rethink opening public schools on Aug. 4.

Michael Ho

Moanalua Valley


Brightest minds needed as government leaders

After reading Patricia M. Loui’s commentary (“To diversify Hawaii’s economy, expand on the iconic brand,” Island Voices, Star-Advertiser, July 6), my immediate reaction is: Why isn’t this woman either chief of the state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, or the person picked to guide our economy back to sustainability during the COVID-19 crisis?

It seems the brightest minds are employed in the private sector (Loui is CEO of Omnitrak) while less bright minds keep getting shuffled around in government jobs.

Bob Jones

Diamond Head


Support lacking for Kalihi homeless center

Recently, a proposed homeless service center was strongly opposed by the Chinatown community. Now, the city and the Institute for Human Services have decided to put it in Kalihi, in a community that is already struggling with drugs, game rooms and crime. Reports say that community members and businesses were reached out to and support it. This is not true.

Members of the community fear that a homeless service center will do just what the others have done in Chinatown and cause an increase in the amount of homeless, mentally ill and addicts in their community.

There are children who live next door and residents have said they never received word about the proposal. Services are good, but location is important, and misleading the public about community support is irresponsible.

I strongly oppose these types of services in residential and small-business communities. Look at what has happened to Chinatown.

James Logue



Higher-paid officials should take pay cuts

I am responding to the headline “More hardship ahead” (Star-Advertiser, July 5). In the article, Gov. David Ige said that the administration must take steps to reduce payroll costs, and the available options are layoffs, pay cuts or furloughs.

“Those are the three choices,” he said.

I didn’t see anything about the governor, lieutenant governor or any of the elected officials under them taking a pay cut. Why are the civil servants always hung out to dry? Has anyone bothered to check the numbers by comparing how much more would be saved if the upper echelon were to take a temporary cut in pay?

Patricia Shields



Kailua tired of building rules going unenforced

Kailua residents watched our affordable rentals deteriorate and be replaced with out-of-reach-priced apartments. Downtown Kailua streets became the bottom of canyons made by loophole buildings. Seeing Mount Olomana from downtown Kailua became a pleasure of the past.

As the residential feel of Kailua eroded, there was no enforcement of the codes that were designed to protect us. There was alarm over homes being used as hotels, and monster buildings erected in our neighborhoods — but no enforcement.

Kailuans are not heartless. They realize the need for affordable housing, but don’t want it to be developed at the expense of the nature of our town. Yes, build affordable housing. But waiving building requirements is not acceptable. They are the same for all.

Paula Ress



Effect of tourism delay is matter of perspective

The front-page headline in the July 14 Star-Advertiser was: “Delay Extends Economic Woes.”

Should it not have read, “Delay Extends Health and Safety”?

Brien Hallett



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