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Summer Fun Guide 2018


Beachgoers enjoy the outdoors at Ala Moana Beach Park under mostly sunny skies and great weather.

Note: Prices listed are for the general public; check with sponsor for member and other discounts.


>> Weekly Day Camps: June 1-Aug. 3, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. (programs begin at 8 a.m., half-day option until 2:30 p.m.) for students who completed grades K to 6. Locations at Voyager Public Charter School, Mililani Tech Park and Ben Parker, Enchanted Lake, Hahaione, Kaleiopuu, Keoneula, Liholiho and Waimalu elementary schools. Activities include swimming, kayaking, sailing, singing, dancing, excursions and more. Costs range from $120 to $175 per week or $1,220 to $1,420 for Summer Package. Register online for discount; optional lunch for a fee. Register by May 18; $25 late fee.

>> Specialty Camps: An extra week of fun at Sea Life Park, Bishop Museum, Play-Well TEKnologies or Wet ‘n’ Wild Hawaii available to those enrolled in entire 10-week Summer Package. Cost: $190 per week.

Info: 262-4538, 808ne.ws/1ysqheD.


Youth programs run June 4-Aug. 3. Times, costs and options may vary by branch. Info: ymcahonolulu.org.

>> Summer Day Camp: Activities, field trips, arts and crafts, sports, cooking and more for students who completed grades K through 5, at the Kaimuki (737-5544), Mililani (625-1040), Nuuanu (536-3556) and Windward (261-0808) branches. Cost: $155 per week for half-day, $195 per week for full day, with options for multiweek and single-day care.

>> Summer Time: Project-based activities, music, dance, games and three excursions for students who completed grades K through 6. Available at Kalihi (848-2494) and Leeward (671-6495) branches, with weekly and multiweek options.

>> Specialty Day Camps: Outdoor Camp, Off-the-Hook Camp, Adventures in Arts Camp, STEAM Camp with LEGO and More, Marine Science and Touring Oahu at the Mililani branch; Nuuanu branch offers Youth Explorers: Ascend the Mountains or The Big Ocean; Youth Navigators: World of Water; Youth Survivors; Youth Chefs: A Taste of Mexico or A Taste of Greece; Youth Time Travellers: This is Sparta!; and Youth Artists.

>> Teen programs: Club Mid-Explorers, STRIVE (leadership, mediation, community service) and LIT (Leaders-in-Training) for students who completed grades 5 through 11.

>> Aquatics: Swimming lessons and swim teams for all ages.

>> Camp Erdman: For students in grades 1 through 11. Weekly resident camp and specialty camps (surf, equestrian, swim and English as a second language); teen overnight camp (leaders-in-training or camp assistant); and family weekend camp.


Honolulu Department of Parks and Recreation

>> Arts and crafts, sports, games, excursions, special events, drama and more for keiki who will have completed kindergarten to age 13 (who have not yet entered seventh grade); June 14-July 27 (dates may vary by site), 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. For a list of sites, visit 808ne.ws/2qiDCWu. Cost: $25 registration fee (additional costs may apply). Optional Summer Plus Program from 6 to 8:30 a.m. and/or 2 to 5:30 p.m. will be run by a private contractor at select sites for additional fees.

Walk-in registration at various sites:

>> District I (Hawaii Kai to McCully, 373-8013) and District II (Makiki to Aiea, 768-9292): May 19, 9 a.m. to noon, and May 21-22, 2 to 5 p.m.

>> District III (Pearlridge to Waianae to Wahiawa, 675-7130) and District IV (Waialua to Waimanalo, 768-8980): May 12, 9 a.m. to noon, and May 14-15, 2 to 5 p.m.


>> Junior Leader Program: Volunteer opportunities with Summer Fun Program for students in grades 7 to 12.

>> Summer Teen Program: Youths in grades 7-12 participate in field trips, cultural, physical, civic and social activities from 2 to 9 p.m. at select sites (times and fees may vary).


>> Hawaii Nature Center: Info: 955-0100, ext. 126; hawaiinaturecenter.org.

