Honolulu Star-Advertiser

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 69° Today's Paper

Unrepentant Rod Tam back, like a rash on Hawaii’s okole


Former City Councilman Rod Tam spent two days in jail for his slippery accounting and was also sentenced to 324 hours of community service. He made a forgettable run at mayor in 2010 and has been lurking like a virus waiting for an opportunity to resurface.

Oh, man. Rod Tam.He’s back, like one of those viruses that hang out at the base of the spine and flare up when defenses are down.

This time he’s infected a new body, the Hawaii Republican Party, whose defenses are so weak it practically swooned over Donald Trump and his virulent, racist vulgarities.

Compared with Trump, Tam is a small-time offender, but he is offensive nevertheless. His greatest hits were so outlandish they made national news under headings like “Weird News.”

Remember the bill to authorize naps and snacks for state workers? That was Rod Tam. As a state senator he introduced the bill, saying it would help state workers feel appreciated.

Remember the smelly-bus-rider bill? That was Rod Tam. In 2009 he introduced a measure at the City Council to punish riders who stunk up public transportation with a fine of up to $500 and six months in jail.

Oh, then there was the time he blithely used the “wetbacks” slur. That was in 2008, blazing an ignorant, bigoted trail by insulting Mexicans long before Trump was talking about building a wall.

“We don’t want any, uh, wetbacks, basically,” Tam said back then. “OK. We’ve been receiving (reports about) developers or contractors been bringing in wetbacks from New Mexico. Uh, Mexico. I’m sorry. Mexico. OK. Illegal aliens. And that’s a problem here, basically. We don’t want that type.”

Then there was the time he wanted to turn Koko Crater into a dump. After months of study and discussion of various sites, Tam shocked the rest of the City Council by suggesting a place that wasn’t on the list, is home to endangered plants and is geologically ill-suited for a long-term landfill.

After that came the meals. Lots of them, paid for with taxpayer money and documented with phony restaurant receipts fabricated to show he was talking city business. He’d take family members out to dinner and claim he was talking to constituents about their concerns. Then, when he turned in the paperwork to be reimbursed for the meals, he’d tweak up the tab and pocket the extra money.

Tam spent two days in jail for his slippery accounting and was also sentenced to 324 hours of community service. He made a forgettable run at mayor in 2010 and has been lurking like a virus waiting for an opportunity to resurface.

Though Hawaii Democrats never disavowed Tam, the head of the Hawaii Republican Party was quoted as saying they’re “thrilled” to have the convicted thief, proven liar and all-purpose goofball on their team. What’s worse? Not kicking him out or welcoming him in?

No, the worst would be forgetting how this crooked, petty man took our money and thought he was absolutely entitled to take his wife out for Valentine’s Day dinner and have us suckers pick up the tab.

He probably thinks we forgot all about that stuff, and that’s why he’s running for state Senate again.

Yeah, that’s Rod Tam, too.

Reach Lee Cataluna at 529-4315 or lcataluna@staradvertiser.com.

105 responses to “Unrepentant Rod Tam back, like a rash on Hawaii’s okole”

  1. kauai says:

    Maybe the man has extremely thick skin. Or he’s had a pre-frontal lobotomy. More likely, some wizard zinged him with a memory charm….

  2. mcc says:

    Great story, sad but true. Rod Tam is like most of our politicians in Hawaii. They do not represent anyone but themselves.

  3. HOSSANA says:

    He might be a “royal pain in the arse” but really, why only pick on Tam when there are countless other legislators/councilmen that are just as idiots as Tam when they have been caught for some transgression. And many of these idiots are Democrats, also………..

    • justmyview371 says:

      The Democrats don’t want to hear it! Truth has nothing to do with it.

    • cardoc says:

      Hit the bottom of the barrel when we talk about Romey Cachola. Now he is the champion and he got elected into the Senate! His integrity speaks for itself when he turned everyone else in for things equivelant to a parking ticket at worse.

