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Saturday, October 19, 2024 74° Today's Paper

What do you think about a state judge reversing himself and ruling in favor of the Residential A property tax?

  • A. Agree; tax is a good idea (567 Votes)
  • B. Disagree; tax is unfair/unconstitutional (410 Votes)
  • C. Not sure (155 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

18 responses to “What do you think about a state judge reversing himself and ruling in favor of the Residential A property tax?”

  1. localguy says:

    As we have seen for decades, bureaucrats will spend/waste all the tax money coming in. Just as they raided the tobacco settlement funds for non health, special interest projects, new tax money is also wasted/plundered.

    Fact is not one elected bureaucrat has done their fiduciary duty, been a good stewards of taxpayer’s money. Just tax and spend/waste.

    Wait and see. In no time all this new tax money will be gone, bureaucrats whining for more.

    Just another day in the little 10th world of Hawaii Nei.

  2. leino says:

    One does wonder about weighting and the rule of law and what might influence a somewhat subjective call. You don’t suppose it was money and power politics ….

  3. A_Reader says:

    It should be tripled for outsiders and foreigners of what it currently is.

    • Denominator says:

      Should we amend the Constitution or are you ignorant of it’s provisions?

      • A_Reader says:

        Denominator: Letʻs not forget that the constitution was written for “American Citizens”, not foreigners and or the likes of “non-documented” aliens (AKA illegal aliens) or might you be unaware of the details and language of the Constitution and itʻs provisions and for who it was written?

  4. samidunn says:

    The people who use the least services should be taxed the most

  5. LadyNinja says:

    Its a great idea for most of the out of state investors. Hawaii has gone too much to the foreigners who are buying up precious Aina land at inflated prices which drive the prices up more. The vast majority of the local people cannot afford such ridiculous prices, let alone a first time buyer. This tax will hopefully make investors think twice before buying up homes that they will never use. As for the local kamaaina, I’m for them getting an exemption if the home will be used for future generations or a gift to a child, grandchild etc. Keep it in the family.

    • dragoninwater says:

      Not true! You, like countless other “D” voters have been suckered again! Go read the fine print of the Residential-A tax law. It applies to EVERYONE silly rabbit! The minute you move out of Honolulu county and rent your house/condo or get a 2nd income home on Oahu, you will no longer be a local, you will be subject to Residental-A taxation!

  6. dragoninwater says:

    The residential-a tax applies to EVERYONE, including LOCALS. The minute you move and rent out your house you’ll get hit! The minute you buy a second home for income, you’ll get hit. Don’t let the “Foreigner” language fool you! It’s another tax to pay the government unions and pick-pocket the middle class out of more taxes.

    • hywnsytl says:

      Yes, it is not a outsider tax. It is just a tax against all homes over 1 million dollars and the only way to not pay this is through a exemption of it being your home residence. Not really a big deal unless you own a bunch of million dollar homes. This might make people to think twice about being a prospector. Nothing wrong with lowering housing prices.

  7. awahana says:

    I’ve wondered this for years now. Why doesn’t the poll have a link to the article in SA that its referencing?! Why SA? Why not? Auwe.

    • dragoninwater says:

      Because an uneducated and uninformed voter is exactly the kind-of voter the “D” party seeks. Did you download your coupon here in the SA for a FREE lunch plate to vote “D” at the next election yet?

  8. CloudForest says:

    I have a difficult time seeing how this law is legal in the USA – where state vs state is not allowed to exist.

  9. sailfish1 says:

    I don’t have a problem with the final judgment. The problem I see is the judge himself – I want judges to do get all the facts and then render a decision consistent with the laws. What this judge did is not acceptable.

  10. WestSideTory says:

    I wonder if the $ in his brown envelope was enough? Its unAmerican to attack those that are successful. Just another example of creeping socialism. And we wonder why people are leaving the State. Once all the successful people leave, all that will be left are the Politicians and the homeless…then what!!!

  11. HAJAA1 says:

    Obviously those who agree are those people who won’t ever come near that benchmark of property ownership so they’re just jealous. It is unconstitutional and nobody can argue that fact. It is what it is.

  12. 808noelani says:

    So is it also unconstitutional for out of state UH students to pay a higher tuition fee than Hawaii resident students? And should they do away with all types of “kamaaina” rates like at Hawaii golf courses and restaurants?

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