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Thursday, March 6, 2025 80° Today's Paper

What do you think should be the outcome in Mayor Billy Kenoi’s pCard trial?

  • B. Guilty; card misused (1132 Votes)
  • A. Acquittal; card legitimately used (473 Votes)
  • C. Unsure; mixed (157 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

14 responses to “What do you think should be the outcome in Mayor Billy Kenoi’s pCard trial?”

  1. manakuke says:

    A cell reservation waiting.

    • Pocho says:

      Don’t care if he cried in court cause he should know better than to use a public credit card to pay for those kind of entertainment venues. There’s still time if convicted before years end for a Obama pardon.

  2. cojef says:

    Like all politicians throughout the world, the “ins” believe they have license to do as others have done in the past. Take care of me first, then maybe others, after all, I’m the people’s choice. The “chosen” one!

  3. Boots says:

    He definitely broke the rules. Would have been better for him if he paid it back quickly but as I understand it, he carried a balance for much of the time.

  4. Bdpapa says:

    I don’t think jail time would be appropriate, maybe community service, but then again he would be up to his old tricks again!

    • HOSSANA says:

      Negative, he purposedly misued his pcard in purchasing personal items and other items to benefit his personal gain and repaid only some of the monies, I repeat, only repaid some of the monies owed on what he spend on the pcard AFTER THE MEDIA DISCOVERED HIS WRONGDOING….RIDICULOUS….Despite all his shennanigans, he just might be found not guilty because Big Isle people are easily swayed by his personal charm and personality…….there is a difference between him and Harry Kim and Harry represents the type of character we should have in every politician but Kenoi is the type found nationwide that when in power, he can do no wrong until he is discovered in his misdeeds…”power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutel.” This politician deserves jail time and anything less would be a travesty and send a msg. to other politicians that its ok to do what this clown did in the misuse of this Pcard at taxpayer expense….THIS IS JUST RIDICULOUS……..

  5. saveparadise says:

    There is a difference between breaking rules and breaking the law. So what is the punishment for breaking the rules? He is guilty of breaking house rules with misuse of the p-card. IF the prosecution has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that there was theft or fraud involved an appeal will follow at which point Kenoi might plea bargain if the case becomes a lost cause.

    • eastside808 says:

      House rules? You gotta be kidding me. No such thing as house rules in government service. Procurement rules are just that,rules that ALL government employees must follow in performing their civil service function. This is not a private sector job where wining and dining their client is allowed. You want to talk story and make believe you doing this in the name of public service, then do it on your own dime and ask for reimbursement if you can justify it…not charge on the pcard and only pay back when you are officially asked to verify these expenditures. Another Rod Tam only more blatant and in your face. Liquor and surfboards? Who was he trying to fool?

      • saveparadise says:

        The public has every right to be angry but this is a criminal trial. I will repeat that there is a difference between rules and laws. Don’t kid yourself. Disappointingly there may have been no laws broken. How does a judge sentence Kenoi for pcard misuse? Hmmm, pcard misuse….I will confiscate your pcard. Big deal huh?

        • eastside808 says:

          And I repeat, procurement laws are not house rules. If you are not sure, work for the federal government and break procurement laws and see where you end up. The use of the Pcard is a form of procurement of services, materials, etc.and as such non-compliance with this type of procurement is/should be punishable.

        • 4watitsworth says:

          IRT eastside’s comment below: While I agree Kenoi misused his pcard and should be punished, according the to State’s pcard Procedures Manual, it doesn’t seem like he broke any laws. The manual indicates misuse of the State’s pcard would be revocation of the card and if used for unlawful or improper purposes the employee would be subject to disciplinary action. Since the pcard Administrator is responsible for developing purchasing card procedures for the jurisdiction or department within the guidelines of the State of Hawaii Purchasing Card Program and Procedures manual, I’d like to see what their County’s procedures are. You can find a copy of the manual at https://spo.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/pCardManual-rev-10_1_2016.pdf

        • 4watitsworth says:

          correct, irt to eastside’s comment above:

  6. sukebesan says:

    He’s positively guilty, but the judicial fix is in, and will laugh his way out of jail time.

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