Stars open Rainbow Film Festival

Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival Director Brent Anbe, left, welcomed Greg Louganis, April Carrión and festival founder Jack Law to the opening night reception for the 26th annual film fest Thursday at the Honolulu Museum of Art. Louganis was the subject of the centerpiece film, “Back on Board: Greg Louganis.” Carrión performed at the red carpet reception. For more pictures, see
Contact John Berger at
Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival Director Brent Anbe, left, welcomed Greg Louganis, April Carrión and festival founder Jack Law to the opening night reception for the 26th annual film fest Thursday at the Honolulu Museum of Art. Louganis was the subject of the centerpiece film, “Back on Board: Greg Louganis.” Carrión performed at the red carpet reception. For more pictures, see
Contact John Berger at
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