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Bank of Hawaii said Wednesday it was launching debit card controls to help consumers have more control over their debit cards and help prevent fraud.
Through the BOH Mobile Banking App, debit card controls allow consumers to:
>> Temporarily turn their debit card(s) on and off
>> Control their debit card by location, merchant and transaction types
>> Set spending limits
>> Set customizable alerts.
For more information, visit Opens in a new tab.
The following three physicians have started working at Kapiolani Women’s Center at Artesian Plaza:
>> Dr. Stacy Kanayama-Trivedi previously worked at Pearl Harbor Primary Clinic before joining Kapiolani Medical Center four years ago. She completed her residency at Louisiana State University Health Science Center.
>> Dr. Sherrie Hirota has been practicing for five years on Oahu. She completed her residency at Family Medicine in PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center.
>> Dr. Ann Greaney completed her Family Medicine Residency at the University of Washington and returned to Oahu after practicing for 20 years in Seattle.