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Medical marijuana experts will gather with more than 100 exhibitors for the third annual Hawaii Cannabis Expo starting today.
The event, which aims to educate the public on the potential health benefits of pakalolo, runs through the weekend at the Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. Hours will be 2-7 p.m. today, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday. The admission price is $15 in advance, $20 on the same day or $40 for a three-day pass. There is a 10 percent discount for seniors 65 and over and for 329 cardholders.
There will be research presentations by advocates and experts in the field, as well as master growers. Attendees also can learn how to become a registered patient and safely access the drug through the state’s first dispensaries. The trade show will include wellness products, home-growing tools, accessories and lifestyle merchandise.
For more information, go to Opens in a new tab.
Cost-U-Less Kauai will close
The company that owns the Cost-U-Less store on Kauai announced Thursday that it will close March 31.
Dan McConnell, president of North West Co. International, said the store is no longer sustainable as a result of ongoing financial losses.
“We appreciate the hard work and dedication our employees have demonstrated over the years,” he said in an email. “On behalf of The North West Company and the staff and management at Cost-U-Less Kauai, we would like to thank the community and customers for their support over the many years we have been in the market.”
The Kapaa store is one of two Cost-U-Less stores in Hawaii. The other is in Hilo. Ten other locations of the ”midsized warehouse club-style” stores are found in the South Pacific, Caribbean and Sonora, Calif.