“Summer SNAP (Sensational Nature Adventure Program)”: June 4-Aug. 17 (no program July 2-6), 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., with optional extended care until 5 p.m., 2131 Makiki Heights Drive. Weekly themed sessions for ages 6 to 11 include outdoor adventures, forest hikes, stream investigations, nature crafts, insect safaris and field trips. Register at least two weeks prior to start of each session. Cost: $375; extended care $120 per week or $30 per day.

Ahupua‘a Overnight Camp: July 5-6, and Aug. 2-3. Students in grades 6 to 8 learn about outdoor leadership and stewardship, basic trail safety, gardening and composting, and more. Online registration begins May 15. Cost: $250 for Hawaii residents only. Info: 955-0100, ext. 114.

>> Hawaiian Humane Society: Teens4Animals Council training program, June 5-8, 2700 Waialae Ave. A yearlong program for Oahu students ages 15 and older to develop educational events and initiatives, participate in advocacy and legislative efforts, and create an animal welfare club at their school. Selected students must attend the four-day training session. Applications due May 4. Info: 356-2206, 808ne.ws/2uPu4Hi.

>>Honolulu Zoo: Themed weekly camps with hands-on lessons in animal biology, interactive activities, crafts and games, May 29-Aug. 17, 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. weekdays, with optional after-care until 5:30 p.m. ($70 per week), 151 Kapahulu Ave. Choose from Camp Menehune (for ages 4 and 5), Camp Imi Loa (for ages 6 and 7) or Camp Wildlife Koa (for ages 8 to 10). Cost: $360; optional $50 lunch fee. Info: 926-3191, honoluluzoo.org.

>> Keiki Adventures Horsemanship 101: Participants ages 7 to 14 learn about horse care and grooming and enjoy a ride along the coastline. Offered year-round, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. to noon, The Stables at Turtle Bay Resort. Cost: $129. Info: turtlebayresort.com.

>> Therapeutic Horsemanship of Hawaii’s Summer Horse Camp: Weekly camps, June 18-29 and July 9-27, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Waimanalo. Riders ages 8 and older who are physically and emotionally capable of independent riding are treated to full days of riding, learning about horse care, grooming and saddling, and arts and crafts. Helmets provided. Cost: $350 per week (discounts for multiple sessions or campers). Info: 342-9036, thhwaimanalo.org.

>> Waikiki Aquarium: Summer by the Sea, June 11-15, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., 2777 Kalakaua Ave. Youngsters ages 8 to 12 swim and explore the Waikiki shoreline during the mornings and return for afternoon behind-the-scenes tours and exhibit observations. Must be confident swimmers. Cost: $350. Info: 808ne.ws/2uZxbwB.


>> Armed Services YMCA Hawaii: For military families on Oahu. Info: 473-3398, asymcahi.org.

Camp Hero: June 4-8 at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam; and June 11-15 at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., with extended care until 4:30 p.m. at JBPHH. Day camp for military children ages 7 to 12 with arts and crafts, outdoor fun, field trips and the popular “In Their Boots/Jane Wayne Day.” Cost: $95 for E5 and below, $125 for E6 and above.

Robotics Camp: June 18-22 and July 9-13 at JBPHH; and July 16-20 at MCBH, 9 a.m. to noon. Students ages 7 to 12 are introduced to robotics in a program led by award-winning Kalani High School Robotics Academy and YMCA staff. Cost: $85.

Summer Session Parent Participation Preschool: June 4-Aug. 3, with morning and afternoon sessions at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, Wheeler Army Airfield and Marine Corps Base Hawaii. Offering a structured learning environment for children ages 3 to 5 to develop academic, social and emotional skills in preparation for kindergarten. Cost: $110 to $235.

>> Hawaii Women in Filmmaking: “Reel Camps for Girls” offers two programs for ages 13 to 19 at La Pietra School for Girls, 2933 Poni Moi Road. Partial scholarships available; deadline to apply is May 15. Info: 922-2744, ext. 106; lapietra.edu.

