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Trump ban inspires anger, applause across world

Demonstrators sit down in the concourse and hold a sign that reads “We are America,” as more than 1,000 people gather at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, to protest President Donald Trump’s order that restricts immigration to the U.S.

LONDON >> Anger and dismay, along with congratulations from Europe’s far-right, rippled across the world Sunday as politicians, community leaders and even a sports star reacted to the entry ban U.S. President Donald Trump imposed on refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority nations.

As the realization sank in that people with dual-citizenship who live outside the targeted Mideast and African countries would be affected, condemnation mixed with concern about families with traveling members who could be prevented from returning to the United States they call home.

Olympic long-distance running champion Mo Farah — born in Somalia, citizen and knight of Britain, U.S. resident and currently training in Ethiopia — wondered how he would tell his children that “daddy might not be able to come home.”

The ban, Farah said in a statement on his Facebook page, “comes from a place of ignorance and prejudice” and “seems to have made me an alien.”

In Iran, director Asghar Farhadi said the ban had prompted him to skip this year’s Academy Awards, where his film “The Salesman” is nominated for best foreign language film.

He condemned the “unjust conditions forced upon some of my compatriots and the citizens of the other six countries,” and expressed “hope that the current situation will not give rise to further divide between nations.”

Etihad Airways, the United Arab Emirates’ national airline, said some of its passengers were affected by the new policies and like other major airlines, was working closely with American officials on the matter.

Leaders of Britain and Germany joined other American allies in criticizing Trump’s entry ban, even as some far-right politicians expressed hope the move would inspire similar measures in Europe.

British Prime Minister Theresa May does “not agree” with Trump’s order and will challenge the U.S. government if it has an adverse effect on British nationals, a spokesman said. The official comment came after May said during a meeting Saturday with Turkish leaders the decision was a matter solely for the U.S.

Her main political rival, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, called for Trump to be banned from visiting Britain until the temporary travel restrictions are rescinded.

A petition on the British Parliament’s website attracted hundreds of thousands of signatures backing its call for Trump, who has been invited to meet Queen Elizabeth II, to be barred on the basis of misogyny and vulgarity.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has drawn fire for her government’s welcoming refugee policies, also regretted the ban.

Merkel raised the issue during a phone call with Trump Saturday, citing the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention that calls on signatories to take in people fleeing war, spokesman Steffen Seibert said.

“She is convinced that even the necessary, resolute fight against terrorism doesn’t justify putting people of a particular origin or particular faith under general suspicion,” Seibert said.

He said Germany’s government “will now examine what consequences the U.S. government’s measures have for German citizens with dual citizenship and, if necessary, represent their interests toward our American partners.”

The order Trump issued Friday includes a 90-day ban on travel to the U.S. by citizens of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, and a 120-day suspension of the U.S. refugee program.

Influential Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr reacted by suggesting all Americans should be forced out of Iraq in retaliation, according to a statement from his office.

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, also was sharp in her criticism of Trump’s move.

“All men are first and foremost human beings, with their inalienable rights,” Mogherini wrote in a blog post. She added: “It feels so strange that we need to restate this, just days after Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

In contrast, nationalist and far-right groups in Europe applauded the restrictions and said they should be used a model for the continent.

The Dutch anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders said in a tweet: “Well done POTUS it’s the only way to stay safe + free. I would do the same. Hope you’ll add more Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia soon.”

The far-right National Democratic Party in Germany celebrated “the massive restriction on the entry of pseudo-refugees and Muslims to the USA.”

In Italy, the leader of the anti-immigrant Northern League party also expressed admiration. “What Trump’s doing on the other side of the ocean, I’d like it done also here,” Matteo Salvini told reporters.

Referring to the hundreds of thousands of asylum-seekers and economic migrants rescued while crossing the Mediterranean and brought to Italy in recent years, Salvini said there is “an invasion underway which needs to be blocked.” He is pressing for early elections and courting other far-right leaders for a possible campaign coalition.

Italy’s Interior Minister Marco Minniti, who had held top security roles in recent governments, warned against “equating immigration and terrorism.”

