Aloha Stadium Swap Meet intends to hold soft reopening in June
Aloha Stadium intends to hold a soft reopening of the Swap Meet and Marketplace in June, stadium Manager Scott Chan told the Stadium Authority on Thursday.
The event has been closed since March due to Opens in a new tabCOVID-19 Opens in a new tab.
No date has yet been set, but Chan said when the reopening takes place, it will not include Wednesday dates. The event has been held on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.
Chan said Wednesdays featured a “heavy flow of tourists,” and with the 14-day quarantine period for out-of-state arrivals currently in place, “it wouldn’t make sense for us to be charging our vendors a rental fee when we know that it would be impossible for them to make ends meet on that day.”
Chan said, “We need to receive the proper approvals by the appropriate authorities, and we have, thus far. It is a matter of working out the technical items with our client licensee, Centerplate, and moving forward with the soft opening in June sometime.”