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Believing that Duke Kahanamoku would put safety first, the 19th annual Duke’s OceanFest scheduled for Aug. 22 is canceled due to the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.
The decision by the Duke’s OceanFest board reflects the commitment to put the well-being and safety of the community ahead of any desires to celebrate the life and legacy of Kahanamoku. The OceanFest has been held at the shores of Waikiki Beach for the last 18 years. It is a nonprofit organization with one of its main missions to support the youth of Hawaii through its endowment to the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation.
To stay up to date for the event to be held the last week of August in 2021, follow @DukesOceanFest on Facebook, Instagram and @DukeOceanFest on Twitter. You may also visit Opens in a new tab.