“Let’s be careful,” he said in a speech Sunday to officials from the main government coalition party, the Democrats. “Dissatisfaction and marginalization becomes the culture terrain of terrorism.”

42 responses to “Trump ban inspires anger, applause across world”

  1. Corruption says:

    The Shoe Bomber was an Islamic extremists terrorists
    The Beltway Snipers were Islamic extremists
    The Fort Hood Shooter was an Islamic extremist
    The underwear Bomber was an Islamic extremist
    The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Madrid Train Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The London Subway Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Islamic extremists
    The Boston Marathon Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Islamic extremists
    The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Islamic extremists
    The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Islamic extremists
    The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Islamic extremists
    The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Besian Russian School Attackers were Islamic extremists
    The first World Trade Center Bombers were Islamic extremists
    The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Islamic extremists
    The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Islamic extremists
    The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Islamic extremists
    The Kenyan Mall Massacre was done by Islamic extremists
    Boko Haran are Islamic extremists
    The kidnapping of an entire girls school and selling them into slavery in Nigeria was the work of Islamic extremists
    The burning of a village full of 2000 people in Nigeria most of them alive was the work of Islamic extremists
    The no-go zones being established in the west are allowed to be established by Islamic extremists
    The Charlie Hebdo Magazine Massacre was carried out by Islamic extremists
    The Boston marathon bombing done by Islamic extremists
    The Pakistani school massacre of over 100 children was carried out by Islamic extremists
    The men who shot little girls on a school bus in Afghanistan because they wanted an education were Islamic extremists.
    The people demanding a separate government in the Philippines are Islamic extremists
    Since the year 2000 over 40 bombings have been carried out in the Philippines by Islamic extremists
    The Oklahoma City workplace beheading was done by an Islamic Extremist
    The Fort Hood shooting was carried out by Islamic extremists
    The NYC cop Ax attacker was an Islamic extremist
    The Canadian Parliament attack was carried out by an Islamic extremist.
    France was attacked by Islamic extremist
    The Chattanooga attack by Islamic extremist.
    The Oklahoma beheading tried converting co-workers to Islam
    The San Bernardo murders by Islamic extremists. The Paris 130 people killed by Islamic extremists. The Nice Killings by Islamic extremists, and on and on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Corruption says:


      • Vector says:

        Liberalism is terrorism. By the same reasoning and logic, democracy and Democratic principles and values equal terrorism. You are cruel and a sadist

      • BluesBreaker says:

        George Orwell was prophetic. Thanks for your demonstration of doublethink.

      • seaborn says:

        Trump suspends the issuing of U.S. visas or travel permits to folks from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. No American was killed inside the U.S. by anyone from those countries between 1975 and 2015.
        Yet, nearly 3,000 Americans were killed by citizens from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt during those same years, including those killed in the 9/11 attacks. The citizens of those three countries can still get U.S. visas and travel permits.
        Also, Trump has refused to rescind ownership of his business holdings in those countries. Conflict of interest?

      • Eradication says:

        Corruption is terrorism. Unsubtantiated fear mongering is terrorism. Racism is terrorism. Bigotry is Terrorism. Oppression is terrorism. The U.S.’s genocide of Native Americans is terrorism.

    • DannoBoy says:

      Exactly, Corruption (great name, btw. very classy.)

      Trump is strong enough to do what needs to be done to keep the homeland safe again.

      Sure there were no foreign terror attacks on the homeland during Obummer’s two terms. But, as your list points out, there were several such attacks by American citizens, even by military service members. As you know, there were even more murders, rapes, kidnappings and other frightening crimes. Way, way more.

      Sure these crime rates dropped under Odoodoo, but one murder is one too many and there were far more than that.

      To keep us safe from the threat of home-grown terrorists, murderers and rapists, Trump should not only resume the extrajudicial detention and torture of foreign suspects, but also domestic terrorists and anyone who could possibly have knowledge of domestic attacks, including US servicemen at risk of being radicalized and others suspected of serious violence against Americans.

      You are right, Corruption, that domestic crime and terrorism were Obama’s biggest security failures. If Trump doesn’t start torturing citizens suspected of such threats, how can Trump keep any of us safe? You know he keeps his word and isn’t afraid to be bold. Very BOLD!

