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Saturday, March 29, 2025 84° Today's Paper

Five-0 Redux

Giving thanks

“Hawaii Five-0” is giving their fans much to be thankful about this season. After nine great episodes of strong character development and better procedurals, viewers seem to be enjoying their Friday night fix.

This week’s episode, “Hauʻoli Lā Hoʻomaikaʻi” —- aptly named as it means “Happy Thanksgiving” in Hawaiian —- was a great way to lead us into the holiday season.

“Five-0” really does a great job with special occasion episodes, and this one can be added to the list. I think we all love seeing the Five-0 team kicking back and having a good time, so the opening ʻohana football game with McG (Alex O’Loughlin), Cath (Michelle Borth), Sgt. Duke (Dennis Chun), Kamekona (Taylor Wily), and Mamo (Al Harrington) up against Danno (Scott Caan), Chin Ho (Daniel Dae Kim), Grover (Chi McBride), Gracie (Teilor Grubbs), Nicky The Kid (returning guest star Larry Manetti) and cousin Flippa (Shawn Mokuahi Garnett) was a great way to start what turned out to be a long and emotional Thanksgiving Day.

I loved how Kamekona and Flippa traded the shrimp line for the D-Line, Chin Ho expertly recalled his Kukui High quarterback days and Danno played excellent wide receiver reminiscent of his Charlie Tweeder past. Cath added to the fun, scoring a touchdown and getting a ride from Danno. Grover joined new buddy McG, with Danno giving Steve a bit of pouty interrogation about why Grover had been asked to join them before McG was pulled out of the game when his phone clucked orders to put a turkey in the oven.

Oh, McG, you never cease to amaze us. Not only can you fill a tub with lye and tell a perp, “You’ll talk or you’ll burn,” even after he’s been shot and is bleeding all over your kevlar, but you can still cry when your aunt tells you she’s dying of cancer and comfort your sister even after she failed as your turkey prep cook. McGarrett, you’re still our hero, no matter if we eat shrimp casserole for Thanksgiving or not.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist pointing out how much our SEAL hero has, I don’t want to say changed as much as I’d like to say he’s perhaps… evolved? No longer is he the “neanderthal” Danno chastised in season one. And for me, that’s not a bad thing.

Don’t start writing angry emails, folks. What I mean is, McG is a far richer character now and it’s nice that Alex O’Loughlin is allowed to show it. He’s excellent in scenes when he has to be emotional; look at how many times he’s had to react to hardships and heartbreaks, and how believable and true he’s been. I know it’s writer and executive producer Peter Lenkov’s desire to show all of the characters as real people and not card-board cutouts of typical stereotypes. And maybe because this is the fourth season, but the characters are richer and more complex, and in turn the storylines are evolving.

But the best part of this episode? Carol Burnett as Aunt Deb, Jack McGarrett’s sister who raised Mary Ann after Doris’s “death.” She seemed to be a hānai (foster) mom to Steve as well, as they seemed equally as close and affectionate. Steve wasn’t even that nice to his own mother, but seemed to share a lot of love and laughter with Aunt Deb.

I loved how she teased him about his grey temples and called his sister “Mary and her little lamb.” And her sarcastic bantering with “Hairnet,” the butcher she tries to buy a turkey from on Thanksgiving (played with perfect irony by Hawaii Chef Sam Choy), was classic Burnett humor.

The backstory of Deb giving up her career to raise Mary was a great lead in for the ending scene, when Aunt Deb sang her farewell to her “little ʻohana.” And the heartbreaking revelation of her brain tumor, all while sitting in a jail cell after she had been busted for trying to buy pakalōlō (i.e. marijuana, or as Aunt Deb called it, “grass”) was much like the Carol Burnett we grew up with on television and was a testament to her storied career and talent.