  4. sandi2000 says:

    Cataluna, get off your high horse. It’s people like you in the media that sway public opinion with liberal bias opinions. Trump wants to finish the wall which is already party built to keep out ILLEGAL aliens because the feds won’t do it is not being racist; keep Muslums out until there is a method to vet these people is not being racist. And this judge you are probably referring to belongs to a liberal Hispanic society for the promotion of Hispanic lawyers in Southern California. Most lawyers would object him from hearing their cases as is their right. Nope, you probably did not hear that one because the liberal media has its own agenda like you obviously do too.

    • kiragirl says:

      I agree. Tam is not in my district but why is she spewing all this venom? She think she’s a comedienne? Terrible if she is trying to be funny.

      • lwandcah says:

        Because he is an easy target, with very little chance of any sort of retaliation against her. I would like to see her try and take on the big boys (or girls like Hanabusa). There are a whole lot of our local politicians that deserve a lot more scathing report than Mr. Tam. At least with Tam you know exactly what you are getting. With most of our elected officials, they are pretending to be representing their electorate, when in fact they put themselves first, and their “special interests” a close second.

        • gicnk says:

          …and for the most part harmless and as you said, go pick on the big boys or girls who are feeing at the public troughs and harming Hawaii for personal gains.

        • allie says:

          very true. Tam is a joke but it is easy to go after him. There are far more damaging people out there than Tam. Start with the very dark Hanaboo boo. Hawaii is a bizarre place and permanent and inept political class.

        • mytake says:

          I agree, there are many other bigger fish to fry in Hawaii politics. Will Cataluna do a followup story on these, or is she happy to stop with an easy target.

        • justmyview371 says:

          Tam is not harmless.

        • koadog says:

          There are laws about bullying in schools and at the work place. We need laws that will stop the bullying of people like Tam by the newspaper and other news media.
          Shame on Lee Cataluna and other Star Advertiser writers who keep picking on Tam with the same old story that happen 6 years ago. What is purpose of knocking Tam so badly. Wouldn’t it be kinder to write articles about what Tam is doing today or to give his point of view of what happened 6 years ago that put him in jail for one day?
          There are other politicians that have done worst things, however these politicians have one or more lawyers so the writers of the Star Advertiser do not pick on them.

      • mitt_grund says:

        Lee Cataluna is a “journalistic” bully. Basically, through ridicule and hypereboly, she is trying to put someone down whose misdeeds are minor next to politicians who are still in office, including our Legislature, our City Council, developers, contractors, and union officials. His misdeeds are less egregious than that of Nestor Garcia and Romy Cachola, the former for accepting a $60,000 a year position for his sell-out to the toy choo-choo as council chair, or the latter for the blatant purchase of an SUV with campaign funds, both of whom were only fined for their misuse of funds. Lee, somehow, ignores these miscreants. Could she be inspired by a similar bias that she accuses Rod Tam of? Or how about all those legislators who got sweetheart deals on Hawaiian Home and other lands supposedly set aside for the ordinary Kanaka Maoli, but manipulated by these unethical manipulators of their political clout. Easy to pick on a racial minority, eh, Lee. Can’t pick on your own. Just the Chinaman.

        You should go wash your mouth out with soap, preferably lye, because that is what you are doing with your exaggerated hyperboly. Shame, and you call yourself a journalist. You’ve stooped into the slop can for this article.

        Go after the real criminals, if you have the actual courage to do so. Otherwise you are just another wordy pint-size wannabe mouthing off in the wilderness.

        • mitt_grund says:


        • allie says:


        • livinginhawaii says:

          Agreed. I also find her somewhat racist. Remember her article slamming TV broadcasters?

        • justmyview371 says:

          I don’t like Cataluna because she is so biased, but how can you people possibly be defending Tam. Bewildering!

        • cojef says:

          Pseudo journalist protected by SA to push its liberal agenda!

