Air National Guard: Operation Deep Freeze
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Air Force crews are returning through Hickam from their Operation Deep Freeze to deliver supplies and personnel to the scientific mission to ...Antarctica! Major Malcolm Schongalla with LC-130 which has special ski's for landing in snow.
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Air Force crews are returning through Hickam from their Operation Deep Freeze to deliver supplies and personnel to the scientific mission to ...Antarctica! Major Malcolm Schongalla with LC-130 which has special ski's for landing in snow.
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Air Force crews are returning through Hickam from their Operation Deep Freeze to deliver supplies and personnel to the scientific mission to ...Antarctica! Major Malcolm Schongalla with LC-130 which has special ski's for landing in snow.
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Air Force crews are returning through Hickam from their Operation Deep Freeze to deliver supplies and personnel to the scientific mission to ...Antarctica! Major Malcolm Schongalla with LC-130 which has special ski's for landing in snow.
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Air Force crews are returning through Hickam from their Operation Deep Freeze to deliver supplies and personnel to the scientific mission to ...Antarctica! Major Malcolm Schongalla with LC-130 which has special ski's for landing in snow.
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Air Force crews are returning through Hickam from their Operation Deep Freeze to deliver supplies and personnel to the scientific mission to ...Antarctica! LC-130 which has special ski's for landing in snow.