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District 13 – Harry Ozols (L)

Full Name: Harry Ozols

Name on Ballot: Harry Ozols

Age: 67

Political Party: Libertarian

Running For: Senate

District: 13

Email Address: hvozols@yahoo.com

Current Job: Retired

Place of birth: Venezuela

Campaign website: www.oharryo.com Opens in a new tab

Job history past 10 years:

Captain, United Airlines

Ever run for public office? If so, when? Outcome?:

2000 Colorado State Senate, unsuccessful

Other civic experience or community service?

Dowsett Point board of directors, vice president

Nuuanu/Punchbowl Neighborhood Board No. 12, member

National president emeritus, Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association

35 year AFL-CIO Union member and representative

Employee representative and president of employee council of a large corporation

Anything else you’d like voters to know about you?

People GRUMBLE THAT THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE to the tired ideas and politicians churning them. I am THAT FRESH ALTERNATIVE to those ideas and politicians. As I run a non-institution grassroots campaign, I humbly ask for your vote and support to be our next senator from District 13.

What makes you qualified to be a state senator?

I am not a politician or lawyer allowing me to see problems from outside the government and from a more human experience perspective. I have always guided my life by doing the next right thing. I PLEDGE to use taxpayer funds under my influence with utmost integrity and fiscal conservation.

Gov. Ige says he will once again propose increases to the state gas tax, vehicle weight tax and state registration fees to help pay for state road projects. Do you support his proposal?

No. All tax increases must be opposed as we are overtaxed already. Road projects can be funded with user fees and voluntary consumption taxes. Some states do not have an income or sales tax. Hawaii needs to figure this out. Tax burden should not fall on the majority of citizens.

If the Legislature is again asked to extend Oahu’s half-percent excise tax surcharge to finance construction or operation of the rail system, would you support such an extension?

No. We can find private business to partner with to build and operate the rail. The businesses that benefit the most from rail should help the most. To prevent horrific cost overruns we should heed independent experts for a second opinion such as the IMG report ordered by Gov. Lingle.

Should the state play a role in cracking down on illegal vacation rentals in Hawaii?

No. We should set up a system with minimum government interference that would allow private owners to increase housing and insure that appropriate taxes are paid. Property owners should be assisted, not impeded, in maximizing the use of their private property as wished. This is the duty of our government.

Should the Legislature require that police officers in Hawaii use “body cameras,” and help to fund the use of those cameras?

Yes. This is a simple and relatively inexpensive tool to help individual and police officer’s rights. Cameras are an impartial silent witness as to the facts of each occurrence. The savings in prosecuting opposing witness points of view alone would more than cover the acquisition and operating costs.

Dozens of police officers in Hawaii are disciplined each year for committing crimes or violating departmental policies, but little information is released about the officers or their cases. Do you think there needs to be greater public disclosure?

Yes, but only to the extent that it does not violate the officers rights. We should set up more civilian oversight and investigate all facts while protecting the rights of officers such as is done with our grand jury system. Facts can be brought out without compromising individual rights.

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