        • justmyview371 says:

          While Garcia and Cachola have faults including particularly Cachola, there a lot of big crooks, both politicians and private sector operatives. The while State is corrupt and don’t both to defend all these people.

        • Bigwill says:

          With political corruption and asinine arrogance that Tam exhibited there is no true measure of what can be construed as level of egregiousness. Basically he cheated, got caught and lied. Lying and cheating at any level is not right, let alone from a public official that is supposed to represent the public and uphold trust and lawfulness. You should focus on the content of the article, do you have kids? Do you foster honesty and righteousness in your home, or do you tell your kids it’s OK to lie and cheat as long as it is a low level “egregious” offense?

          Tam is a loose cannon, in addition to the smelly bus rider bill he introduced a bill to mandate naps for City workers to improve productivity. Another one was to provide snacks to City workers because they needed this benefit to work better and for morale.

        • biggestuhfan says:

          It’s “hyperbole”

        • Tanuki says:

          So you are saying that it was OK for Tam to steal taxpayer money. Just because other people commit crimes doesn’t make it OK for Tam. And it doesn”t make it wrong for Lee to call him out on it.

      • cpit says:

        Shame on Lee Cataluna. Kick a dog while he’s down says a lot about her character. Making fun of him over and over is even worse. Lee: You should know better. Your attack was extremely brutal and very unforgiving.

      • kekelaward says:

        She probably didn’t get asked to lunch at Zippy’s.

        And what’s wrong with the “smelly bus passenger” bill? If you’ve ever rode the bus, you’d know it a problem that’s getting even worse. Some buses smell like urine now.

    • Manoa_Fisherman says:

      Bernie Sander supporter on MSNBC yesterday stated that any alien can come to the United States without clearing any legal requirements. How crazy is that? Trump may be appear to be extreme on the immigration issue, but not as far out/crazy as the Democratic (Socialist) Party position in this election. By the way, nobody goes to Longs anymore.

    • justmyview371 says:

      Walls don’t work. They can tunnel under the wall in a matter of weeks with ultra cheap workers. Tunnels are good to smuggle illegal aliens, drugs, guns, and other contraband. Also, a good way for ISIS to get into the U.S. They keep finding new tnnels all over the place. Now, tunnels are an easy way to walk out of high security (chuckle) prisons.

    • MillionMonkeys says:

      Come to your senses, Cataluna haters! You might have some points about her journalistic methods, but she’s done a good job here of bringing out again Tam’s ethics violations. There may be people who weren’t in Hawaii or were too young to pay attention when all that happened. There are people with short memories who need the facts laid out again.

      Sure, someone should go after the big wigs like Hana-abuser and Mufioso. But meanwhile, she is doing a public service by reminding everyone how un-senatorial and slimy Tam is. And meanwhile, why don’t one of you big talkers write an editorial those politicians you feel should be criticized; show Cataluna and everyone here how to do it. In other words, YOU do it!

      • mcc says:

        The truth hurts the Cataluna haters. Great story Lee, sad the haters still love Rod Tam. Maybe he bought all of the a sailing or hamburger with our tax money. Like Hawaii voters, they love these crooked politicians.

        • keakoa says:

          Ditto…Tam’s greatest supporters are his “grass-roots” connection, and they go deep! Great reflections Lee!

      • Tanuki says:

        Agree. These people never even met Tam. I worked with him. He has no conscience at all. Everything that Lee said is true, and way more. Tam is crooked and dumb. No skaid em go get em.

    • MANDA says:

      What in the world do your opinions about Donald Trump have to do with a local petty thief running for office?

  5. rossi says:

    We all need to be reminded of people like Rod Tam, and people that defend him.

