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Charting a road to 270, Clinton sets out most efficient path


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton doesn’t appear all that interested in making any scenic stops on her state-to-state quest to become president. The Democratic nominee is instead programming her GPS to take her on the quickest route to collect the 270 Electoral College votes she needs to win the White House.

DES MOINES, Iowa >> With three months until Election Day, Hillary Clinton is focused on capturing the battleground states that have decided the most recent presidential elections.

At least for now, this approach is favored over competing aggressively in several other promising states where she might be able to expand the map.

Clinton’s team doesn’t rule out an effort at Arizona, a state with a booming population of Latino voters. There’s also Georgia, which echoes recent population trends in other Southeastern states where Clinton is running hard.

But neither is among the 11 battleground states that Clinton’s television advertising plans and her travel schedule point to as her focus.

Those states are the perennial top-tier targets Florida and Ohio, plus Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

69 responses to “Charting a road to 270, Clinton sets out most efficient path”

  1. berrygood says:

    Most efficient path to 30 trillion in debt

    • OldDiver says:

      Not likely. President Obama has steered the economy past the George Bush recession which caused the national debt to rise significantly. A President Hillary Clinton will have a chance to balance the budget if voters give her a democratically controlled congress.

      • serious says:

        OD, read ANY book on the recession and three names come up as the culprits: Clinton, Dodd and Frank. Obama could have been a hero if he had taken the stimulus money and put it into putting people to work on our infrastructure.

      • noheawilli says:

        Do you really believe that? What warped memory do you have? The doubling of the debt is all on Obama, Bush did his own damage but the race to 19 trillion is in the whitehouse now. Hillary will not stop the debt clock from rolling on. Johnson is the only candididate that will even address this looming threat.

        • Boots says:

          Sorry No, the debt is primarily on republicans. They ignored the Presidential briefing memo warning of a terrorist attack, and they started a war based upon pure lies.

          Now people like you want to walk away from liabilities caused by such stupid wars. We wouldn’t be at 19 trillion if it wasn’t for those wonderful republicans doing the opposite of what they preached. (Uncle Ron and GW)

      • Paulh808 says:

        Let me introduce you to the sub prime mortgage mess that Bush inherited from Slick Willie.

    • Boots says:

      30 trillion would only be if the Donald should somehow win. Republicans are known for practicing Voodoo economics and should they win, deficits don’t matter. One thing I am fairly confident of is that Hillary will soon be submitting a balanced budget, something republicans haven’t done since their last true republican president, Eisenhower.

  2. Bdpapa says:

    She’s gonna win by default! If a decent candidate was running against her, it would be a race. Let her do her 4 years and get her out!

    • Boots says:

      It seems to be true that when she is in office, she is well thought of. She will probably be in for 8 years unless she starts a Vietnam type war.

    • kuroiwaj says:

      Bdpapa, Ms Hillary does have a plan to 270 electoral votes, but with her experience the 2nd time around running for President, a $182 million to $57 million for Mr. Trump spending in July, staffing of 732 v 70 for Mr. Trump, a $386 million v $94 million for Mr. Trump funds raised to date, and only a 4 point lead in the polls, she must be facing a very heavy head wind. Mr. Trump, whom I strongly support, has a similar plan for 270 electoral votes and next week polls will provide a much better indication where each candidate stand and what will be required to reach 270.

  3. Keonigohan says:

    “I short circuited…” end quote CROOKED LYING PINNOCHIO hiLIARy…in telling the TRUTH…err or rather telling LIES…errr or telling the LIES over and over.
    Totally disgusting human who also has American Blood on her hands.

  4. wiliki says:

    Hopefully she can build trust with the voters of that region,

    • sarge22 says:

      ‘Clinton Cash’ author demolishes Hillary’s self-defenseGrave incompetence or brazen dishonesty?

      Those are the only two conclusions one can reasonably come to after reviewing Hillary Clinton’s stunning Sunday interview on local New Hampshire TV.