      Trump is thinking big about keeping us safe. He will create hundreds of thousands of good jobs for guards and interrogators at domestic black sites and secret police throughout the homeland. Sure Trump is likely to privatize these operations, why not? That would be very lucrative to American businesses like the Correctional Corporation of America (now know as “CoreCivic”).

      Also, In terms of his promise to eliminate cutting costly government regulations and red tape, Trump will suspend wasteful Due Process protections. That’s pure genius. Big league.

      The losers at the ACLU will throw a fit. But won’t their whining just make Trump’s security state that much more awesome? LIBERALISM IS TERRORISM !!! Ka-boom!

      #MAGA? (Make America a Gulag Again?)

    • Ronin006 says:

      You get an A+ for your homework. Liberals will argue that not all Muslims are Islamic terrorists and overlook the fact that almost all terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by Muslim Islamic terrorists.

      • klastri says:

        Ronin006 – Yes, I see now! “Muslim Islamic terrorists” as opposed to Catholic Islamic terrorists or Jewish Islamic Terrorists?

        You certainly are a Trump supporter!

        • sailfish1 says:

          I doubt that there are “Catholic Islamic terrorists or Jewish Islamist Terrorists”. Can you name one?

        • seaborn says:

          There are Christian terrorists…. KKK.

        • sailfish1 says:

          seaborn – can you read? I said there are no “Catholic Islamic terrorist”. See that middle word?

        • klastri says:

          sailfish1 – Oh good grief. I was pointing out that the term Muslim Islamic terrorists is nonsense.

        • Allaha says:

          Muslims don’t like it in Muslim country, they like instead go to USA. I figure they must like the Trump presidency better than their own governments.

    • DannoBoy says:

      Oh and I forgot to mention the main point. Trump’s ban on free-travel by any citizen from a “dangerous” Muslim country will also keep us safe. I think. It’s just common sense, right?

      Our glorious leader’s order suspending U.S. visas and travel permits to people from 7 majority Muslim countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) is great, because they are dangerous, right?

      Especially since Trump has no significant business with these “dangerous Muslim” countries. After all, why would he want to risk doing business with potential terrorists?

      Trump does hold multi-million dollar licensing and development deals in 5 other “safe Muslim” countries(Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia). The good people from those 5 countries are still welcome to apply for U.S. visas and travel permits because Trump didn’t put any of them on his banned list. It’s all about separating the good Muslims from the bad ones, right?

      Now sure a few lame critics are nit-picking Trump’s naughty and nice lists. For example, the conservative Cato Institute has reported that, over the past 40 years, not a single American has ever been killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of Trump’s 7 “dangerous Muslim” countries, while nearly 3,000 Americans were killed by citizens from his 5 “safe Muslim” countries. In fact, Trump’s “nice” list includes the biggest exporters of radical Islamic terrorism to other parts or the world. But so what? They are rich countries too.

      These losers claim that Trump left Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt off the naughty list just because he does business with them. They are whining that this is not fair to the citizens of the poor Muslim countries that have been less prone to exporting Islamic extremism (in fact they have been the greatest victims of terrorism from Trump’s “safe Muslim” countries). Well stop whining. Trump has no significant business ties with these weak countries. Losers. So why not put them on the naughty list?

      How are we going to make America great again if we put up barriers to travel with our strong business partners from other strong countries? Sometimes you just have to make tough choices, like choosing what is best for Donald J. Trump, Inc.

      Trump has his priorities straight. Strength before weakness. Business and Jobs before safety.

      Who cares that those jobs are in the rich Muslim countries that are the biggest exporters of radical Islamic extremism? They aren’t even American jobs, so relax. Don’t try to think too hard about it. Just remember Trump is making it harder for Muslims to come the the US.

      Right, Corruption?

      • purigorota says:

        Trump did not choose those countries. Obama signed the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act as part of an omnibus spending bill in Dec. 2015 and all those countries are listed.

        • BluesBreaker says:

          That’s why anyone traveling here from those countries has to go through one of the most rigorous vetting processes in the world for travelers. The people who have arrived here from those countries are carefully screened and are deemed to be no threat by Homeland Security and other federal agencies.