  6. jeffyjc says:

    Poor reporting by Lee, i wont even call it journalism. Nothing new. In this story. The writer does demonstrate her ability to use a google search engine. Rod has done many things for the district. Taking care of city parks was one area he focused on. Chinatown was another strong point for him, on getting the arts program going. And unlike many he recognized the importance of dealing with the homeless issue downtown, and Lee, no one wants to ride a smelly bus.
    And on the nap bit, do more reseach and you will find, a few people agree with his idea, that it improves performance of employees…Lee, just do another google search. Does an afternoon nap improve ones performance?

  7. whs1966 says:

    The Hawaii Republican Party welcoming Tam shows how desperate the party leadership is. Perhaps the headline of the article referring Tam to a rash on Hawaii’s okole is out of line, but everything she reported is true.

  8. Makua says:

    So Tam is bad but others are worst. Thanks Lee for reminding us that power corrupts. Our self concerned politicians need to be called out when cashing in on their fring benefits. Tell me stories of the others. I would like to know why our one sided democracy is so suceeeful at ruling our island world.

  9. popolo says:

    dis almost as bad as da wahine running in place of mark takai…………….her slogan i no mo cancer

  10. cwo4usn says:

    Ms. Cataluña, I was only with the article until you mentioned Trump. You lost me there.

  11. WizardOfMoa says:

    No matter what he is or what we think of him, the headlines of this article resort towards tabloids headings. Surprised it is written by Lee Cataluna, the local ” nice kind” columnist. Didn’t think SA would go this route succumbing to barrel of rotten apples written articles.

    • ALLU says:

      It’s not a “barrel of rotten apples” if it’s the truth. There are way too many crooked politicians and former politicians shaming this once beautiful state. What a shame to see what was once a gorgeous place to live go down the tubes.

    • medigogo says:

      Agree. It’s quite mean and in poor taste. I’d not like this kind of journalism. Where is the aloha?

  12. ALLU says:

    My cousin read Governor Ben Cayetano’s book and there is a rather large section devoted to Mr. Tam and his buffoonery.

  13. islandmom says:

    I don’t live in his district, but the key point to me is that for years, the people who lived there elected him to represent them. The rest of us may think he is a joke (so he won’t win island- or statewide offices), but the majority of those Nuuanu-Liliha constituents clearly thought that he did a good job in the legislature and the City Council for them. Have they had enough of him? We will all see, come Election Day.

    • SHOPOHOLIC says:

      Yup. All politics is local. This why we continually see the Soukis, Garcias, Tams, etc. get into office and, at times, stay in office virtually forever…

  14. ready2go says:

    Is this guy fo’ real? What a clown! Glad he’s not in our district. Lo-lo!

  15. advertiser1 says:

    SA, will you please move this from the news section. Opinion at best, but blog status is more appropriate.

  16. justmyview371 says:

    We needs to be given a stronger medicine this time to eliminate the rash.

  17. roxie says:

    With what ROD has been thru, he has gone thru a party transformation to the other side of the road joining the GOP. Look out DEMOCRATS, knowing what he knows, he may rat you ALL out for government corruption. NO LOYALTY AMONGST THIEVES.

  18. HakunaMatata says:

    I used to hold Lee Cataluna in high esteem. I’m shocked that she would write an attack like this on Tam. Everything she says is true, but he’s small time. In deed and in sin. Doesn’t take much courage to do an article like this on him. Where was she when the big players were ripping us off? Standing by for her article on Mufi, Caldwell and others who are responsible for the 5.2 Billion Dollar – now 7 Billion Dollar Union payoff project.

  19. residenttaxpayer says:

    Seriously….as if people would vote for Rod Tam….he’s finished….done….he’s just seeking publicity to let people know he’s still around……

  20. wrightj says:

    Just drink some okolehao, and all will be forgotten. Okole maluna!

  21. kekahahi says:

    Lee’s response to any conflicting comment regarding her journalism? “Freedom of the Press, Baby”!

  22. HAJAA1 says:

    Oh Lee….your articles crack me up sometimes. Very happy you picked up the pen and spoke for us on this weasel.