      When WMUR local TV host Josh McElveen asked Clinton why her State Department greenlit the transfer of 20 percent of all US uranium to the Russian government, Clinton claimed she had no involvement in her own State Department’s decision to approve the sale of Uranium One to Russia.

      “I was not personally involved because that wasn’t something the secretary of state did,” said Clinton.

      The transfer of 20 percent of US uranium — the stuff used to build nuclear weapons — to Vladimir Putin did not rise to the level of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s time and attention?

      Beyond being an admission of extreme executive negligence on an issue of utmost national security, Hillary’s statement strains credulity to the breaking point for at least three other reasons.

      First, nine investors who profited from the uranium deal collectively donated $145 million to Hillary’s family foundation, including Clinton Foundation mega-donor and Canadian mining billionaire Frank Giustra, who pledged $100 million.

      Since 2005, Giustra and Bill Clinton have frequently globetrotted together, and there’s even a Clinton Foundation initiative named the Clinton-Giustra initiative.

      But Hillary expects Americans to believe she had no knowledge that a man who made a nine-figure donation to her foundation was deeply involved in the deal? Nor eight other mining executives, all of whom also donated to her foundation?

      • Cricket_Amos says:

        What a tangled path she weaves as on and on she contrives and deceives.

      • star08 says:

        WOW! Thanks

      • wiliki says:

        Probably not really uranium… typical Republican lies.

        • Paulh808 says:

          Wilkie, this is well documented stuff, get you head out of the sand, please, this stuff is important.

        • Keonigohan says:

          Paulh808…sad when someone such as wiliki speaks with no facts….makes for an awkwatd moment.

        • wiliki says:

          Politifact says Trump has lied.


          Russia was approved a purchase of 20% of a uranium mining company – not uranium. Russian can’t export it from the us.

          This kind of lying is so typical of trump and Republicans.

        • sarge22 says:

          On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton stood in front of a large crowd and criticized Donald Trump for his ties not being made in America, but it turns out her entire pantsuits are generally made in Bangladesh or China.

          The Hill reported: On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton stood in front of a clothing display at American-made Knotty Ties in Colorado. The image was to portray the message that Trump ties can be made in America. “So, why does Donald Trump make his ties in China?” Clinton asked.

          She failed to mention that this company, Knotty Ties, predominantly hires Muslim refugees, which effectively steals all those so-called jobs from Americans.
          Don’t you find it hypocritical that Clinton stands in front of a Colorado tie company (full of refugee non-American workers) to point out that Donald Trump makes his ties in China and suits in Mexico.

          While she wears clothing from designers who manufacture most of theirs in China, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka?

          There was plenty of conversation surrounding the white pantsuit Clinton wore at the Democrat national convention while accepting the nomination. We’re told it was a Ralph Lauren pantsuit. She’s also known to wear Armani pantsuits at her speeches. Ralph Lauren and Armani assemble many of their products in Bangladesh.

  5. bumbai says:

    The AP has deteriorated into a shameless propaganda apparatus

  6. HOSSANA says:

    I GET SICK AND DISGUSTED JUST THINKING ABOUT HER AS OUR NEXT PRESIDENT. How do the educators….teachers ……reflect upon the character traits of a leader to their students……lie, cheat, swindle……HOW CAN SHE ACTUALLY STAND THERE WITH A STRAIGHT FACE AND TELL THE PEOPLE SHE WOULD BE A GREAT PRESIDENT…..HER CHARACTER HAS ALREADY BEEN DESTROYED AS A LYING AND DISTRUSTFUL PERSON AND YET PEOPLE ARE SO “GA..GA” OVER HER…….maybe that is the nature of our culture………as one source puts it succintly….she is a “congenital mendacious liar.”

