Have you been to the Honolulu Zoo this year?
C. No, not interested (536 Votes)
B. No, but plan to soon (202 Votes)
A. Yes, go occasionally (171 Votes)
This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.
6 responses to “Have you been to the Honolulu Zoo this year?”
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Parking is an issue!
A small constituency is going to take a large percentage of the City’s budget.
The last time I went to the Honolulu Zoo was when the Tiger cubs were born and being weaned before being shared with the rest of the country. If you missed it…well it was pleasantly entertaining!
The only Zoo in Honolulu I know of is at 530 South King Street. Wouldn’t go there if they paid me to visit the donkey circus!
Honolulu Zoo is a dump. So is the Aquarium and that’s pathetic since we’re surrounded by water. We have one of the worst zoo and aquarium in the world.
Wow you must have traveled like everywhere.