While we wept right along with McG for his Aunt and for the devastating toll her news would take on Mary Ann, the scene was basically hilarious. Sgt. Duke shaking his head, probably muttering as he led McG to Aunt Deb’s cell, Deb’s explanation about trying to buy grass from a narc and then demanding someone good-looking to give her a lift home all helped to add humor and honesty to the scene. Deb is a character we could all get behind; perhaps if Doris had been a little bit like her, many of us wouldn’t be so anti-Momma McG.

I think I could probably write another 500 words about how much I liked Burnett in this episode. I did watch diligently to see if she touched her earlobe, but perhaps she only does that when she is “playing” herself. Still, all of the moments she was a part of on screen were magical. When she rubbed Steve’s back as he cried, when she sat with Cath and looked out at the “most beautiful spot on the island,” when she said Steve was once a little boy who lost his mom and had to grow up too fast – all are moments I think fans will remember and add to their favorites.

The procedural itself was good and I liked the twist of an ending. Our President has vacationed several times in Hawaii during his tenure, and yes, he really does stay on the windward side of the island in a private Kailua home. I did like that the red herring in this episode was the assassination. The fact it was a hit on a dental hygienist who witnessed a Russian mob murder was not what I expected.

Wouldn’t it be cool if President Obama had made a cameo? It would have been epic to see him make his way down the steps of Air Force One, but I will settle for another show with Burnett any day.

We also got to see more of Kono and Adam’s story. Chin updated his cousin and told her the Five-0 team took down the rest of Michael Noshimuri’s faction so that Kono (Grace Park) no longer has to look over her shoulder. Now, all she has to do is find Adam (Ian Anthony Dale).

Perhaps this means Kono will be returning to Hawaii? Nope. She’s heading back to Seattle to follow a lead. Hopefully this means Kono and Adam will be reunited and return to the team sometime this season?

Still, we had another episode with great interplay with McG and Danno. While there was no argument this week, there was more brotherly love shared when Danno comforted McG about Aunt Deb’s cancer news. This is a little different than the newfound friendship between Grover and McG, but it was the stuff we love about Danno and McG — sitting in the Camaro, working the case, giving each other grief and hugging it out when needed.

I just wish we’d see more of Danno this season. He seems to be on one episode and off the next. Perhaps he has a new deal that no one is talking about. It would just be nice if he would stay put for the rest of the season and stop visiting his parents or taking Gracie on trips. McG needs his partner, and even though we like the rest of the team and Grover, we still need our Danno.

I’m just thankful that this episode was about ʻohana, because that is what Thanksgiving is all about.

Redux Side Note:

This week’s TNT “Hawaii Five-0” repeats were season two favorites: “Ka Iwi Kapu” (“Sacred Bones”), which was the Halloween episode with Robert Englund, and “Lapaʻau” (“Healing”) with Masi Oka’s “Heroes” co-star Greg Grunberg. I was lucky enough to interview Hawaii actor Scott Ok, who had a great scene in “Lapaʻau” with Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park.
Wendie Burbridge is a published author, playwright and teacher. Reach her via Facebook and follow her on Twitter.

25 responses to “Giving thanks”

  1. Dina says:

    Great recap Wendie! and of course I agree on all your points- except one…… I MISS Danno don’t get me wrong! He is my fav character in the show- I adore Kono as well. There are RUMORS galore about the absence of the actors/characters. HOWEVER I have to give BIG KUDOS to Peter and CBS- because whatever the reason Scott and Grace are absent the show is rally with them. They are embracing the personal reasons ( whatever they are) these actors need the time and writing in there leaves. NOW I happen to take the positive road here and say that we will see more of these characters later and that these are just small departure in a handful of episodes and will return to there more prominent appearances soon. and PETER if you are REading- it would be NICE to silence some of the negative comments and confirm Danno’s return to show as well as Kono’s ( wink)

    Grover is my NEW FAVORITE character!!! “aww did someone shoot you” that scene with the perp he shot was just too much fun for me- and I am sure CHi!! but someone was missing from the family gathering at the end? Chi’s daughter. We know Danno has joint custody with Rachel so they worked out Thanksgiving- but we still don’t know what Chi and his daughter’s history is- AND she wasn’t there. Plus Steve makes mention they are form CHicago and no relatives here? so where was Chi’s daughter??? hmmmmmm
    the plot thickens

    • jlopie1 says:

      Dina, Steve told Danny at the football game that Grover’s family was gone for the holiday and he didn’t have anywhere else to go, so he invited him to join the Ohana.