Basic Reel: July 9-20, 1 to 5 p.m. weekdays. Learn filmmaking and video production skills, and how to write, shoot and edit a short film. Cost: $565.

Animation: July 16-20, 9 a.m. to noon at La Pietra; and July 23-27 at Impact Hub, 1050 Queen St. Learn principles and techniques of animation using an industry-standard camera and editing software. Cost: $365.

>> Oahu Junior Lifeguard Program: Weekly sessions, June 4-July 20, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Ehukai, Makaha, Ala Moana and Kalama beaches. Participants ages 12 to 17 learn about ocean safety, first aid, CPR and surf rescue techniques. Must pass 100-yard swim test on the first day. Cost: Free; limited to 45 students per session. Registration begins May 1. Info: oahujrlifeguards.surfsignup.com.

>> Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor: 319 Lexington Blvd., Ford Island. Costs include a T-shirt, lunch and snacks. Info: 445-9137, 808ne.ws/2Hdprct.

Flight School: June 11-15 (for boys) and July 23-27 (for girls), 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Students entering grades 6 to 8 will experiment with forces of flight, cargo loading, flight physiology and planning. Cost: $330.

Explorers Club: “Cleared for Takeoff,” June 19-22, 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Students entering grades 3 to 5 learn about the forces of flight and experiment with aircraft design, test and fly gliders and create a working airport. Cost: $240.

Explorers Club: “Eyes on the Sky,” July 17-20, 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. STEM-centered aerospace camp for students entering grades 3 to 5. Cost: $240.

Aviation Adventure Camp: Three-day, two-night camp (with nights spent aboard the U.S.S. Missouri Battleship Memorial), July 30-Aug. 1. For ages 13 to 15 and Flight School alumni. Cost: $340 (includes meals).


>> CARE ( Connecting And Reinforcing Education) Academy: June 12-July 20, 8 a.m. to noon, Wilson Elementary School, 4945 Kilauea Ave.; early drop-off available from 7 a.m. Students entering grades K to 5 explore polymers through academics, arts and enrichment activities. Cost: $850 (includes field trips, supplies and activities). Optional $175 lunch program for students in extended Kaimuki-Waialae YMCA program (see below). Info: wilsonschoolhawaii.org.

Extended after-care program: runs noon to 6 p.m. immediately following CARE Academy, with sports, arts and crafts, cooking and more. Cost: $540. Info: 737-5544, kaimukiymca.org.

>> Kaimuki Christian School: Academic-based Summer School from 8 to 11:30 a.m., Summer Fun from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with tennis, LEGO animation, cooking, crafts and more; both programs for students entering preschool through eighth grade, June 11- July 20, 1117 Koko Head Ave. Optional extended care until 5:30 p.m. Enrollment closes April 20. Cost: $910 to $2,090. Info: 732-1781, kaimukichristianschool.org/programs.

>> Little Ambassadors: Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish and Korean language classes are held once a week, June 13-Aug. 3. Children are naturally immersed in a foreign language through singing, movement, games and exercises. Cost: $225 for infants/toddlers, $293 for kids ages 4 and older. Info: littleambassadors.com.

>> Montessori Community School: Hands-on learning, nature and cultural explorations, excursions and more. Weekly sessions, May 21-Aug. 16 for Preschool/Kindergarten Program, and June 12-Aug. 16 for Elementary Program (grades 1 through 5), 1239 Nehoa St. Cost: $255 per week to $3,990 for full session. Info: 522-0244, montessorihawaii.org/summer.

>> PPNS (Parent Participation Nursery School) Summer S.T.E.A.M. Program: Sessions for ages 3 to 6 include Oceans & Volcanoes (June 11-22), Magnets & Marble Run (June 25-July 6), Crystals & Life Cycles (July 9-20) and Summer Fun with Water, Bubbles and Slime (July 23-27), 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., 92 Kaneohe Bay Drive. Cost: $150 to $300. Info: 254-8833, ppnskailua.org.

>> Science Camps of America: Ten-day overnight camps on Hawaii island for teens ages 13 to 17 include “Land & Sea Camp,” June 29-July 8, and “Air & Space Camp,” July 9-18. Cost: $2,395 ($375 deposit at registration). Financial aid available. Info: sciencecampsmerica.com.