          Trump’s ban is just pandering to hate and fear of anyone different. The Republicans in Congress are already growing weary of his antics but he will no doubt engage in further imbecilic orders. He’s already the least popular president in memory and will keep demolishing the Republican brand until he’s impeached and convicted. By that time, the damage will be done. 2018 will be a great year for the Democrats!

    • kimo says:

      Impressive list, Corruption, but it fails to support the logic behind Trump’s immigrant bans. The question you need to address is: How many of those listed would have been stopped from entering by Trump’s current immigrant bans? If you do your homework, your list would be much, much shorter.

    • MoiLee says:

      Nailed it! Thanks for that important info Corruption! You know these Liberals will never get it unless a terrorist takes one of their own Family member,by that time ,it’s already too late! Wish these people would “Wise-Up”!

    • BluesBreaker says:

      There have been zero fatal terror attacks on U.S. soil since 1975 by immigrants from the seven Muslim-majority countries President Donald Trump targeted with immigration bans on Friday, further highlighting the needlessness and cruelty of the president’s executive order.

      Between 1975 and 2015, foreign nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen killed exactly zero Americans on U.S. soil, according to an analysis of terror attacks by the Cato Institute.

      Moreover, a report released this week shows that Muslim Americans with family backgrounds in those seven countries have killed no Americans over the last 15 years.

      .Similarly, none of the 19 plane hijackers on 9/11 were from any of those seven countries.

  2. socialscience says:

    The United States has been a beacon in the world for a long time. “Give me your tired, your poor–the restless refuge from your teeming shore…” as inscribed, I believe, on the Statue of Liberty. In a single week, this Republican administration is dimming the light and replacing one notion of social justice with those of “just-us.” Rather than make our nation safer, I fear moves like this will ultimately make us more vulnerable.

    • klastri says:

      It’s even worse than that. Christians are OK, but Muslims? Stay away.

      Trump is the best thing that ever happened to ISIS recruitment.

      I wonder what his “secret plan” is. You know … the one he talked about before the election, that his pathetic supporters believe he has?


      • DannoBoy says:

        Trump’s secret plan is always the same: Keep being Trump.

        Trump tweets it like he sees it, regardless of the lame facts.
        Trump lets the beautiful chips fall where they may.
        Trump blames any losses on other people. It’s all their fault. Losers!
        Trump’s opponents always complain and fight back, but when they do, he just insults them with impunity.
        Trump never apologizes or backs down. Never. He doubles down.
        And if all else fails, Trump threatens lawsuits. Ka-boom! Both barrels!

        This is the strategy Trump brings to every situation. It is the only plan he has ever known, and it works great (except when it doesn’t). There can only be one winner. Trump.

        Why change now?

        • NP5491 says:

          klastri. The so-called “secret plan” is really no secret at all.
          Soon, look up into the sky and watch the B-52s and B-2s flying overhead, armed with not smart bombs, nut with the “big ones.” The plan to end all this radical islam BS and terrorists is one way and the only way. NUKE ‘EM……….ha, ha, ha!

          Like this one?

        • DannoBoy says:

          The force of the Dark Side is strong in you, NP5491. Lord Bannon will be pleased.

          Threatening a nuclear holocaust on millions of innocent civilians is beyond bold. It is genius. Pure evil genius. With heavy emphasis on EVIL.

          The Greatness Trump is bringing out in all of us is unmistakable.

          Team Trump knows this, so none of us would ever speak out against the sentiments of NP5491. We know very well where he is coming from. And above all, we know not to ever criticize or resist the Dark Side of Trump-Bannon. We don’t want to suffer the public humiliation, ridicule and wrath that so many others have.

          So following Trump’s lead, we will continue to ignore the islamaophobia, the bigotry, the “NUKE’EM” threats and the evil amongst us, and instead focus on what really matters, “the liberal opposition try to distort the facts.”

