At a Beretania St. bus stop in University. A pair of napsters take over a bench while a bus rider waits at left.
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I saw a picture on Page B5 of the Star-Advertiser of a man and his dog stretched out on a bus stop bench (“Bus stop repose,” Sept. Opens in a new tab13) Opens in a new tab.
Living in Waikiki, I see this every day. I do not own a car and ride the bus daily. In the 17 years that I have lived here, I have never seen a police officer approach anyone stretched out on a bus stop bench, even though I have seen police cars driving by such a location. But then again, I have never seen a police officer ticket any of the illegally parked trucks on the many streets in Waikiki.
Maybe if there was an award for writing tickets, more would be done.
Charles Carter
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