      • LindaStein says:

        And it’s not just Grover’s daughter. He mentioned a son to Steve (he plays Halo all the time) and Peter tweeted after the last episode that Grover is happily married. So perhaps his family went home to Chicago to spend Thanksgiving with the grandparents but will be around for Christmas?

  2. Luna McAwesomesauce says:

    I look forward to your recaps as much as the show! You give great insight into the workings of the show, and sometimes point out something I missed!
    I so loved this episode even though it was bittersweet. I am loving McGarrett and Grover!
    As always, Mahalo Wendie!!

  3. Ryan Fluck says:

    I swear Wendie your recaps always seem to put a smile on my face! You definitely did capture a few guest stars that appeared on last nights episode I didn’t even recognize.

    I agree with you, Carol Burnett was a great aspect to the episode and I only wish she could have done another episode or two but the brain tumor aspect definitely did make it Carol’s one and only shout out to the Ohana.
    Just to let you know this whole thing with Scott going back and forth thing with the episodes is that he was doing plays in LA during the weeks these episodes were filmed and now the whole Entourage reunion/movie would definitely be another red flag to this aspect.
    Anyway, love your reviews its a shame we have to wait three weeks for a new episode though 🙁

  4. jlopie1 says:

    What a poignant and reaffirming episode – exactly what a true Thanksgiving celebration should be! This is probably my favorite holiday H50 episode to date. Loved the Ohana football game – the two former Kukui High quarterbacks squaring off and Danno the wide receiver with good arms (and great legs … /). Such a fun start to the episode!

    I knew Carol Burnett had dramatic acting chops – but she truly blew me away. I was laughing and crying during the same scene – in the jail cell. I think everyone was! I think the “Alex’s acting can be compared to a wooden board standing on end” comments are long gone. Steve’s character in season 1 was that stoic, wooden person who was a fish out of water when it came to personal, non military relationships and situations. It’s a testament to Alex’s acting abilities that he could portray that personality so well that viewers thought he really was a one-dimensional actor! As the seasons have progressed, through all kinds of situations, the character of Steve McGarrett has developed into a person with feelings and most importantly, a person who cares about his family and friends. Alex’s acting talents are being utilized to the fullest now – we are seeing all sides of a complex character this season (sometimes in the same episode – care for a little lye with that turkey?)

    A major theme in the 2 episodes with Mary and Baby Joan is IF Mary can possibly be a good mother to Joan. Put aside the question of how Mary could even be eligible to adopt – that’s really not important for the purposes of this storyline – bringing Aunt Deb into the picture to explain to Mary that most mothers are winging it and just give Joan a loving home – so poignant and true. (Can we please see lots more of Joan. Most adorable television baby -ever!)

    Final comment (I promise I’m really not trying to hijack your blog, Wendie!) – I found this episode one of reaffirmation of the idea of family – whether it’s Ohana or blood. The team that mops up the bad guys together also play football together and give thanks together over a meal (whether at home or at a Tiki bar). Likewise, blood is stronger than water, and Steve and Mary, and now little Joan, are deeply connected and reaffirmed in their relationship – all thanks to their surprise visit from Aunt Deb – the one person in the older generation of their family left to bring them together.

    Well done, Show! Thanks, Wendie!

    • LindaStein says:

      I agree Lynnette. As I said on another page, Mary may make a wonderful mother not despite her troubled past but because of it. If she has truly grown up and has learned from her mistakes. They will make her stronger and wiser. Motherhood it the most important job a woman will ever have, one she get’s ZERO training in doing. Everyone makes mistakes but you push through, wing it, as Aunt Deb says, and love love love. It’s the ultimate in on-the-job training!

