Price leaving Perry on morning radio

Michael Perry and Larry Price of KSSK are pictured in the hall near the station’s Roadrunner Music Hall in Iwilei.
Effective May 15, Larry Price will end his 33-year run as part of the Perry and Price morning radio show on KSSK-FM 92.3/AM 590.
Later this month, Price, 81, will begin co-hosting a new sports show that will air on Saturdays at 11 a.m. with Rick Hamada on sister-station KIKI-AM 990, branded “FOX Sports 990.”
All three stations are owned by Texas-based iHeartMedia Inc. (formerly Clear Channel Communications).
“I decided the time is right and appropriate to make this change,” Price said, in a statement. “I am grateful for the support of our loyal listeners and for all the great years on KSSK. And, I am excited about the opportunity to talk sports with Rick.”
Price “certainly deserves the opportunity to sleep a little more, and work a little less,” said Perry.
Perry will continue handling the morning show and the live broadcasts of the Saturday morning breakfast show solo. Price will continue to be heard on archived “The Best of Saturday Morning Shows” when no live shows are scheduled.
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Price continues to be active in the community.
He participated in the induction of local athletes into the Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame Tuesday; he will be among the honorees at the Honolulu Police Community Foundation gala Friday; and on May 31, Price will receive the 2016 University of Hawai‘i Founders Alumni Association Lifetime Achievement Award.
81 responses to “Price leaving Perry on morning radio”
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You’ve had a good run Coach but you should have stepped aside years ago.
Just what I was going to say.
Coach was always entertaining, but he should have worked for the post-office. He’s been mailing it in for years.
I wish Perry would leave too. His right-wing rantings sound like Trump.
The radio station is owned by Texas-based iHeartMedia Inc. (formerly Clear Channel Communications), the same folks that had a spat with Howard Stern. The radio station isn’t going to cut Perry loose, as he is their perfect host.
But he won’t. And you already know that.
ryan02 – Did you know if you do not like a radio station you can change it by tuning in another one? What a concept.
Quit being a whiner and just change the station. Rookies…….
You are absolutely correct local guy. People should vote their pocket book.
You too…enuff already…step aside!
only in hawaii you can have a speech impediment and speak on the radio..that was brutal to listen too..auwe
His on air persona is very different in person. Mr Price is sharp as a tack. Extremely intelligent, well mannered and humble. In other words, Larry Price was a class act when I got to meet him many years ago. Congratulations, Mr Price!
Believe his speech difficulties were in large part due to health issues he had. In reality, he was a well educated man.
I see…..He deserves to be able to sleep in every once in a while.
I’m going to miss their nonstop barrage of annoying commercials.
Good decision by Price. Altho he has a great list of accomplishments that you and I would envy, he contributed very little to the P & P Show. His favorite line was “…I was watching the History Channel”.
Maybe if they replaced him with a liberal, we’d have some fireworks on a show that has gotten duller and duller.
You mean like Hannity and Colmes and then it just became Hannity by himself. I haven’t listened to Perry and Price in a while but the few time I have it is basically been a Perry (Hannity wannabe) ONLY show for quite some time. What might work is Perry by himself and then have a regular part time guest independent/liberal to intelligently counter Perry which might bring in the younger listeners. Perry has the senior citizen crowd but that is about it and in Hawaii the senior citizen crowd has the numbers so Perry, like Joe Moore’s ratings are solid. Perry is clearly a Trump supporter but he needs a part time foil who support Sanders, Clinton. How about trying out someone like Dave Shapiro for debate and political commentary with Perry.
agree. But let us all agree that Coach price is a good guy who volunteers for many community organizations.
Yeah, he’s a good guy, wasn’t much of a head coach but he did bring in the local kids in the early days of UH Div.1 football. Brought in the prominent black schools at a time when no major universities wanted to play them – Grambling, Texas A&I – and we got murdered by them. Unlike Perry, think Price is actually a smart guy with multiple degrees.
Good Luck in your future endeavors Mr Price!
glad i was able to attend the february saturday show in vegas this year.
good luck to you, coach. good luck to the perry show, too.
Kind of surprising Price will continue to be on radio on a sport show. Thought he would just ride off into the sunset.
The Perry and Price Show is non-stop right wing bile interrupted by incessant commercials. Price never should have gotten involved with that. Perry is beyond redemption.
perry is a hypocrite. rips apart liberalism, then kisses okole when one of them is on his show. hypocrite & coward.