>> Trinity Christian School: Summer Advantage Program offers various classes for students in grades K to 12, June 4-July 20, 875 Auloa Road, Kailua. Before- and after-school care and lunch options available for additional fees. Register by May 25. Info: 808ne.ws/2Hm7Hfk.


>> Hawaii Children’s Discovery Center: Weekly camps include interactive activities, daily visits to the center galleries, outdoor play and snack, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays, 111 Ohe St., Kakaako. Drop off from 8:30 a.m.; optional care until 4:30 p.m. for additional fee. Register by May 11. Info: 524-5437, discoverycenterhawaii.org.

Summer Break Discovery Camp: Themes include Fairytale Remix, Icky Sticky Science, Neverland Adventures, Under the Sea, Holiday Scramble, Fitness Fun, Full STEAM Ahead, Prehistoric Pandemonium and Artistic Creations, for ages 5 to 8, June 4-Aug. 10. Cost: $220 to $275 per week.

Preschool Camp: Themes include Prehistoric Age and Out of This World, for keiki ages 3 to 4 who are able to use the restroom independently, May 29-June 8 and Aug. 6-17. Cost: $240 to $300 per week.

Education Incubator Camp: Weekly themes include Hawaii Plants and Gardens, Hawaii Sun and Food Adventure, and Innovation Station for ages 8 to 12, July 23-Aug. 10. Cost: $350 per week.

Magic Camp: Young magicians ages 5 to 12 learn about the “four Ps” of magic (preparation, poise, presentation and performance), illusions and magic as taught by Honolulu Magic Company, July 23-Aug. 10. Register by June 29. Cost: $375 per week.

>> Hawaii State Public Library System: This year’s Summer Reading Program theme is “Libraries Rock,” June 2-July 14 at all public libraries. Children, teens and adults can earn rewards (while supplies last) and enter a drawing for an Alaska Airlines trip by reading books and doing learning activities. Online registration begins June 2. Info: librarieshawaii.org.

>> Kalo Harvest: Keiki learn about the plant’s history and importance to Native Hawaiian culture while harvesting kalo for wrapping and eating laulau at the Hyatt Centric Waikiki Beach’s organic kalo garden; June 26, July 24 and Aug. 28, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Cost: Free. Info: 237-1234, hyattcentricwaikikibeach.com.

>> Pearl City Foundation: Summer Fun Days for students who just completed grades K to 6, June 4-Aug. 3, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., with half-day option from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., Momilani Community Center, 715 Hoomoana St. Sports and fitness activities, arts and crafts, cooking, swimming at Leahi Swim School, field trips and end-of-summer celebration. Cost: $1,250 (if postmarked by May 11), $1,400 thereafter. Half-day program is $970, with weekly ($140 to $175) and daily ($40 to $50) options; optional $170 lunch fee. Register by May 25. Info: 456-2073, pearlcityfoundation.org.

>> Still & Moving Center: Happy Healthy Kids’ Camp, June 4-8 and July 30-Aug. 3, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 1024 Queen St. Keiki ages 5 to 13 explore body movements through workshops in yoga, hula, creative dance, interactive games, stories and music. Cost: $399. Info: 397-7678, stillandmovingcenter.com.


>> Camp Homelani: The Salvation Army offers three sessions, June 16-20, July 2-6 and July 16- 20, North Shore location. Campers ages 7 to 12 participate in beach outings, crafts, campfire programs, STEAM activities, Club Bible and more. Teen session for ages 13 to 17 runs July 23-27. Cost: $185 (includes meals); scholarships available. Info: 440-1832.

>> Kalihi Union Church: “Shipwrecked … Rescued by Jesus!,” June 6-July 24, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (early drop-off from 6:30 a.m.), with optional after-care program until 5:30 p.m. (for additional fee), 2214 N. King St. Bible lessons, chapel, cooking, gym and outdoor play, music, weekly excursions and Family Night celebration. Cost: $600; $950 for full-day program. Register by May 7; $50 discount for early-bird registration by April 16; $50 late fee for registration by May 28. Info: 841-7022, ext. 720, kalihiunion.org.


