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Charlotte police refuse to release video of deadly shooting

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney paused before answering a question, Thursday, during a news conference after a second night of violence following Tuesday’s fatal police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, N.C.

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A CMPD officer, center, spoke with protesters in Charlotte, N.C. on Wednesday.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. » Charlotte police refused under mounting pressure today to release video that could resolve wildly different accounts of the shooting of a black man, as the National Guard arrived to try to head off a third night of violence in this city on edge.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney said that releasing police dashcam and body camera footage of the killing of 43-year Keith Lamont Scott could undermine the investigation. He told reporters the video will be made public when he believes there is a “compelling reason” to do so.

“You shouldn’t expect it to be released,” Putney said. “I’m not going to jeopardize the investigation.”

Meanwhile, an undisclosed number of National Guardsmen assembled in Charlotte, sent in by Gov. Pat McCrory after a second straight night of racial unrest that seemed at odds with Charlotte’s image as a diverse, forward-looking banking capital of the New South/

Charlotte is just the latest U.S. city to be shaken by protests and recriminations over the death of a black man at the hands of police, a list that includes Baltimore, Milwaukee, Chicago, New York, and Ferguson, Missouri. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, today, prosecutors charged a white officer with manslaughter for killing an unarmed black man on a city street last week.

In Charlotte, scores of rioters Wednesday night attacked reporters and others, set fires and smashed windows of hotels, office buildings and restaurants in the city’s bustling downtown section. The NASCAR Hall of Fame was among the places damaged.

Forty-four people were arrested, and one protester was shot and critically wounded; city officials said police did not shoot the man.

Today, in a measure of how tense things had become, three of Charlotte’s major employers — Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Duke Energy — told thousands of employees not to venture into the city.

Hours before nightfall today, the police chief said he saw no need for a curfew. In addition to the National Guardsmen, North Carolina state troopers and U.S. Justice Department conflict-resolution experts were sent to keep the peace.

Demonstrators have been demanding answers in Scott’s killing, with some carrying signs that read “Release the tapes.”

Police have said that Scott was shot to death Tuesday by a black officer after he disregarded loud, repeated warnings to drop his gun. Neighbors, though, have said he was holding only a book. The police chief said a gun was found next to the dead man, and there was no book.

Putney said that he has seen the video and it does not contain “absolute, definitive evidence that would confirm that a person was pointing a gun.” But he added: “When taken in the totality of all the other evidence, it supports what we said.”

Justin Bamberg, an attorney for Scott’s family, said the family would watch police video of the shooting later today.

“The family wants answers. The family deserves answers,” Bamberg said. “Quite frankly, we don’t know what’s on the video. We know what law enforcement says is on the video.”

The lawyer also said that Scott’s wife saw him get shot, “and that’s something she will never, ever forget.” That is the first time anyone connected with the case has said the wife witnessed the shooting. Bamberg gave no details on what the wife saw.

Experts who track shootings by police noted that the release of videos can often quell protest violence, and that the footage sometimes shows that events unfolded differently than the official account.

“What we’ve seen in too many situations now is that the videos tell the truth and the police who were involved in the shooting tell lies,” said Randolph McLaughlin, a professor at Pace University School of Law. He said it is “irresponsible” of police not to release the video immediately.

Other cities have released footage of police shootings. Just this week, Tulsa police let the public see video of the disputed Sept. 16 shooting, though the footage left important questions unanswered.

Last year, a Chicago police officer was charged with murder the same day the city released dashcam video that showed him shooting black teenager Laquan McDonald 16 times, footage that contradicted the accounts of officers who said the teen swung a knife at them.

“We all stand together declaring there must be transparency and the videos must be released,” the Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP, said at a news conference. “At this point, there is speculation because the videos have not been released. Be clear: There is unrest in Charlotte and across America because of what we do know.”

The police chief acknowledged that he has promised transparency in the investigation, but said, “I’m telling you right now, if you think I say we should display a victim’s worst day for consumption, that is not the transparency I’m speaking of.”

Associated Press writers Seanna Adcox, Jeffrey Collins, Jack Jones and Gary Robertson contributed to this report.

6 responses to “Charlotte police refuse to release video of deadly shooting”

  1. nalogirl says:

    Why didn’t it say how Scott’s brother said to get all white people! The cop that shot him was black. I’m so sick of these agitators. There will be instances where the police have to shoot, but stop intimating that all cops are white.

    • klastri says:

      His brother was shot to death, and the police are refusing to release a video of the shooting. I’m sure that you have perfect composure and would happily allow the police to do whatever they want with a smile on your face if that was your brother. But not everyone is like you.

  2. biggerdog says:

    Time to deploy Hoy Hoy’s new “mega” roach trap. About the size of a modest store front, and using Air Jordan’s and big screen TVs as bait, they walk in but they don’t walk out. Perfect!

    • klastri says:

      You are a racists imbecile. I’m sure you’re heard that before – probably lots of times over the course of your pathetic life – but I wanted to say it also.

  3. dontbelieveinmyths says:

    Somehow this has evolved from a race thing to an anti police thing. It’s going to get worse as these “adults” will teach their children that the police is the enemy and you shouldn’t obey their commands. Where are all the black leaders?

    • klastri says:

      You might consider for a moment that the police are the ones shooting these men. Since the police refuse to release the video of the shooting, you are suggesting that anyone didn’t obey a command from a platform of complete ignorance. You have no idea what happened, because the police won’t disclose it. Doing that may have prevented or stopped this further violence.

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