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District 19 – Stephen N. Bischoff (R)

Full name: Stephen N. Bischoff

Name on ballot: Stephen N. Bischoff

Age: 68

Political party: Republican

Running for: House

District: 19

Email address: bischos@yahoo.com

Current job: Retired professional

Place of birth:

Grand Rapids, Minn.

Campaign website:


Job history past 10 years:

Retired City and County of Honolulu road maintenance supervisor in charge of seven rural baseyards, 400 employees, $9 million budget. Owner, Honolulu Vending and My Treasure, an antiques business. Now fully retired.

Ever run for public office? If so, when? Outcome?

1999 — I ran as a Republican candidate against then-Congressman Neil Abercrombie. I handily defeated Neil in numerous election debates but for some inexplicable reason I lost in the primary election after garnering the confidence of thousands of like-minded voters.

Other civic experience or community service?

Twenty-five years, AYSO/HYSA soccer coach and administrator. Fifteen years as NJB and KAC basketball coach. Organized 3,000 player indoor soccer leagues at Honolulu Boys & Girls Club, Kilauea and Koko Head recreation centers. Organized a 200-player Sunday soccer league for Japanese students who couldn’t play on Saturdays, and a 40-player mentally/physically challenged soccer league. Ten years as City and County Aloha United Way coordinator.

Anything else you’d like voters to know about you?

Married 45 years, four years college, Vietnam-era veteran. Three college graduated sons, three granddaughters, four hanai daughters and granddaughters. Smaller, more efficient government with fewer taxes, with equal opportunity for all. Student studies conducted in cool, comfortable, clean environment conducive to a good education. Priorities: children, seniors, veterans, roads, homelessness.

What makes you qualified to be a state representative?

I’m running for representative because I believe in term limits. No member of our government should serve longer than 10 years. Our government and its servants become complacent, corrupt, harbor cronyism and get stagnant with the same old ideas. It’s way past time for change in our district.

Gov. Ige says he will once again propose increases to the state gas tax, vehicle weight tax and state registration fees to help pay for state road projects. Do you support his proposal?

My basic pledge to voters is “No new taxes.” One hundred percent of all gas, vehicle weight and registration fees should go to road/ bicycle/foot path projects. I am for walking and bicycling for a healthier, cleaner Hawaii. Twenty percent of all “federal road funds” should go to a world-class bike- and footpath.

If the Legislature is again asked to extend Oahu’s half-percent excise tax surcharge to finance construction or operation of the rail system, would you support such an extension?

No. This was a “$10 billion no-brainer,” poorly conceived project from day one, bought by one City Council vote. I call it “the rail system to nowhere.” Why the rail system didn’t go from West Oahu campus to the UH staggers the imagination. “Boondoggle,” to say the least.

Should the state play a role in cracking down on illegal vacation rentals in Hawaii?

Kailua seems to be the problem, which is well out of my district. “Illegal” should say it all!

Should the Legislature require that police officers in Hawaii use “body cameras” and help to fund the use of those cameras?

Yes, body cameras should be used by all Honolulu police officers, and no, the state shouldn’t get involved. The last I looked, the police department fell under city jurisdiction. I would think SHOPO would be glad to pay for the expense out of union dues to protect HPD officers.

Dozens of police officers in Hawaii are disciplined each year for committing crimes or violating departmental policies, but little information is released about the officers or their cases. Do you think there needs to be greater public disclosure?

Yes. HPD officers and firefighters are sworn to a higher standard of conduct than are other public employees. A secret is only kept a secret because someone doesn’t want full disclosure for fear of tarnishing their own image. Full disclosure of pub

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