>> Ballet Hawaii: Ballet Princess Camp, June 4-8 at Honolulu Dance Center, 777 S. Hotel St., and June 11-15 at Ballet Hawaii West studio, 94-450 Mokuola St.; both from 9 a.m. to noon. Daily ballet classes, storytelling, arts and crafts, dress-up session, tea party and more for ages 4 to 6. Cost: $250 per week, plus $50 registration fee. Info: 521-8600, 808ne.ws/2JoaRzV.

>> Diamond Head Theatre: 520 Makapuu Ave. Info: 733-0277, ext. 308; diamondheadtheatre.com.

Musical Theatre Experience, June 11-July 27, offers training in acting, singing and dancing for students of all skill levels, culminating in a July 28 performance. Kids Program (ages 7 to 12) is being waitlisted only. Cost: $990. Teens Program (ages 12 to 18) runs from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Cost: $690. Tech Week from July 23-26 runs 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for both age groups.

Musical Theatre Experience II, July 30-Aug. 10, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a final performance Aug. 11. Intensive program for students ages 7 to 16 to refine their theatrical skills. Previous performance experience required. Cost: $625.

>> Honolulu Theatre for Youth: All programs run June 4-29, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Tenney Theatre at the Cathedral of St. Andrew, culminating in June 28 performances. Cost: $595; discount for siblings. Register by May 25. Info: 839-9885, ext. 704; htyweb.org/education.

Summer Drama Adventure: “Swindles, Hoaxes and Mischievous Capers,” for ages 7 to 9, features a story about tricksters on an adventure filled with mystery, enchantment and fun.

‘Tween Scene: “After the End,” for ages 10 to 13, revisits favorite tales and provides new adventures.

T.A.Co. (The summer Teen Acting Company): Your Write to Play! challenges new and experienced actors ages 13 and older through playwriting and performing.

>> I’m a Bright Kid Foundation: Eight-week Summer Musical Theatre Arts Education Program for students entering grades 3 to 12, June 4-July 27, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Paliku Theatre, Windward Community College, culminating in performances July 27-29, and Aug. 4- 5. Cost: $800. Info: imabrightkid.org/summer-program.

>> Kailua Music School: 131 Hekili St., Suite 209. Info: 367-6262, kailuamusicschool@gmail.com.

Summer Rock Band: Learn the basics of being in a band, playing, practicing and performing together. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. “all summer long,” culminating in a live show. Cost: $500.

Ukulele lessons for beginners: Year-round, Thursdays and Saturdays, 1 to 3 p.m. Cost: $45 for lesson only, $90 for lesson and ukulele to keep.

>> Masaki School of Music: Three-week program of chamber music and string orchestra for intermediate and advanced players, and music theory and history for ages 9 and older, June 11-June 30, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ranging from 1 to 6:30 p.m., 250 Ward Ave., Suite 226. Culminates in a June 30 performance at Orvis Auditorium. Cost: $450. Info: 593-9395, masakischoolofmusic@gmail.com.

>> Mavis Tracy Ballet School: Eight-week session for ages 4 and older, June 4-July 24 (times to be determined), 43 Oneawa St., Suite 212, Kailua. Cost: $90. Info: 375-3158, mavistracyballet.com.

>> Performing Arts Center of Kapolei: Held at Kapolei High School, 91-5007 Kapolei Parkway. Cost: $600 if enrolling in both programs; discount for multiple children. Info: packapolei.org.

Lil’ Ones (Intro to Children’s Theatre): “Bayou Boogaloo” provides an introduction to stage basics, acting, singing, games and more. June 4-8, 2 to 5 p.m., with a June 8 performance. Cost: $215.

“A Year with Frog and Toad Kids”: Three-week program for ages 6 to 14 involves daily rehearsals in dancing, singing and acting, 2 to 5 p.m. June 12-13, 15, 18, 20, 22, and 25-29 with June 29 performance. Cost: $450.