  23. kealohi says:

    So then, has “Her-pees” for Domocrats now become “His-pees” in the Republican Party?

  24. islandstyl says:

    I don’t agree with what Rod Tam did but it’s in his right to attempt at another shot at public office. If the people don’t like him, simply don’t vote for him. If he wins, then guess who the real idiots are.

  25. ehowzit says:


  26. Bully says:

    Rod Tam should make a sign that says Okole Rash. Got scratchum.

  27. aiea7 says:

    it appears the repubs like bizzare candidates for office. they like idiots, bigots, ex-criminals, just people without morals and integrity.

  28. readthefineprint says:

    Rod and Fritz. Birds of a feather….

  29. 1makule says:

    Cracks me up that those who can’t stand Lee the Liberal continue to read her column. LOL!!!

  30. yobo says:

    I believe Rod Tam is really a closet Democrat disguised and running for a Republican seat.

    Is he any different from the Mayor, Council members, legislators/lawmakers, Al Hee, or other misfits in this state?

    I think NOT !

  31. iwanaknow says:

    Do not vote for him……he had his chance and blew it.

  32. butinski says:

    If Hillary Clinton, with all her baggage, can run for president, why can’t Rod Tam run for Hawaii senator? He now has tremendous name recognition. Anybody know or care who his opponents are? If the West side can elect their Pines, Cacholas, Elefantes,, then surely the Nuuanu folks can elect Tam again.

  33. fiveo says:

    If the choice was between Rod Tam and Karl Rhoads, I would vote for Rod Tam. I do not like Rhoads, leftwing or so called progressive views.

  34. MANDA says:

    I love Lee Cataluna’s columns. Someone who calls it like she sees it is pretty rare around here where we all get along to go along.

  35. Mr Mililani says:

    Why doesn’t she go after Mufi? He’s the one who really gave us the business. Tam is small potatoes compared to the big guy.

  36. CKMSurf says:

    The test of the voters. What does it say about them if he gets into elected office?

  37. berniel1 says:

    Rod Tam no mo shame! He cheats the City and now he wants to cheat the State. He tinks we get short memories. He running in my district but I not going vote for him. Once a crook, always a crook is what I say.

  38. bluhawaii74 says:

    Her editor must have taken Kam Day off.

  39. Canefire says:

    If no good thing to say… da guy get family too you know.

    What about at least interviw his side of stories and give chance to present in the article no?

  40. Kaneohe5 says:

    Cataluna and Readon are the same person. Don’t be fooled.

  41. Junkflyer says:

    This really should not be under the “News” banner. It is a column or feature piece at best.
    Rod Tam may be an idiot, but to couch it as he is worse than the other local politicos in or out of office is a disservice at best.

  42. medigogo says:

    Tam looks like a crook and is a crook. But I think Lee is quite mean here. Can you do something more newsworthy or inspiring as a reporter or columnist? Instead of digging up again something old and all known. It’s an easy article to write to print, but not very thoughtful.

  43. WestSideTory says:

    Instead of bashing Cateluna (not that I care), but what’s up with Hawaii GOP! It’s bad enough that they have been irrelevant for the last 8 years, but this is a new low. Stupid is as stupid does!

  44. Koolaulau says:

    Did Lee Cataluna move back to Hawaii? Why is she still writing for the Star-Ad, I thought she was living on the mainland.

  45. okmaluna says:

    Lee I reread your “Kalaheo Mafia” story again from 5 years ago. You were ahead of the “Real Housewives” wave. I do hope you are writing “the real housewives of Kalaheo” script.

  46. lmoore says:

    One of the best Rod Tam analogies: comparing him to a virus like MERSA. Thank you, Lee, for making that laugh-out-loud comment. I’m going to have my cookie and nap now so I can feel appreciated.

  47. hybrid_mustang says:

    I still thought it was funny….

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