    • Keonigohan says:

      Libs would disagree with your honest and fact based post as being a lie. That’s why I smh & laugh when libs try to “defend the indefensible”.
      Trump & Pence 2016 “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”

      • Boots says:

        lol, I laugh when so called conservatives defend that great republican hero, The Donald. He is fun to watch though. Shame he has mental problems.

        • Paulh808 says:

          Any one but that lying Crook and her sexual predator husband?

        • Keonigohan says:

          Boots, can you see the love in hiLIARy’s eyes when Huma is with her…and the look of disdain when she’s with bubba? just wondering.

        • lespark says:

          At least Huma and Crooked Hillary don’t have to worry about Zika.
          The entire Texas Republican delegation in Congress signed a letter to President Barack Obama Friday, asking for answers on hundreds of millions in unspent money to fight the mosquito-borne Zika virus.
          Our leader goes on vacation? Where was he 9/11-12/2012?. Benghazi.

    • Boots says:

      Has any president ever said they would not be great? I am amazed how people eat up right wing propaganda and accept it as fact. Hillary was not my choice for president but she will be a good president provided she doesn’t get us involved in a stupid war. If you are truly concerned about lying and being distrustful, you should be doubly concerned about the Donald. Here is a chicken who said he was going to release his taxes but now says he won’t. Now there is a liar and a flip flopper. Don’t hold your breath for the Debates between the Donald and Hillary. I am pretty sure the Donald will chicken out.

      • calentura says:

        Release taxes or help Russia get uranium. Release taxes or help overthrow Gaddafi. Release taxes or …. Benghazi, emails, foundation, short circuit. Boots, you must have something bigger than tax returns.

        • Keonigohan says:

          Calentura don’t let Boots go there cuz that would the BIGGEST WHOPPER this side of the Mississippi River!!!

    • lespark says:

      Bill I can understand but how can she face her daughter?

  7. MoiLee says:

    Which “Path”? The Lying Path?….you gotta be kidding me !
    Are her supporters that delusional to know who this person really is? Or are they voting on a false premise? The Gender Card. Remember Folks we made the same mistake “voting on a false premise”? (In 2009).This time? Using The Race Card! Which brought us Barrack Hussein Obama……… Think about it? Our Brave soldiers just ended and Won the the war against an evil Tryant! A Dictator who shares the same name as Barry. “Hussein”…… This is how crazy the United States Of America have become. IMUA

  8. krusha says:

    Mission accomplished for Trump. We all know this has been a charade and Trump is doing everything he can to bring down the GOP party. Expect Hillary’s win to a landslide of epic proportions, or as Trump would say, huuuuge! 🙂

  9. Ikefromeli says:

    It is all but done. As to the crucial states: Florida, Mi, Ohio, PA, VA and Wisconsin, he trails in all, and in some, past the tipping point, i.e. more than 10 points. Now, what one needs to be cognizant of, is that he this is not a menu of states he may win, but rather, he needs to sweep ALL of them. Talk to any person in the know, whether a R or D or in-between, and they say it would a very uphill battle with any candidate.

    Now, when you factor in the entirely feckless and impulsive Trump, the matter becomes near impossible. And that’s not even making mention that he polls in the very low single digits for Blacks and Latinos. As the RNC has already announced and determined, in order to be competitive in a national election, any R presidential candidate, must obtain in the mid to the high 30s–again he is in low single digits.

    So, if anyone can provide a lucid and cogent answer how he will do this, I would love to hear specifically on how this will happen??

    If not, I’ll leave you with this, as to this farce of a man named Trump and his comical campaign: The IQ of sloths and the manners of banshees–his constant banter is the palaver of the inane.

    • Winston says:

      After a week of being behind Hillary Clinton by ten points or more in various polls, Donald Trump has suddenly pulled to nearly even in a national poll by Reuters/Ipsos released Saturday.

      Clinton leads with 42 percent of the vote compared to 39 percent for Trump, a significant gain for the GOP nominee, who had been behind by eight points in a Reuters poll Monday.

