Hawaii’s Catholic schools statewide report a 99 percent graduation rate of high school seniors, which falls in line with the national average, according to a Hawaii Catholic Schools news release.
A total of about 500 students graduated from Damien Memorial School, Maryknoll High School, Sacred Hearts Academy, Saint Francis School and Saint Louis School on Oahu; St. Joseph Junior-Senior High School on Hawaii island; and St. Anthony Junior-Senior High School on Maui.
In the release, Michael Rockers, who serves as superintendent of Hawaii Catholic Schools, said, “Hawaii Catholic Schools are committed to providing a strong core curriculum with academic merit as well as inspirational visual and performing arts and competitive athletic programs.”
Betty White, head of Sacred Hearts Academy, said, “Sacred Hearts is proud to highlight the colleges to which our girls are accepted — the majority going to the mainland attend Catholic colleges — Seattle University, Loyola Marymount, Santa Clara, Gonzaga and Creighton. These are very high quality schools.”
The release noted that 100 percent of Maryknoll High School seniors have been accepted to colleges, 29 percent of which are Catholic colleges. At Saint Francis School, 99 percent of seniors will continue on to a university or college, 23 percent of which are Catholic colleges.
More information is available at CatholicSchoolsHawaii.org Opens in a new tab.
Public invited to tour Honolulu Tabernacle
The Honolulu stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will host a public open house Aug. 20 as part of 75th-anniversary festivities for the Honolulu Tabernacle, 1560 S. Beretania St.
A celebration program at 5 p.m. will honor past Honolulu stake presidents.
The open house, set for 4 to 5 p.m., will feature free guided tours of the tabernacle, dedicated Aug. 17, 1941.
Located at the top of Kala- kaua Avenue, at its intersection with South Beretania Street, the tabernacle is known for its “striking white building and distinctive features, such as the Reflecting Pool, the illuminated Christus mosaic, and the 141-foot tower, second in height only to the Honolulu Aloha Tower in 1941,” according to a news release for the event.
Guides will tell guests about the history of the Mormon Church, the tabernacle and its architectural features.
Free parking is available in the next-door parking structure near Punahou Street. For more information, call 358-6935.
Correction: St. Francis School has a 99 percent rate of sending students to college. An earlier version of this story and in the Aug. 6 print edition said the rate was 93 percent.