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Saturday, October 19, 2024 74° Today's Paper

What do you think about the possibility of the U.S. strengthening its nuclear-arms capability?

  • B. Bad; very worrisome (630 Votes)
  • A. Good; show of strength needed (492 Votes)
  • C. Undecided; want to hear more (141 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

27 responses to “What do you think about the possibility of the U.S. strengthening its nuclear-arms capability?”

  1. americantaxpayer says:

    Christmas is about peace. Having said that, Russia has already been modifying it’s nuclear weapons. Since the cat is already out of the bag, it seems under the circumstances for our own security and leverage for future negotiations, the US should be doing the same.

  2. deepdiver311 says:

    president trump is a leader and smart he know what he doing. give him a chance

    • Boots says:

      He may be a leader and he might even be smart. But knowing what he is doing? He is like the town butcher performing brain surgery.

      • Giligan says:

        And the lemmings like what he says. Hopefully he is smarter than we think, and is one step ahead of us.

      • Denominator says:

        Your lack of knowledge of this issue obviously contributes to your naive conclusion. The issue is not much about blowing things up. Obama has been promoting the modernization also. It affects the delivery of the bombs and acts as a more effective deterrent and is more capable of avoiding mistakes. The purpose of the system is a deterrent, as you know. What Russia most opposes is our defense system.

      • Carang_da_buggahz says:

        If The Incompetent One can become president with “Community Organizer” as his most significant achievement, well, I guess ANY one of us qualifies for the job. All of you sore losers who continually poo-poo Trump’s qualifications for the presidency reveal yourselves for the clueless uniformed masses that the democratic party counts on for votes. The grownups are back in charge, and not a moment too soon. Don’t like it? Then retreat back into your “safe spaces” and cry yourselves to sleep.

    • gonesh says:

      Right, give him the same chance the republicans gave Obama when he started.

  3. Boots says:

    As if we need any more strength as it is. We can destroy the world ten times over with our existing bombs. We don’t need to destroy it another 10 times. It is a waste, Shame the last republican president who actually balanced the federal budget was not listened to.

  4. inHilo says:

    Oh boy, now our children will know the joy of hiding under their desks to practice protecting themselves from nuclear attack. We already possess enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world as we know it; we’ve proven that we are willing to use them (see WWII, Cuban Missile Crisis), and now we want to build more so we can convince the world we are strong enough to defend ourselves. Ahhh, welcome to the Nuclear Arms Race II. Because if one of your neighbors has the ability to destroy the neighborhood, the only way to defend yourself is to ensure mutual destruction.

  5. leino says:

    Nuclear weapons is a show of mental weakness. Destroying everything with explosions and radiation is not the beat way to prevail. Go with chemistry or microbes. Best … perfect diplomacy. Peace! Plus what the heck does Trump know about anything other than money grubbing and ego polishing and how to modify peoples logic processes.

    • wiliki says:

      We reject genocide as a weapon of war. Peace is the only viable alternative.

      Problem is that Americans have no patience. We want peace or war NOW.

      Trump, unfortunately, is no exception.

  6. BluesBreaker says:

    Trump’s statements indicate he’s either oblivious to history, including the policies of previous presidents since Truman, Republican and Democrat, or he’s insane, or both.

  7. Bdpapa says:

    I kinda look at this as he is just wants to get attention. He’s a showman and this is his stage.

  8. 808Cindy says:

    I’ve seen the Nagasaki War Museum … it was horrifying to see what one Bomb can do… most people I’ve ask, have never seen either the Nagasaki or Hiroshima War Museums … its pathetic that anyone vote for having more Nuclear Weapons! Don’t contaminate others “decision making” with your ignorance of amount of DEATH one Bomb can do.

  9. MoiLee says:

    ……….So if other countries like Russia or North Korea keeps escalating their Nuclear arms? Are we The USA is supposed to sit Back and let them continue? How’s that gonna help our defense? It’s NOT! And this Nuke Story? Was a mere response by President Trump to Vladimir Putin’s suggestion of increasing their Nuclear arsenal. Putin is testing the Waters of the new administration.
    So if the Russians are suggesting scrapping any Nuclear Agreement they have with the US?
    Of course for the survival of our country a Build-up would become necessary. But like I said……..”This is a Test”.

    I am glad we finally have a president who will call out these characters and Never Back down! It’s time we show our leadership in strength,instead of simply standing Down or drawing make beleive a “Red-Lines”, because it’s “Politcally Correct”. Strength is the pathway to Peace. IMUA

  10. Maipono says:

    8 long years of a weak,incompetent president has opened the doors to our enemies and emboldened terrorists, all of whom are working hard on their nuclear arsenals. Thank you President Obama, your legacy is intact.

  11. Numilalocal says:

    Here we go again: duck and cover. The only person who will be unable to come to his senses is the author of this notion.

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