      Outlier or trend? Hard to say, but it IS safe to say that this thing is far from over.

      Also, a belated congratulations on joining the Obliviosite Club. What’s that you say?

      What do we call the Clinton supporters who so easily ignore the herd of pachyderms (elephants) and apes (800 pound gorillas) in the room regarding their candidate? I say we call you folks Obliviosites, as in a person oblivious to the obvious.

      For example, Obliviosites are congenitally oblivious to the following:

      Clinton’s failure as Secretary of State
      Clinton’s direct/obvious ties to the Wall Street bankers through her speaker fees payola and huge campaign contributions
      Clinton’s blatant conflict of interest, probably direct corruption, through the Clinton Foundation
      Clinton’s seeming inability to actually tell the truth
      Clinton’s casual willingness to put her personal interest ahead of national security in the email scandal
      Clinton’s hubby, an alleged rapist, disbarred, serial sexual harasser.
      There’s plenty more– but SA space limits must be honored.

      • Cellodad says:

        I’m not generally a Huffington fan but this time around, they seen to have the best handle on the major polls as they are released. They do a composite graphic representation of the polls over time on the top of their poll page.


      • Ikefromeli says:

        All well and good. That said, it was conspicuously noticed that you either failed or wantonly ignored the most basic of questions: how will he win this election without the significant vote (the inflection point from a percentage basis is about 36-37%) of the following: Blacks, Hispanics and women with college degrees?

        You see–at the end of the day, I’m a rather practical sort–that is to say, I let the numbers do most of the pushing. By relying on the more binary scenarios, we can take out a lot of the supposition and political innuendo. So, again, I ask you for a candidate that is currently in the low single digits for those very germane voting groups, how will he turn this around??

        If you can’t respond in a comprehensive and syllogistic way, well then rhe answer is plain…..he can’t.

        • Winston says:

          Maybe right. Those numbers aren’t in concrete either. We’ll see. However, not my point which is the fluidity and ease of Clinton supporters in ignoring her flaws.

          Enjoy your club membership!

      • Ikefromeli says:

        A widening chasm between the candidates in national polls is playing out on the Electoral College map as well. As Clinton has pulled away from Trump overall, she’s moved traditional battleground states into her column. Clinton posted significant leads this week in Florida, Michigan, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania — which would clinch the election for the Democrat, even if she lost the other seven states POLITICO has identified as battleground states (Colorado, Iowa, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Wisconsin).

        But Clinton has also put longtime Republican states onto the map. Top Democrats gawked at polls this week showing her with slight advantages in Arizona and Georgia, even though neither state has voted Democratic since Bill Clinton was president.

        There are already signs Trump is poised to respond. Though he has yet to air any television ads in the general election, the real-estate tycoon’s campaign this week requested rates in 17 different states — a roster that includes the traditional swing states, but also reliably red states like Arizona, Georgia, Indiana and Missouri.

        At the same time, the Trump campaign is also inquiring about ads in historically Democratic territory — Maine, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin — counting on the candidate’s appeal with working-class white voters to overcome the traditional blue tint of these four states, none of which has gone Republican since the 1980s.

        Trump’s path to the presidency is both narrow — losing more than one state among the trio of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania would make Trump’s path a tightrope walk — and wider, given the candidate’s trips to traditionally Democratic territory, like his visit to deep-blue Portland, Maine, this week.

        Still, both national and state polls show Trump has emerged in the immediate post-convention period as a decided underdog. Prediction models that take into account state polling show Clinton shattering her previous ceiling. FiveThirtyEight’s “polls-only” forecast has Clinton over 80 percent odds to win for the first time since it launched two months ago. Same for The New York Times’ Upshot model.

        The state polls on which those models are built were unanimous this week in identifying decisive Clinton advantages in the most critical battlegrounds. In Florida, Suffolk University surveyed 500 likely voters from Monday through Wednesday, finding Clinton with a 6-point lead, 48 percent to 42 percent.