>> Taiko Center of the Pacific: Classes at Washington Middle School, 1633 S. King St. Info: 737-7236, taikoarts.com.

Five-week taiko (Japanese drumming): Program for all skill levels, June 18-July 22, days and times vary. Cost: $80 for youths and teens, $100 for ages 2 to 4, $125 for families. (Four-week program Aug. 12-Sept. 6.)

Summer Taiko Intensives Workshops: July 30-Aug. 3, time increments from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Instruction in various taiko instruments and techniques. Cost: $200 per class, $180 for ages 17 and under; discount if enrolling in three or more courses by May 2.


>> Honolulu Museum of Art: 900 S. Beretania St. Supplies included. Info: 532-8741, honolulumuseum.org.

Summer Art Camp: For ages 6 to 9, June 12-July 6, 8 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays at the Art School. Drawing, painting, clay, sculpture and printmaking with tours and sketch sessions at museum galleries. Culminates with a Young Artist Summer Exhibition, July 14-25. Cost: $1,170.

Art classes: for ages 5 to 18, June 12-July 6, Tuesdays through Fridays at the Art School. Ceramics, drawing and painting, cartooning, metalsmithing, sculpture and three-dimensional art and “Exploring Art”; ages vary. Cost: $390 per week.

Weekly art camps at Spalding House: For ages 6 to 9 include “Exploring Art” (June 12-15 and June 26-29), and drawing and painting (June 19-22, and July 3-6), 10 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., 2411 Makiki Heights Drive. Cost: $195 to $260 per week.

>> Mele Murals: June 11-July 20, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Kaimuki High School. Six-week program for students entering grades 4 through 6 who will discover traditional Hawaiian art-making practices and learn new techniques for modern murals while learning about navigation, the ahupuaa system, Hawaiian games and more. Register by May 15. Cost: $1,350. Info: 638-4005, info@estria.org.

>> Rainbow Art Studio Hawaii: Summer Art Camp: For ages 5 to 12, Kahala Elementary School. Weekly sessions June 4-8 (Under the Sea); June 12-15 (Adventure World); July 23-27 (Galaxy Far Away); and July 30-Aug. 3 (Jungle Fun), 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Students experiment with drawing, painting, three-dimensional models, acrylics, pastels and watercolors. Cost: $220 to $275 per week (includes supplies). Info: 497-5718, rainbowartstudiohawaii.com.

>> Oahu Bright Lab: Weekly studio camps feature different themes and art projects for ages 6 to 10, June 4-Aug. 3, 1 to 4 p.m., Manoa Japanese Language School, 2804 E. Manoa Road, second floor. Cost: $175 per week. Info: oahubrightlab@gmail.com.

Toddlers ages 2 to 5 (accompanied by a caregiver) may join the Playful Art Group, June 5-July 26 (Tuesdays or Thursdays) from 9 to 10 a.m. Cost: $160 for one day per week (eight classes total).


>> Archery For All: Youths ages 8 to 14 learn archery basics, with make-and-take bows and arrows, nature hikes that teach survival and safety awareness, swimming, self-defense, sports movement, flexibility training and more, June 4-8, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (drop off from 8 a.m., pick up by 5 p.m.), YWCA Camp Kokokahi, 45-035 Kaneohe Bay Drive. Cost: $359 (plus tax); discounts for siblings and repeat students. Info: 675-6858, archeryforall.com.

>> Funayama Swim School: Swimming lessons, ocean survival skills and swim team tryout preparation via private lessons, small groups and family swim time for keiki ages 4 and up through adult. Cost and info: 726-9871.

>> Hawaii Shotokan Karate: Beginning karate classes for family and individuals ages 5 and older; begins June 1 in Aiea, June 2 in Manoa and June 4 in Kaneohe. Cost: $100 for three-month course, with family discount for two or more students. Info: 988-7128, hawaiishotokankarate.com.