    • Sam says:

      I couldn’t agree more about what you said about Alex’s acting ability. People back in season 1 just didn’t get how perfectly he portrayed that back then seemingly one-dimensional character. But even back then
      Steve never was just one-dimensional, he had just learned to never show his inner turmoil and emotions. Just once in a while they did come out, and Alex portrayed that with absolute perfection.

      It really is a pitty that only the loud mouthed, hands flying Danno was recognizes as good acted by Scott Caan. Both of them said repeatedly that the role of Steve is way harder to play, but no one ever listened.

      I’m so happy that now Steve is allowed to show more emotion that people finally understand what a great job Alex did all these years.

  5. LindaStein says:

    Dear Wendie….as always your reviews hit every nail right on the head! I could not agree more. What is more American than football on Thanksgiving? Seeing the entire gang playing together was a great way to start. You can see how much they all enjoy each other’s company. Danny’s tackle/carry of Catherine….. Catherine tackle/hug of
    Gracie. I could NOT stop laughing when Danny told Nicky “the only way you’re getting the ball is if you have a jet pack up your coolie” OMG…I haven’t heard
    anyone call someone’s backside a “coolie” since my mom passed years ago! ROFL

    It was nice of Steve to include Grover in all the festivities but I’m glad Danny got in Steve’s face about why he was there since fans watching were probably asking themselves the same thing. I’m glad he and Steve have come to an understanding but I really hope they don’t downplay the antagonistic aspects of their on-the-job relationship. I loved Grover in the scene with the perp when he shot him for foolishly going after his weapon but it concerned me a bit when he just stood by and let Steve
    practically water board the guy in lye. There goes the neanderthal we all enjoy again but Grover should have said something. Not tried to stop him necessarily but at least said something. “McGarrett….that’s NOT the way man!!!” …. something! I hope it’s not an indication that Steve gets a free pass from EVERYONE now. I like Grover in Steve’s face as a voice of reason. A voice Steve will most likely always ignore but it should at least be there.

    However, having said that, you are 100% right about Steve’s evolution. While Steve can still be a neanderthal when he wants answers perps are unwilling to give, the “far richer character” as you put it, is a welcome benefit of last 3+ years. Back in Season 1, during interviews, Alex used to say how Steve was such a difficult part to play because he was so stoic and so unlike Alex in real life because Steve was so rigid in his emotions all the time. He hoped that would change over time. Well, it seems it has and to the betterment of the show, in my opinion. Alex’s ability to convey entire pages of dialog with only his face has always fascinated me. No one does “man tears” better than Alex. He totally breaks my heart every time.

    I particularly loved the scene between Steve and Danny in the office where Steve confides Deb’s diagnosis and asks Danny’s advice. I was incredibly happy that Steve sent Catherine to pick up Deb at the jail so he could have this talk with Danny. Nothing against Catherine but Danny’s the one who’s been by Steve’s side throughout all of the McGarrett traumas over the years. Steve needed his “brother” to get him through that moment of grief and confusion, the brother who’d been there
    every moment since the beginning, the brother who’d tell him what he NEEDED to
    hear, not what he WANTED to hear. It was a perfect scene and 100% believable.

    What can I say about Carol Burnett? Having spent my childhood watching her show every Saturday night I can only thank Peter Lenkov for returning her to my TV after
    all these years. The lady is a classic and damn…she looks awesome for her age, doesn’t she? To hear her sing again was a wonderful holiday gift. The scenes between Deb and Steve at the jail and between Deb and Catherine at the beach were
    priceless. I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t get a similar scene between Deb and Mary but then I realized we didn’t need to see it THREE times and it made the scene between Steve and Mary so much more poignant. I too loved her teasing Steve over the bit of gray in his hair (I do wish the makeup people would agree with her and stop covering it all up) and Mary with her “little lamb”. Every moment she was on screen was a joy. She reminded me of my Aunt Grace. Warm, funny, comforting, honest, sentimental….all the things I remember a wonderful loving aunt to be.

