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Saturday, March 8, 2025 71° Today's Paper

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Homeless in Kakaako

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Homeless residents in and around Mauka Gateway Park has increased in Kakaako. This woman with her dog is crossing Ilalo St. walking on Cooke St. toward Mauka Gateway and Ala Moana Blvd.
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Homeless in and around the Mauka Gateway Park has increased near the Children's Discovery Center in Kakaako. This is Rukkus Leathers who said he is working on a speaker trying to make it a bluetooth speaker. He said he has hooked up this solar panel to recharge a car battery that he uses for power. He said he use to be a communication specialist in special forces.
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Homeless in and around the Mauka Gateway Park has increased near the Children’s Discovery Center in Kakaako. This is Janet Lee Tillman packing up some things.
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Homeless in and around the Mauka Gateway Park has increased near the Children's Discovery Center in Kakaako. This police officer visited Mauka Gateway Park and told the people living on the corner of Ala Moana Blvd. and Ohe St. that they have to move by late afternoon as the utility company was going to fix the warning sirens that are located on that corner.
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Homeless in and around the Mauka Gateway Park has increased near the Children's Discovery Center in Kakaako. This is Rudy Sadie adjusting an upside down Hawaiian flag. It is being flown upside down as a sign that they need help.
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Homeless in and around the Mauka Gateway Park has increased near the Children’s Discovery Center in Kakaako. This is John K (didn't give last name) with his dog Lucky. He said he's been cited as his dog isn't suppose to be in the park. He says he tries to keep it just outside the park's perimeter. He said he's been robbed before so Lucky is a good watch dog. He said a police officer just told him to move all his belongings away from the two utility boxes (in back of him) as some utility people will be fixing them and the warning siren that is next tot he boxes, later in the late afternoon.
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Homeless in and around the Mauka Gateway Park has increased near the Children's Discovery Center in Kakaako. This person bicycled away with a load of recyclables. This is a way of live to get money for many homeless.