        Clinton blew open a 15-point lead in New Hampshire over Trump in a WBUR-FM/MassINC survey of 609 likely voters, in a state whose primary she lost by 22 points to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
        Michigan, another state Clinton lost to Sanders, has also moved more solidly in her column. Clinton leads Trump 41 percent to 32 percent in the latest Detroit News/WDIV-TV poll; and in a separate EPIC-MRA survey, Clinton holds a 10-point lead of 46 percent.

        Trump was already taking a hit in Pennsylvania even before he declared to a Northern Virginia audience that its capital of Harrisburg “looked like a war zone” as he flew out of town. A Franklin & Marshall survey, conducted by telephone and online, showed Clinton with an 11-point advantage of 49 percent to 38 percent, a week after Suffolk University’s poll showed a solid 50 percent backing Clinton to 41 percent for Trump.

        But Clinton’s advantage extends beyond the known universe of battleground states.
        She’s jumped out to a small advantage in Georgia, posting a 4-point lead of 44 percent to 40 percent in an Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll out Friday, drawing significant majorities of women and the population of the immediate Atlanta metropolitan area.

        And here is another crucial point, because the Ds have literally dozens of options to win the White House, the Rs has but a few, and why is this important. Well, one it over taxes the ground structure and finances for each of the respective states. So, basically, the Ds force the Rs to defend in non consequential states and deplete their resources. This is what occurred the last cycle and is already occurring at present.

        Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/donald-trump-polls-slump-226735#ixzz4GaG8WfJ4

      • lespark says:

        The Clinton campaign is attacking Trump on his character yet Crooked Hillary’s character stinks to high heaven no matter how much cheap perfume she soaks in.

        Pence is a Great choice for VPOTUS. Tim Kaine hangs out with the Mayor of Fairfax. Check it out if you don’t believe me. DNC scandal? What next.

        The entire Texas Republican delegation in Congress signed a letter to President Barack Obama Friday, asking for answers on hundreds of millions in unspent money to fight the mosquito-borne Zika virus.
        He went on vacation.

    • MoiLee says:

      How ? This is How! And I’ll try not be a Sloth,Banshee or a “Palaver” when opining. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Remember The Latino Judge reopening The Trump University “Scandal” Who the Media later suggested he was racist to all Latinos? And all the publicity it had gained? well?
      Fast forward today? Only to be forgotten? Yes it was “forgotten”. ie: The Khan story, just like the Latino Judge story will blow over and also be “forgotten”.
      So you asked “how”?……This is HOW!
      As Donald says: “And you can believe it”.

      However, will it blow over for Hillary?

      You have to remember The MSM is On Hillary Clinton’s and the Democrats side,just like Obama ,even with the MSM on his side he is still losing as far as Trustworthyness,effective,efficient,and competent!
      VS: Donald Trump,A Job Creator, A successful Business man, The Under Dog,The Non-Politician! And yet! The MSM had it in for Donald Trump or any of the GOP candidates from the “Get Go”. Remember GW Bush? After 911 the MSM were on constant attack mode ….to him and the GOP? But where was any mention of the Democratic controlled Congress who voted for the War in Iraq? Crickets!
      Yes indeed you would figure with the MSM playing cover for Hillary, she will definitely win the presidency hands down?? I don’t think so.anyway,because there is NO “Specifics” of the outcome. lol. Only polls?
      Time will tell.

      • Ikefromeli says:

        Lot of words, but no mention on specifically how…..it’s obvious he, nor you, have any real answer to my rather direct and pointed question.

  10. bluebowl says:

    All those arms outstretched to greet her are sure white!

  11. CEI says:

    The media has circled the wagons around the Clintons (and little Barry) so many time it’s second nature to them. Not ignoring the fact that Trump has made some major gaffes and frequently shows a lack maturity but…Clinton has major ethical baggage that has been well documented. The Clinton machine masterfully dismisses and minimizes scandal after scandal (again like little Barry’s handlers) and the media go along like lemmings. Does anyone out there really believe the AP would print a story like this with Trump as the subject?