    I liked the procedural as well and the twist really took me back. Who was Andrea again? Oh yeah…the daughter of the nosey neighbor we saw for about 5 seconds 40 minutes ago. Using the President as a red herring? More like a red whale wouldn’t you say? I loved Danny being all nervous about meeting the President and Steve throwing it in his face that he was nervous too “the first time”. Oh Steve, you name dropper you! LOL I knew they wouldn’t really show the President but I have to admit I was hoping for it as the camera panned up those stairs to the plane door. Oh well, can’t have everything I guess.

    All in all, an exceptional episode all around. Steve and Mary are in a good place FINALLY. Have a good brother/sister relationship they haven’t really had since they were kids. The love they have for Aunt Deb and she for them was a wonderful thing to see despite the fact that it seems to be impossible for the McGarrett family to be happy for very long. I’m really glad we didn’t have some big death scene in the episode, but instead had that wonderful get together at Nicky’s club. Hearing Aunt Deb sing with everyone watching be the last scene was the perfect way to end the episode, with warmth, love and lots of smiles and hugs. Ohana! A great way to end a holiday episode.

    • alex fan says:

      I totally think Grover gave McGarrett the pass on this one because of the nature of the situation. I don’t think he will ever give him a free pass unless he agrees at the time that is the only way. It is my opinion that they can’t always disagree, there will be times when Grover will sway McG to his opinion and times when McG will sway Grover. It would be dull if they always disagree or agree for that matter. Loved the episode but for me my most favorite part was the scene in the jail between Debra and Steven. There were too many favorites to mention. I love that McG is now working with all of the team and not just Danno.

      • LindaStein says:

        I completely agree that in THIS situation Grover’s acceptance of Steve’s tactics was 100% justified. I hope you’re right and there will be back and forth between them. Not a complete free pass and not constant disapproval. Makes the relationship much more believable. I like that McG is working with them all too. It always seemed funny to me that whenever Five-0 had HPD backup there was hardly any interaction between them other than Steve barking orders. I like that Steve and Grover interact as equals after the same conclusion even if the roads they take to get there are different.

  6. Carol S Kohn says:

    It’s great to see Larry Manitti (orginally from Chicago where I was born) back acting once more on TV shows filmed in Hawaii. But, What I can’t get over is how heavy he’s gotten since his days with Tom Selleck on ‘ Maginam P.I.!’ Happy Thanksgiiving from me too all who comment on this board too!

  7. Brenda says:

    I too love reading all the comments following the show and can’t wait to rewatch the episodes because I always miss the little gems.

    Agree that series’ holiday shows are some of my favorites. We start watching a program because of it’s theme and get the action or comedy in the beginning but what keeps a show on the air is the love of the cast and the characters they portray. H50 never disappoints there. The actors are growing with their roles and are so effortless when bringing in the guest stars. We believed Aunt Deb has been there all along and she left a heartprint on the fans. Holiday shows build the family atmosphere needed to bring us back every week.

    Happy Thanksgiving Wendie to you and your family.

  8. KAD1228 says:

    I loved this episode. While the procedural was ok, it totally took a back seat to Carol Burnett. She has proven once again why she is a legend! Her wit, humor and poignant portrayal of Aunt Deb was magical. I loved how she teased Steve about his hair and his tatts and then comforted him when she could have cried herself. I’ve said this before, Alex is truly a very underrated actor. Watching him act out any and all emotions is mesmerizing. I cried right along with him. He certainly has come a long way from s1 and the stoic SEAL. We’re being treated every week to a taste of the real Alex mixed in with fictional Steve!!