  3. hipatriot808 says:

    Every time Trump sneezes the main stream media and the liberal opposition try to distort the facts. As an independent, the left is digging a hole they will regret in the future.
    Yesterday, tens of thousands of foreigners, immigrants and visitors, arrived in the US on various means of transport. This EO by Trump impacted a little over 100. So the welcome mat is still out. Why these 100 or so were impacted?
    Even though they are likely no threat to the US, the countries they come from do not have reliable government records. So any claim of proper vetting is ridiculous. Those seven countries are not on that list because they are a Muslim majority land but because their records are junk. Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and other equally Muslim majority countries are not on the list because their government records are at least traceable with a paper trail. We need to know who is coming into the country. This is why Trump wants to tighten overall border security.
    While it is likely those who wish the US harm are already inside the US, we can at least stop future threats from arriving. Trump’s order is not about religion but about security. People who don’t know what they are talking about just want to build Trump into a boogieman and see every move as some sort of sinister plot to turn the US into a dictatorship.

    • hipatriot808 says:

      Just to add, the Iraqi interpreters that helped our troops deserve to be let in the country. However, after they have been thoroughly vetted. There have been too many green on blue incidents in Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan to just freely let in anyone. Even those who were once trusted in the past. Once he was vetted, he was/should be released. This is for their protection/safety well as ours.

    • klastri says:

      No, we’re not going to regret anything by fighting Trump. He’s a psychotic.

      You can try to change reality and pretend he’s acting rationally, but he’s not. People all over the country are rising up against him.

      Worst President Ever. Already.

      • hipatriot808 says:

        Never said people should not oppose his policies. I said that by criticizing everything he does, you are building a profile that may not match where this country is in 4 years. Calling him a psychotic or irrational, doesn’t refute anything I stated in my post.
        Ask the people (not the elite politicians) in Europe how they feel about some of the refugees that came from those seven countries without proper vetting. And yes, some of the terrorist attacks over there have been committed by refugees.

    • HanabataDays says:

      “Every time Trump sneezes” …

      … he’s at risk of having his brain shoot out his nose and fly across the room.

  4. Marauders_1959 says:

    The ones applauding the LOUDEST are groups of islamic terrorist-in-training recruits.
    Jihad, Jihad… Let us in quickly !!!

  5. klastri says:

    One by one, members of Congress are abandoning Trump. They are finally realizing that he’s not sane.

    He’s a national and international laughingstock and buffoon.

    Worst President Ever. Already.

    He won’t last two years.

  6. djsmith says:


  7. cojef says:

    The refugee problem is a United Nation function. Wonder how the UN is handling this global problem? Good opportunity for the “globalists”!

  8. HanabataDays says:

    So, literally the only politicians applauding this clueless move are his European bosom buddies — the leaders of their own countries’ far-right pariah parties.

    Maybe they should start a Facebook Friends group. They could call it “Der Neue Broderbund” or something equally evocative of their roots.

    I’m only surprised that Bibi hasn’t chimed in yet. Perhaps he’s shrewder than these other soapbox ranters. Perhaps he’s realized that Trump’s rapidly becoming too toxic to touch.

  9. mctruck says:

    Goldman Sachs, the world’s largest and strongest bank has come out and strongly opposes Trumps ban on travel. Only time will reveal how this plays out.

  10. bsdetection says:

    Very conservative Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin:
    “The schism in the GOP could not be more obvious: On one side stands “blood and soil” nationalists bent on stirring the passions of working-class whites who have been convinced that all Muslims are dangerous. They decline to look at the outcomes of the policies; rather, they seek to bond with and channel the irrational anger of their base. The justification for an outlandish policy becomes: That’s what President Trump ran on. (Put differently, the more closely you look at Trump’s executive order on immigration, “the more clearly un-serious it is in addressing any real problem. It’s Breitbart-like boob bait for the bubbas,” as Bill Kristol tweeted.) The order is both under- and overinclusive in scope, substituting immigration exclusionism for national security policy. (Or is it using national security to justify immigration exclusionism?)”

  11. RYMATS says:

    I still don’t understand ‘Why’ do Muslims want to come to a Christian majority country that is contrary to their beliefs and customs? Is it because of the liberal ‘free rides’ that the US offers? Why not protest and make changes in their own country if they are not happy with the way things are there. Why burden another society with their ills and welfare. You don’t go into another person’s house as a guest and protest taking off your shoes because it is not your custom. You accept and work around your hosts rules and ways, not protest them. Or, stay at home.

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