    • Ikefromeli says:

      CEI what you NEVER address or concede, is that every major poll, produced by the left or right, and everything in-between, has HRC decidedly ahead.

      • CEI says:

        Addressed and conceded, Clinton is ahead in the polls. The doesn’t mean she is not a seriously flawed candidate who, to be polite, is ethically challenged. Naturally if you’re a Clinton supporter you gravitate to left wing news sources HuffPO, CNN (The Clinton News Network), MSNBC etc. These “news” organizations are Clinton cheerleaders so it makes sense their readers/viewers would be ignorant of of her and Bill’s bad behavior.

        • Ikefromeli says:

          Hmmmn, you might want to re-read most of my posts, as they are by and large, articles from the following: that National Review, the American Spectator and the WSJ, hardly liberal or D aligned publications.

      • sarge22 says:

        Thanks for the update. HiLIARy is being exposed for what she really is. The tide is turning and we have to help in getting the story out. For the second weekend in a row, a movie Hillary Clinton probably does not want you to watch is being released. Based on the book of the same name by Peter Schweizer, who also narrates the film, the “Clinton Cash” documentary delves into the finances of the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative, initially founded in 1997. What’s most disconcerting — and what should prove to be a huge eye-opener to the tunnel-vision Clinton faithful — is the nature and timing of these connected events. They include dictators of oppressed nations, countries pursuing nuclear weapons, graft-riddled nation states in search of U.S., taxpayer-funded aid and those doing extensive environmental harm — all flying directly in the face of entrenched, long-acknowledged, Democrat party and supposed Clinton (then and now) platform positions.Watch the movie free…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM

        • st1d says:

          also out: hillary’s america, the secret history of the democratic party. by dinesh d’souza.

          picked it up at costco, side by side with clinton cash.

          excellent reads. corruption, racism and lies of clintons and democrat party written to be easily understood by even the most gruber of core democrats.

        • CEI says:

          sarge as you no doubt are aware there is a news media blackout on anything harmful to the Clinton machine. So the people that really need to see this stuff will not be allowed to have that opportunity. Sad but true.

    • hawaiikone says:

      I’m a supporter of Gary Johnson. He’s by far and away our best hope for getting out of this mess. That said, there’s an even more vital issue at stake here, and it’s the very real likelihood of several upcoming vacancies on the supreme court. Probably within the next 8 years 5 of the seats will need replacements. Having Johnson in place would probably facilitate some reasonable, somewhat conservative appointments, standing a pretty solid chance of confirmation. Hillary is a shoe in to provide us with a left leaning court for a least a generation. By that logic alone, should Gary never command the numbers needed to close on the leaders, Trump at a minimum should at least keep the court conservative for the immediate future, and having a cautious, step by step court is far preferable to one that believes in societal interpretations as opposed to original intent.

  12. CEI says:

    A more accurate headline “Cheating a Road to 270”. How the democrats will pad their edge with illegal aliens, dead people, multiple voting and outright vote buying. Republicans must demand voter ID laws in all states.

  13. mctruck says:

    According to the Bloomberg Political report, the Clinton Campaign has reserved $5.5 million advertising time on NBC’s Rio Olympics, while the Trump Campaign has no time reserved. In fact, it reports that the Trump Campaign has not invested anytime, anywhere for ads since May.
    Also, on AOL big splash; “GOP strategist getting ready to dump Trump.”

    Hello!?, I mean, GOODBYE!

  14. WizardOfMoa says:

    Trump or Clinton? No, no, no, no ………

  15. Shotzy says:

    She is NOT the person we want as President. She is so beholding to fat-cats and other regimes it will be impossible for her to make authentic, original policy. She belongs in prison period. ABC 2016

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