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Thursday, January 23, 2025 65° Today's Paper

How are you planning to vote in the general election?

  • A. Mail-in ballot (884 Votes)
  • C. Nov. 8 at poll (358 Votes)
  • B. Early walk-in vote (178 Votes)
  • D. Not voting (69 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

21 responses to “How are you planning to vote in the general election?”

  1. Boots says:

    I will be glad when this election is over and sweet Hillary is our next president. Should the Donald become president, I might just move to Australia or New Zealand. lol Not looking forward to voting on all those amendments.

  2. Allaha says:

    Why does anybody still bother to go to the poll stations when mail in is so much better, and also allows you time and relaxed thinking about all the questions?

    • Boots says:

      well I live next to the polling station so it has never been a problem for me. Don’t have to remember to mail it back in. Just put the ballot into the paper shredder at the polling place. lol

      I might switch to mail in voting if they are going to continue to have so many amendments.

    • Ken_Conklin says:

      I have worked as a precinct official at every election for 24 years. Usually my job is to sit by the ballot machine and help anyone whose ballot gets rejected by the machine. There are always LOTS of people who screw up their ballots, especially during the primary election where you’re not allowed to vote for candidates in 2 different political parties.

      The nice thing about voting at the poll on election day is that if you screw up your ballot, I will be there to tell you what you did wrong and help you get a replacement ballot to make sure your vote counts.

      But if you mail it in and screw it up, too bad for you; and you’ll never even know that your ballot went in the trash.

      Absentee voting is not allowed in the U.S. Senate or House. Think about why Senators and Representatives must appear on the floor in person for either a voice vote or a roll call vote. Why will they not let colleagues vote from their offices across the street or even their homes thousands of miles away?

      • Boots says:

        Yes, it is nice to know that when you vote at the polling place, your vote counts once it is accepted by the machine. Mail in voting, there is always the chance that it never arrived or a mistake was made and it just becomes food for H-power.

    • Bdpapa says:

      There’s a bunch of us who show up when the polls open to cast our vote. We all are on our way to work and its kinda nice seeing old friends. I did mail-in, but for the lat 38 years we ‘d all be there.

    • bleedgreen says:

      I don’t trust the mail-in process. What or who’s to say my vote was actually counted. But by putting my ballot in the box and having a receipt gives me some assurance that my vote is being counted. Most times it does not matter, but sometimes the voting is so close for county/district races that even as little as 50 votes can make a difference.

  3. 808Cindy says:

    I’d like to see Trump in ((JAIL)) for the wrong he has done to Women and others!

    JAIL that’s were he is going! Many are searching to put together a Legal case against him. He is going to ((JAIL))!!! Justice will be served and we the people will be glad of it!

  4. Maipono says:

    HilLIARy should go to jail, anybody would for espionage for the cavalier manner in which she handled America’s most Classified messages, but due to severe corruption on the Federal level, she gets away because the FBI Chief says “She had no intent…” to commit a felony. That excuse did not work for many other people who tried to use that excuse, but due to the extreme corruption in the Obama Administration, Department of Justice and the FBI, she is free. Remember, some of those emails could have resulted in the deaths of some of our undercover intelligence operators, of course we will never know, because they are classified, and we the little people don’t have access to see just how corrupt HilLIARy really is.

  5. Mr Mililani says:

    A lot of people are voting “no” on all the questions. They just want more money or longer terms in office. Something to think about.

  6. 808noelani says:

    Agree. With mail-in voting you do not know if your ballot was received AND on time AND if it was accepted or rejected. After the Primary election they had numbers of ballots received late for each island. But no one knows how many were not received at all. I read an article yesterday where the post office took 50 years to deliver a mail.

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