#1 rated for years, and imagine in this liberal progressive Eden in which we live.
Loyal old demographics, especially the old local Asians who dialed in from ages ago, much like how Joe Moore rules 6pm news. One thing they got right was doing the traffic report and the “posse” thing. Perry gets paid handsomely by Repubs for doing his right-wing thing, much like everyone on Fox. Once the old geezers pass on, Perry will be irrelevant, as most of radio already is to millennials.
Since you seem to know so much about their show you must be a regular listener.
Right after the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 tragedy I flipped on the radio to KSSK Perry & Price right at the moment Michael W. Perry was doing the news. He was reporting on the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 tragedy then launched into a verbal attack on President Obama! Really?!? 298 people lose their lives in a senseless missile attack and your going to launch into a verbal attack on Pres. Obama? Michael W. Perry you have absolutely no class whatsoever. You’re a total coward and a right wing tool…..
agree…Perry is a bit of a cad. Poorly informed and irrelevant. He delivers very little real information. I listen only to 88.1 HPR.
How’s about because Obama was deserving of the verbal attack (which he often is, and Perry rightly points out). What was he supposed to do, perform a eulogy right on the spot? It’s a news program, not social hour.
Because it was a news report he should have kept his insane political rantings to himself. To use the Malaysian Air tragedy to segue into an attack on President Obama shows a lack of class and fanatical right wing zealotry…
Didn’t know personal attacks based on political differences was news
tploomi – Did you know if you do not like a radio station you can change it by tuning in another one? What a concept.
Quit being a whiner and just change the station. Rookies…….
Like you never criticize programs you don’t like on TV or the radio . . . You just don’t like to read criticism of a show you like. People are entitled to their opinions and it seems the comments here are predominantly negative toward P&P. Must suck for you.
Who can forget the newspaper column Larry wrote many years ago criticizing Pat Saiki for not including her husband in her campaign events? He had apparently not noticed that Saiki’s husband had passed away several years prior. That’s what is known in the entertainment industry as “jumping the shark.”
Well telex, she could have had his earn next to her on the commercials.
His form of pidgin english was irritating. He should have stuck with coaching football.
Coaching football!!! Are you kidding?? He set UH football program back by a good several years with his idiotic Hula-T. Nothing more and nothing less.
Coach, you’ve been a treasure in many ways. Sincere thanks and best wishes.
Thanks Larry!
Seems to me like this is a lateral move from grammatical errors and mispronouncing names in the regular world to grammatical errors and mispronouncing names in the sports world.
Agree! I used to regularly bet a coworker that Larry Price would misread, mispronounce, tell the wrong time or just screw something up within the hour. NEVER lost once.
Best line by Price was when he talked about the “..the same SU CK marriage..”
Years ago, I heard coach Price announce that there was an “outbreak of Blue Bonnet plague” in Hong Kong.
Back when I used to work in an office I admit that I used to listen some on the way in and it was always a daily topic of conversation discussing words and phrases that were butchered in the broadcast. Wasn’t he teaching classes at a university at one time?
I KNOW! Once, in June Jones’ & Colt Brennan’s last season, he was doing the sports broadcast and he totally butchered Brennan’s name. How does someone possibly mispronounce “Colt Brennan?” I can understand if the name is a long, difficult Polynesian or other unusual ethnic name, but come ON– “Colt Brennan,” besides being the most popular & well known UH player, is a name that is the pronunciation difficulty equivalent of “John Smith.” I never criticized him too much because I thought maybe he might be getting dementia problems related to his age and possibly football – related head trauma, but half the time he sounds like he’s intoxicated.
Thank goodness!! He couldn’t even speak properly—always sounded like he was foaming at the mouth. I was always embarrassed for him and imagined poor Mr. Perry sitting there covered in spit!!
As a coach he would say, I’ll play a local over mainland kid every time. Not so professional.
But this current one – “herelocaly” will beatradmark phrase foeva.
Mahalo Coach. Best wishes with the new show.
Aku would have been proud of how you guys kept the coconut wireless alive.
Our family hasn’t listened to their show in years. It’s just one long commercial with nonsense in between. Try Hawaiian 105 or the PBS stations.
His role on the show diminished over several years whereby he only did the weather and sports reports.