    The family ohana is always one of my favorite parts of this show and this episode was no exception. I loved the tinge of jealousy when Danny asked why Grover was invited to the “family” game!! Watching the 2 star quarterbacks square off against each other was so fun!! I was happy that Cath went to pick up Aunt Deb, and impressed that aunt Deb knew all about Cath! And Mary has finally grown up! I think baby Joan is the best thing that ever happened to her! I hope we get to see more of Aunt Deb!

    These past few episodes have been excellent. After, what seemed to me, a bit of a rocky start, the show has reeled me back in and I can’t wait for Fridays to watch it!! I’m already dreading 3 weeks without a new episode!

    Hau’oli La Ho’omaik’i to all!

  9. edmattes763 says:

    I really love watching the last scene and seeing everyone’s reactions to Aunt Deb singing, including the baby. This baby is so good onscreen, even tho they usually use twins for a role like this.
    And I like the way they are tying the episodes together – we found out about Aunt Deb in Season 2 and now meet her … and Danny mentioning “Operation Strawberry Field” was cool too. It would be cool to see Carol again, even though the way they wrote the story, that’s probably not going to happen. Great episode … this one’s a keeper. “I’m so
    glad we had this time together, just to … sing a song.”

  10. Angela Gerstner says:

    Thank you to the cast and writers for, once again, giving me everything I love about this show: Wonderful `ohana moments and great emotions that made me both laugh and cry – all well-blended with a bit of crime and some tough, hot McG dealing with the bad guys.

    While male fans may have wanted to see a bit more action, I welcomed this episode’s focus on the personal lives of the McGarretts and the extended H50 `ohana. I enjoyed both the fun scenes (football game, Deb & Mary turkey-shopping, the boys at Hickam Airfield…) and the emotional, sad scenes with the absolutely fabulous Carol Burnett as aunt Deb.

    Alex as Steve was fantastic in this episode. I’ve loved Steve since Season 1 and always felt he had a soft, vulnerable side in him, too. But I love him more now after he has “evolved”, as you call it, and allows himself to show all those emotions which he (quite successfully) tried to hide when we first got to know him as the tough ex-Navy Seal McG.
    Alex has repeatedly stated that he loves playing emotional and character stuff and that that’s what keeps him interested in his role. Since I, in turn, love to see him play all the emotional stuff and think he really shines in those moments, I’m very glad that the writers keep coming up with really good character stuff for Alex to play and, thus, keep the work on H50 interesting for him.
    The formula of success is easy: Happy actors + happy fans = More seasons of my favourite show to enjoy 😉

    I was also happy to get some of those beloved McDanno moments again and the little update on what’s going on with Kono – I wonder if we’ll actually get to see a bit of my big sister’s home Seattle but I assume that any upcoming scenes “set” in Seattle were actually shot in Vancouver.

    Wendie, even though it is obvious that we both loved and enjoyed this moving episode a lot, I just hope you didn’t get even more homesick when Deb & Cath went to that truly beautiful beach and Cath said Hawaii was home… I was thinking of you at that moment and was wishing for you that you’ll get to go home soon – even if it may be just for a visit…

    Mahalo for another wonderful blog!

  11. Diane says:

    I absolutely love Carol Burnett. I too, am hoping some way they can have Aunt Deb come back, but it does not look that way. I agree the emotional acting by Alex was incredible, as usual. All of them play the emotional side well. Wendie, I don’t think anyone will be writing emails about your statement. You are right, Alex has come a long way from season 1, as it should be. I loved that Danny, pointed out to Steve that it was Deb’s choice, and that he needed to “make memories”. It shows how close the characters have become, especially since in season 1, Steve would have listened, but not exactly done what Danny had said. I hope we get to see a great reunion not only by Kono and Adam, but Kono and the rest of Five-0 as well.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  12. Terry FiveOs says:

    Interesting feel good/feel sad episode. I’m still trying to figure out what adoption agency would allow a flake like Mary Ann to adopt a child, but oh well, I love seeing Steve with the baby, so I’ll forgive the lapse. I do have to say that I never thought McGarrett was a neanderthal – that was just a label Danny applied to certain behaviors. McGarrett has always been a guy with a soft side and love for family, as written by Peter Lenkov. I think as the seasons go by, we’re just allowed to see more of it, as the onion is peeled, so to speak.

