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Saturday, February 1, 2025 68° Today's Paper

What do you think about the University of Hawaii-Manoa, which ranked 169th out of 310 four-year colleges nationwide?

  • B. About right (503 Votes)
  • C. Worse than that; rank lower (194 Votes)
  • A. Better than that; rank higher (181 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

15 responses to “What do you think about the University of Hawaii-Manoa, which ranked 169th out of 310 four-year colleges nationwide?”

  1. HawaiiBlogger says:

    Take the politics out of UH

  2. Boots says:

    While the UH has a couple of bright spots, on the whole it is a mediocre University.

  3. BluesBreaker says:

    the sad thing is the tuition has increased so much, UH Manoa is now above the national average in tuition costs for public universities. It used to be a good deal and had one of the lowest tuition rates. Now, considering the quality, it bordering on a rip-off.

    • krusha says:

      Compared to what? If you check the tuition rates of comparable mainland universities, UH is still a good deal for in-state tuition, especially the community college campuses.

  4. krusha says:

    Considering how much they cut out of the UH budget every year and grumble when they want to raise tuition fees, it’s amazing they aren’t on the bottom of the rankings by now.

  5. stanislous says:

    Better than “Dead Last”, where Hawaii ranks in most polls… Traffic, Housing, Rent, Education, Cost of Living, Homeless, etc. etc. etc.

    • SHOPOHOLIC says:

      Actually homeless would rank top ten.

      Add in the useless unethical politicians at every level and rankings here would soar. To dead last.

    • RetiredWorking says:

      stanilous, why would you say that without references? Let’s see, LA is “Dead Last” in traffic, followed by San Fran, Seattle, San Jose. Ly-Are. Either San Fran, New York, Boston is “Dead Last” in housing and rent. LY-are. Cost of living is very high, but not as high as DC or New York. Ly-are. And Hawaii is #39 in education. “Dead Last” is Louisiana and New Mexico. Ly-are. Nice try for sensationalism, stan. I definitely call BS on your statement.

  6. keonimay says:

    That rating, is not so bad.

    In NYC, the UH was known for Sex – Sun Tanning – Surfing.

    I am glad to see, we are closer, to the middle of the pack.

    UH ’79 & worked in NY for 30 years.

  7. wrightj says:

    It’s No. 1 for weather; no parkas, gloves, and long underwear needed to get to winter classes.

  8. Cellodad says:

    Once again, the caption on the “survey” gets it wrong. There are a lot more than 310 colleges and universities in the US. This particular ranking, if the writer had bothered to read the original source, was of the top universities in the US. These are the Carnegie Category 1 research institutions that award undergraduate, Master’s, Doctoral, and Professional degrees and have a significant research component.

    The second tier institutions were separately rated under the “Regional” category.

  9. jankenpo says:

    No surprise, what did they expect. With infomercials several years ago displaying frolicking cheerleaders and dorm parties, I don’t think UH wanted to be known as a scholastic institution, did they?

  10. Snator says:

    What’s Allie’s take on this?

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