>> I Got Skills Soccer Camps: Crazy Moves Camp!, June 4-8; and End-of-Summer Striker/Keeper Camp, July 23-27, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (drop off from 8:30 a.m., pick up by 3:30 p.m.); at Waialae Iki Park (4850 Kalanianaole Highway) and Central Oahu Regional Park. Players ages 6 to 14 are coached on speed and agility, first touch, moves to beat opponents, shooting and finishing. Bring cleats, shin guards, soccer ball, water bottle and lunch. Cost: $225 per camp (includes T-shirt), $195 for early registration by April 15. Info: 389-6210, 808ne.ws/2HcLLmG.

>> Kokokahi Gymnastics: Summer Camp program offers structured lessons, supervised free play on equipment, games and enrichment activities. Weekly camps run June 4-29 and July 9-27 at 45-558 Kamehameha Highway, Kaneohe. Hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. ($300 per week, $75 per day) or half-day from 8 a.m. to noon ($225 per week, $50 per day). Info: 235-6866, kokokahigymnastics.com.

>> Oahu Club: Weekly sports camps, June 4-Aug. 3, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., 6800 Hawaii Kai Drive. Swimming, water polo, tennis, volleyball, beginning tae kwon do and more for youths ages 6 to 10. Cost: $235, plus $45 program member fee; optional $25 lunch fee . Info: 395-3300, theoahuclub.com/sports-camp.

>> Spike & Serve Volleyball Camps: Presented by U.S. Olympian Kevin Wong at Star of the Sea gymnasium, 4470 Aliikoa St. Info: spikeandserve.com/summer-programs.

Hawaii Junior Volleyball League: This beginner’s program teaches “fun”damentals to keiki ages 5 to 9 (noon to 1:30 p.m.) and team concepts to youths ages 9 to 13 (noon to 2 p.m.), Saturdays from June 30-Aug. 18. Cost: $240 for eight-week series, $35 for drop-in session (includes T-shirt).

Camps and Clinics: June-August, with specialized skill and position programs, team tryout preparation and beach volleyball, for ages 12 to 18. Cost: Varies; choose from daily drop-in or full series options.

>> University of Hawaii Athletics’ Sports Camps: Led by UH coaches, staff and current and former players at UH athletic facilities on Manoa campus. Info: 808ne.ws/2EofaqX.

Basketball: For boys and girls ages 6 to 17, June 4-7 and June 25-28, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost: $275 per camp or $500 for both. Separate shooting clinics June 8 and June 29, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost: $75 per clinic or $125 for both. Info: 956-6501.

Cheerleading: College prep and co-ed stunting clinics for participants in grades 9 and up, May 2-3, 3 to 6 p.m. Cost: $100 per clinic or $150 for both.

Soccer ID Camp: Players entering grades 9 and above experience college-level training in attacking and defending, ball control, fitness, teamwork and position-specific tactics. July 16 (4 to 7 p.m.), July 17 (8 to 10:30 a.m. and 3 to 5:30 p.m.) and July 18 (8 to 11 a.m.). Cost: $150.

Swimming: June 4-8 and June 11-15, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (until noon Friday). Youths ages 7 to 17 with competitive experience learn stroke techniques and receive film analysis. Must be able to swim at least 50 yards in all four major strokes and endure two training sessions per day. Bring lunch. Cost: $400 per camp (includes goodie bag). Info: 956-7510, eptasnik@hawaii.edu.

Volleyball: Camps for beginners (grades 4 through 12; basic skills and team play), intermediate players (skills refinement and team offense/defense) and advanced players (challenging sessions focus on all skill areas and personal development), June 11-14, July 9-12, July 13-16, and July 17-20, 1 to 5 p.m. Cost: $200 per camp. Also offered: two-day, two-hour camps for various positions in grades 7 through 12, July 9-20, 8 a.m. to noon. Cost: $160 per camp.

>> Waikiki Yacht Club: Sailing program with certified instructors for youths ages 8 to 18; weekly and two-week sessions, June 4-Aug. 3, 8:30 to 11:45 a.m. for novices and intermediates, and 12:45 to 4 p.m. for advanced students. Cost: $255 to $375; boats provided. Info: 386-1338, waikikiyachtclub.com.

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