Now if Perry would just go away also. I switched them off years ago. Got tired of their right wing bile which got worse over the years.
Jumping to talk sports???? He doesn’t know about that either. Ever listen to him on OC16 telecasts??? He’s brutal, doesn’t do homework, butchers names of players, mispronounces Polynesian names which almost sound like swear words one coach told me. He never knew what a “bubble screen” was….unbelievable. It was like the only thing he knew was the “hula T” and that didn’t work out for him while he was UH coach. A broadcaster is suppose to be a communicator….he is not. He should do the business a favor and just slip away and NEVER to be heard of again.
I, too, have been embarrassed by Larry’s phonical missteps. “…from the square building on south bratania st.” and countless others. Just Monday, while I was driving into town, I tuned to KSSK for the 10 minute traffic. Mr. Price was at his best (worse?) and I though, just retire. Pau already. The show is dated, totally repetitive, and needs new energy. Their ad revenue is taking a hit, and potential advertisers look elsewhere. Moving forward: Perry and Pacarro????
Congrats Coach Price for a long radio career. I’m actually surprised you lasted this long, but kudos to you for doing so.
I don’t normally listen to the Perry & Price show but now and then I would glide over it. Like others, I feel that Perry is overboard conservative and that he should keep a lot of his personal opinions to himself. He still believes that there is “no global warming”, as it has been scientifically confirmed that our polar ice caps are melting away at an alarming rate.
Perry is the poor man’s Fox News
How would you possibly know? Up above you said “I listen only to 88.1 HPR.”
I wouldn’t call him poor.
What a great comment Perry made saying Price deserves the opportunity to sleep less and work more. Oh wait , I had it reversed. Well that’s what should have been said!
Bye coach. Thanks for everything!
Congratulations Mr. Price on an outstanding run! Thanks for entertaining and informing us for so many years. Have a long and healthy life!
Great! Seems like Michael W. Perry was doing all the heavy lifting @ KSSK! I like Larry,but I believe he should have hired a Broadcasting,Speaking Coach years ago. Football athletes may understand him, I just don’t!! Must be the
Guy butchers KSSK’s Morning news all the time! Even when he was younger! Stumbles on all his words. & It frustrates me and I simply change the channel till his segment is over,then change it back. Yes! The Time has(had) come or went?? Whatever! Anyway…. Happy Trails & Good Luck Coach
MoiLee, I could’ve written exactly what you shared. Good luck, Coach.
At least we know what ” katoosh ” means.
Perry got to go. His biased comments irritates me. Sounds like he is a racist
coach, thanks for the years of enjoyable commentary with wisdom and wit. wishing you the very best, as you have given to our community much more than you have taken.
He is.
Liberal idiots ^ just because someone disagrees with your views. He becomes a “Racist”?? Really? You could have “simply changed the channel”.
Price was obviously senile for a long time. Perry also getting up there in years. Time to add some new blood.
In a way its a bit sad. The majority of the comments saying “its about time”. I too had noticed Larry Price’s flubbing of words probably 10 years ago. I don’t listen to their show and can only imagine how bad his flubbing of words has gotten at this time.
The news that he’s leaving this show, rather than celebrated for the RIGHT REASONS, is celebrated for the wrong reasons. I wonder if its because the station couldn’t tell him to retire and he realized that its time 10 years too late?
Going to another radio show to discuss sports???? “NO CAN!”
dementia can hit at any age…..
Use to listen to KSSK years ago but got tired of Perry so now the only time i listen to that station is day after Thanksgiving up till Christmas and only after 10:00 AM. Good luck on your new job coach.
As much as Price makes mistakes on air, I stopped listening years ago because of Perry. I can’t stand all of the vocal impressions, either. Unfunny.
There sure are a lot of haters on the comment post today. if you don’t like the show, don’t listen but it seem like a lot of you do.
Played a few too many football games without a helmet.
Yet I’m willing to bet my left one that he is WAAAAY more successful than you are. What does that say about you, then?
Sorry to hear you go Mr. Price. The balance you brought to the morning commute will be sorely missed. At least no more “plantation hours”; up before dawn, myna birds squawking.
So what’s going to happen to the “Masters of Disaster”? The institutional knowledge of the whole crew is indispensable. Mr. Perry can’t shoulder that burden solo.
Ah, remembering Larry & Aku while driving to work.