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Thursday, March 6, 2025 80° Today's Paper

Should the list of health ailments for medical marijuana be expanded?

  • A. Yes (616 Votes)
  • B. No (361 Votes)
  • C. Unsure (135 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

20 responses to “Should the list of health ailments for medical marijuana be expanded?”

  1. awahana says:

    We should offer the same compassion as other states already have done for their folks looking for relief. Malama kamaaina.

  2. kuroiwaj says:

    The State of Hawaii “must” provide the science behind any additions to the list of health ailments that “medical marijuana” helps, prior to hearings, and its final approval.

  3. Bully says:

    The State of Hawaii needs to change a lot faster to keep up with the other states.

  4. localcitizen says:

    Add Medical Ailment. Stupidity

  5. MoiLee says:

    ……Look into Colorado’s Marijuana law first. Don’t make the same mistakes. It hasn’t gone as smooth as they thought it would.
    Really Folks? Do you really think this law will be contained strictly to “Medical Use” only ? Haaaaaaaa! This is just the first steps of Bigger things to come!This is The Initial stage! Marijuana is a HUGE money resource that the State is just dying to get their hands on! At the public’s peril and…..expense!
    Here’s how it’s going to play out……

    1st. legalizing “Medical Marijuana” Medical use ONLY.Present.

    2nd. “Decriminalizing” possession of Marijuana 28 grams or less. This one gets the general population and kids in school involved.Yikes!

    3rd.Unable to enforce the 2nd rule? Legal Marijuana Use altogether! Just scrap the whole thing and just legalize it!

  6. Dai says:

    Just what are he reasons for making this herb illegal? There has been many studies that have debunked a lot of the governments misinformation about the herb.
    There’s a lot of evidence that it’s by products help ailments that conventional drugs do not. Look at the many commercials hawking “new” drugs for ailments and all the frightening side effects that come along with it.
    So far with the by products extracted from the cannabis herb, there are reliefs to many ailments with no side effects. Epilepsy, Dravet, nausea and pain relief are some of the ailments that can be addressed with no side effects. One cannot overdose with the by products from cannabis. Much research and testing still needs to be done to discover what else this herb can help with.
    A friend who was undergoing radiation treatment, heard first hand from another patient who had a large visible tumor on the side of the neck. The tumor shrank and could have been aided with the cannabis oil that was taken simultaneously. It also helped with the pain and side effects that radiation treatment can cause.

  7. wrightj says:

    D. Depends on who’s making money from it.

  8. Wazdat says:

    Yes for Traffic, pot holes and Incompetence in city and state !

  9. Boots says:

    Marijuana should just be legalized. We don’t need big government telling people what plants people can use. Just remember that pot was created by God on the third day of creation. Just wish gov. would stop second guessing God.

  10. TaiBow says:

    I’ve always thought that the delivery of THC by a pill, or a drink, or cookie, may be preferable to smoking. I have friends with breathing problems (e.g., emphysema,etc.), who are not cigarette smokers, but regular users of pakalolo. I’m not against medical or recreational weed, but there are health consequences.

  11. WestSideTory says:

    Why do they keep nickel and diming us to death, just get to where you want it to go and put in legislation for full legalization instead of dragging this out with these dumb survey questions.

  12. sailfish1 says:

    Put every ailment known to man on that list. After all, when a person is high, he doesn’t feel anything.

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