Police release video of suspect in Kakaako purse snatching

This image from a surveillance camera shows the suspect, wearing a hooded jacket and shorts, riding a bicycle.

Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a man who stole a woman’s handbag in Kakaako last month.
At about 7:27 p.m. on May 16, a woman was walking on the sidewalk near 1236 Waimanu Street when a man on a bicycle grabbed her handbag and fled, police said on the honolulupd.org website Thursday.
Surveillance camera video shows the suspect, wearing a hooded jacket and shorts, riding a bicycle, apparently just before the robbery. A second video shows the suspect running in a black t-shirt, without the hoodie.
21 responses to “Police release video of suspect in Kakaako purse snatching”
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What kine Micronesian is dat? Let’s hope TheDonald gets elected for POTUS and stop the flow of migrants into the US. Let’s pay Micronesia to have Safe Zones in their homeland so they can stay where they come from.
agree..he is definitely Micronesian..sad…
These riff raff are already active in your East area of Hawaii Kai. No neighborhood is safe.
How do you know the guy is Micronesian? He could be Hawaiian, Filipino, Samoan, Fijian, or even a mix of different nationalities.
You must be new to Hawaii. There is a huge difference between micronesians and Polynesians that is easily identifiable.
Pilau town side
giggle..but he biked over from Kapolei
He looks too fat to ride that far. LOL
You find something funny about this?
Shim is a sick person. If you live here pack it up and beat it. You are not needed in this state.
Like it or not, wearing a hoodie in summertime Hawaii is branding you as a well, hoodlum.
I see lots of school kids doing that to look cool. I don’t think that makes them a hoodlum.
Say two identical men walk into a Hawaii bank. One has a hoodie with the hood over his head, the other is wearing a nondescript shirt. Which, in your unprejudiced opinion, is apt to draw more wary attention from tellers and bank staff? To think there are no negative connotations to donning a hoodie in a tropical sea-level climate is being naive. Under such conditions, it’s a badge indicative of conformity at its most benign, to representing something else at its worst.
Boyz from da “hood.”
Look em up. Throw away the key.
That may not be easy, since he looks like a lot of guys here.
May 16th? This along with the McDonald’s reach out a bit dated…come on. Then after all is said and done…”Catch and Release”. Got to get tough…maybe we need a new Mayor…let’s see we have Caldwell and then we had Carlisle…hmmmm….
Looks like the same guy who was lookout for two other guys on bicycles that robbed me on Atkinson Drive by Ala Moana Hotel in broad daylight, April 16th. So when do we start getting serious about stopping these thieves? Friends in the hotel industry tell me that they advise their guests not to walk on certain streets because of the danger.
Why are we posting these pictures. I think in Hawaii we have the best CATCH & RELEASE program for all of our criminals.
I meant to say video.
what happened to the case a couple of days ago when a punk punches a woman to steal her handbag? the police asked for any info about the suspects when the video clearly shows the license plate of the getaway car. what is HPD doing? these punks should already be in custody. this tough guy literally knocked this lady out. sickening.