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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 74° Today's Paper


District 03 – Susan (Sue) Lee Loy

Full Name: Susan Lokelani Keohokapu Lee Loy

Name on Ballot: Susan (Sue) Lee Loy

Age: 46

District / office: Hawaii County Council District 3

Email Address: sue@voteleeloy.com

Current Job: Legal assistant/land planner

Place of birth: Honolulu

Campaign website: www.voteleeloy.com Opens in a new tab

Job history past 10 years:

PBR Hawaii (assistant/planner)

Carlsmith Ball (paralegal/planner)

Ka Umeke Kaeo Charter School (Kakoo Poo Kula – executive to principal)

Lee Loy Concepts, independent contractor provide legal assistant/planning, community outreach services

Ever run for public office? If so, when? Outcome?

Other civic experience or community service?

County of Hawaii Water Board, member

Kamehameha Schools Hawaii PTO, founding board member and secretary

Keaukaha-Panaewa Farmers Association, member

Waiakeawaena Elementary, robotics coach

Waiakeawaena Elementary, PTA Special Education class representative

Anything else you’d like voters to know about you?

Using my skills to create sustainable long-range plans and polices to benefit the entire island of Hawaii

What makes you qualified to be a Council member?

I have 20-plus years with drafting, creating and passing legislative rules and policies for various legislative bodies, boards and commissions at the community, county and state level.

What are your top five priorities for the county?

Providing excellent core services that our real property taxes are set up to do such as caring of our roads (paving), parks, wastewater, solid waste and emergency services (police and fire).

Financial stability of county programs for our seniors.

Support of county programs that offer a safe environment for children.

What is your one big idea?

Work in collaboration with various industries and levels of education to expand STEM programs here in Hawaii County to “A2-STEEM2” the acronym would stand of Agriculture, Astronomy, Science, Technology, Engineer, Environment, Math and Medicine. Pronounced esteem; “Creating Esteem for our families, county and state.”

The Hilo landfill is nearing capacity. When it closes, should trash from East Hawaii be hauled to the Puuanahulu landfill, or not?

Rubbish will not go away and trucking it from one side of the island to the other is only one part to consider. We will need to consider all the options available, trucking, reduce/recycling, composting/green waste and even waste to energy to truly address our solid waste needs.

The basic fare for the Hele-On bus system is $2, but the system still requires taxpayer subsidies to operate. The county has demonstrated that a lower fare can increase ridership. Should the fare be reduced, increased or left the same?

I would like to see it stay the same. If there was any increase to fare, I would like to see monies utilized to develop a Hele-On App for smartphones that riders could use for more reliability and continue ridership.

The gasoline tax in Hawaii County is now 8.8 cents per gallon, about half that of Kauai, Maui and Oahu. Do you support increasing the county gas tax to provide more funding for maintenance of county roads and the Hele-On bus system?

I would like to see the state return more of the TAT tax to the counties for maintenance of county roads and the Hele-On bus system.

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