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Governor earns backing of isle carpenters union
The 6,100-member Hawaii Regional Council of Carpenters has endorsed Gov. Neil Abercrombie in his 2014 re-election bid.
In a news release Tuesday, Ron Taketa, the union’s executive secretary-treasurer, said Abercrombie has turned the state’s finances around and help spur job growth.
"Infrastructure projects and capital improvements on all islands have created more jobs for Hawaii’s working people and contributed to a healthier economy," Taketa said. "He has improved education for our keiki, and he is moving our state forward with the right priorities and the right decisions."
Abercrombie is facing a challenge in the August Democratic primary from state Sen. David Ige (D, Pearl Harbor-Pearl City-Aiea).
Pearl City High senior tapped for education board
An incoming senior at Pearl City High School is now a member of the state’s Board of Education.
Danson Honda was sworn in by Hawaii’s Supreme Court chief justice at a board meeting last week.
The Hawaii State Student Council selects a nonvoting student member to serve on the governor-appointed board.
Honda is a state medalist in cross-country and a drum major in his school’s Charger Marching Band.
Board Chairman Don Horner says Honda will be an important voice for the state’s 183,000 public school students.
The board’s outgoing student representative, Jannah Dela Cruz, recently graduated from Moanalua High School and will attend Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in the fall.