    Like you, Wendie, I loved the addition of Carol Burnett as Aunt Deb, and both the humor and pathos she brought. I just wish the show didn’t feel the need to kill off so many characters, particularly these television legends like Carol and Ed Asner. My hope is that after seeing how popular Aunt Deb is, Peter will find a cure for her tumor. Maybe he can bring in a kahu for a healing ceremony .

    I actually was bothered by Grover’s nonchalance at Steve hold the cleaner over the lye bath, but I suspect that was a signal that the SWAT leader is more like McGarrett than he cares to admit.

    And, oh my, who didn’t want to be part of the Turkey Bowl and be tackled by a Hawaii 5-0 hottie? 🙂

  13. Robin Jane Bridges says:

    What everyone else said. I cried, I laughed and wanted more.

  14. Sheila Stasuk Foerster says:

    Wanted to know where McGarret got the turkey reminder app for his phone

  15. Sam says:

    Wonderful great review, Wendy. And thank you for pointing out what a great job Alex does. He is so very underrated, and I’m always happy when someone points out how good he really is.

    I’m not the biggest fan of Danny, but he was really great in this one, and it would be a shame not to have Danno in future episodes. But on the other hand I commend the show on giving the actors the opportunity to do other things when they want to. I’m sure that is not often the case on other shows.

    Thank you again for hitting the nail on the head with your review.

  16. pauldunn1 says:

    Thank you for another insightful review. You really know how to get all the plot points covered with details we might have missed. This was an excellent ep covering a holiday (Thanksgiving) theme. I recall the original H50 doing the same thing. Since you did not mention it, I assume that Carol Burnett did not appear previously.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  17. Luis Reyes says:

    Dear Wendie,
    Great Review. Just wanted to let you know that the book I co-authored The Hawaii Movie and Televsion Book is being released today. It features all the Island Crimefighters including the original and new Hawaii Five-0 as well as movies and Tv shows from 1995 to the present and significant film and Tv acheivements of the past. Mutual Publishing of Honolulu 808-732-1709 or on facebook.
    Best to you,
    Luis Reyes

  18. I’m a little bit late but here is my comment lol

    Another amazing review as usual !
    I couldn’t agree more with what you said

    The #Ohana spirit was there, from the beginning to the end and it was so much fun to see them all together ! the strength of the show is that exact relationship between characters ! They are there for each other, in the good and the bad times, and that’s what the show is about : love, friendship, family …. #Ohana !

    When you say “McG is a far richer character now and it’s nice that Alex O’Loughlin is allowed to show it.” that’s exactly what i’ve been saying since the beginning of the s4 ! I loved s1 and s2 , I really did ! but s3 and s4 are IMO better, because YES characters grew up, a lot of different sides of each one has been shown and developped, they are richer and more human.

    Steve crying isn’t something we could have seen in s1 ! now YES !

    About the ep, I absolutely LOVE IT ! all the scene with Carol, (Steve, Cath, Mary …) were AMAZING !
    love seeing the Ohana scenes !
    Kono is slowly “coming back” and now everything is ready for her to come back as soon as she finds Adam !
    McDanno moments were fantastic !
    so in overall an AWESOME episode !

    I’ll end with this : I would love to see Aunt Deb back ! Yes she is dying, but thats exactly what I would like to see : an episode where Steve and Mary are there for her, when she slowly passes away and the end could be her funeral !
    Maybe too many death the last 2 seasons (Freddie, Mickael, Billy …) but emotional scenes are gold for Alex ! he plays brilliantly those sad scenes ! so I would love to see it !

    Mahalo Wendie for the amazing review ! xoxo

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