It’s the last Sunday in January and time to "flASHback" on the month’s news that amused and confused:
» In his State of the State, Gov. Neil Abercrombie urged lawmakers to "set aside our political preoccupations," then used the speech as a launchpad for his first political ads for re-election. It’s the Foghorn J. Leghorn school of leadership.
» The governor’s initial campaign ad set a theme of "Moving Up," and he held a fundraiser in Kahala to prove it. Attendees had to kick in $2,000 and call him Fresh Prince.
» TV meteorologist Justin Fujioka was named Abercrombie’s press secretary. He’s the first governor to generate so much hot air that he needs a weatherman to explain it.
» Abercrombie faces a rematch of 2010, with Republican James "Duke" Aiona announcing he’ll run again and Mufi Hannemann considering the race as a Republican or independent. Call it "Alien vs. Predator vs. Terminator 2."
» The 2014 Legislature opened with promises to tackle homelessness, Hawaii’s massive public debt and rising sea levels from global warming. The obvious first step is to build poorhouses inland.
» Hawaii’s four mayors asked legislators for the power to levy a county excise tax, though all said they won’t use it. That’d be as smart as letting 12-year-olds have car keys.
» The City Council deferred Mayor Kirk Caldwell’s plan to raise $8 million by selling ads on the sides of city buses and asked for other budget options. Next plan: pizza delivery medallions atop the buses.
» Caldwell said the city’s enforcement of the sidewalk nuisance law has resulted in a "changed pattern" of managing Oahu’s homeless. The pattern has changed from cat-and-mouse to hide-and-seek.
» Councilwoman Carol Fukunaga said we can afford public restrooms for the downtown homeless if we "put our creative juices together." Better our creative juices go in communal potties than on the sidewalks.
» U.S. Rep. Colleen Hanabusa said her U.S. Senate campaign will be guided by "the great wind" of the late Sen. Daniel Inouye. Instead of a campaign strategist, she needs a medium.
» Hanabusa trails in fundraising, collecting $1.6 million so far to $3.4 million for incumbent U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz. The gridlock in Washington may not be popular, but it sure is profitable.
» New University of Hawaii defensive coordinator Kevin Clune welcomed the challenge of joining a 1-11 football team, saying, "I’m fired up." Here’s hoping it doesn’t end in the usual UH pattern of just plain fired.
» And the quote of the month … from state Rep. Rida Cabanilla on her plan to export Hawaii marijuana: "We are the best! We have the best marijuana in the world. I haven’t tried it, but the people who have tried have said, ‘Wow!’" She should try it and see if it helps her make sense.
Reach David Shapiro at or Opens in a new tab.