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	Comments on: Armed car thief takes vehicle with 2 kids inside; children later dropped off safe	</title>
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	<description>Hawaii News, Sports, Weather and Entertainment</description>
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		By: paniolo		</title>

		<pubDate>Fri, 09 Sep 2016 23:13:51 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.staradvertiser.com/breaking-news/armed-car-thief-takes-vehicle-with-2-kids-inside-children-later-dropped-off-safe/#comment-191448</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[People NEVER LEARN.  Just a couple days ago, similar situation happened when a father left keys in the car when he filled up gas with kids in the back seat. Went in the gas station for something, then, on camera showed him running to his car at the pump while the carjacker drove off.  It ain&#039;t worth it.  You don&#039;t know who&#039;s watching.  People are desperate out there.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>People NEVER LEARN.  Just a couple days ago, similar situation happened when a father left keys in the car when he filled up gas with kids in the back seat. Went in the gas station for something, then, on camera showed him running to his car at the pump while the carjacker drove off.  It ain&#8217;t worth it.  You don&#8217;t know who&#8217;s watching.  People are desperate out there.</p>