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Wednesday, January 22, 2025 65° Today's Paper

How do you feel about Donald Trump’s presidency?

  • D. Very pessimistic (1095 Votes)
  • A. Very optimistic (621 Votes)
  • B. Somewhat optimistic (339 Votes)
  • C. Somewhat pessimistic (288 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

64 responses to “How do you feel about Donald Trump’s presidency?”

  1. katk234 says:

    He is going to make America greater!

  2. livinginhawaii says:

    What idiot came up with this? The guy has only been in office one day. What next – a performance review every hour?

  3. cojef says:

    Been a pessimist most of my life as far as politics is concerned. Having said that would have preferred any other of the 16 original campaigners running during the primary race. Nevertheless the Democratic runner’s connection to the past, Podesta who created the Move On organization soured the campaign for me. The WikiLeaks releases certainly allayed my fears.

    • cajaybird says:

      IRT cojef: Good point. Out of curiosity I signed up for the Move on email newsletter over a year ago. It’s unbelievable. I wonder if the protesters around the country are even aware of what Podesta and Hillary stood for. Let’s consider just two points. They want open borders and free college for all. Do those protesting believe their quality of life will improve if there are no borders, and college is free for everyone? The majority of new jobs over the past 8 years are part-time, and minorities, especially Blacks, have seen the incomes not keep up with the rest of those in the country. Its not a good track record. I believe Hillary’s plan to dramatically increase Syrian refugees on top of the influx of illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America was an important factor in her defeat. Ask yourself, is Hawaii in a position to accept a few thousand refugees?

      • residenttaxpayer says:

        I watch a video that then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that the 10,000 Syrian refugees that President Obama was going to allow into the country wasn’t enough…she wanted to increase that number to 60,000…I was shocked to learn that..glad she wasn’t elected president….

  4. lespark says:

    Not sure but something is going to happen. Under Obama nothing happened.

    • kuroiwaj says:

      IRT LesPark, a lot of positives already has occurred. I await the nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. If his choices holds true, I will be very pleased of his nominee.

      • kaneohecat says:

        kuriowaj. Your grammar fits at least part of the portrait of a Trump voter as poorly educated. It should be “positives already have occurred”, not “has occurred.” Positives is plural. Similarly, it should be “if his choices hold true”, not choices hold. I hope you will not be disappointed when some of the advantages you have now are taken away.

        • kaneohecat says:

          Sorry, I made a mistake too. I made a typo. T should have said it should be “if his choices hold true”, not choices holds.

        • cajaybird says:

          If you’re in a hurry, it’s easy to make grammatical errors. And you are aware how they came up with the “uneducated” figure (intentionally to discredit Trump supporters; who wants to be associated with the uneducated?). If you survey college students you’ll have overwhelming support for Hillary, based primarily of the college campus culture and bias. Such students are considered to be educated. Many of the same “educated” students can’t name the Vice President. The people I work with are highly educated and very few supported Hillary. Cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, strongly supported Hillary (or any Democratic candidate, for that matter). Did you see them on your TV? Did they all look educated to you?

        • kuroiwaj says:

          IRT KaneoheCat, English? You jest? Hawaii born ex-President Obama didn’t do anything for the Country but have an eight year vacation on the American taxpayers.

    • Boots says:

      Nothing happened under Obama? lol Where have you been? stock market has only risen over a thousand points, unemployment has gone down, and the economy has had many months of growth. I really doubt the Donald will match Obama’s record. More likely the deficit will rise to a trillion, unemployment will rise to 10% and the economy will fall into another recession. Time will tell who is right.

      • sarge22 says:

        Think about it bootsie. Trump has all business people with him who earned their money outside the government not in it. A great future is at hand.

        • cajaybird says:

          IRT sarge: It is especially significant when one considers that the previous administration had by far the lowest percentage of those with business experience. Reagan had the highest. Even Bill Clinton was surrounded by many with prior business experience. President Trump has put together a very experienced staff. A business person by nature must be very “political” to be successful, but a politician would have a difficult time stepping into an executive position in business without prior experience. Each person in President Trump’s cabinet and administration (to date) have decades of successful business experience. Time will tell.

        • buttery says:

          think about sarge22 rape of our economy is at hand. you really do live under a bridge.

      • Denominator says:

        More people than ever have given up looking for a job. More people on welfare. ISIS, Syria and Russia growing threats. Obama worst President since Buchanan!

      • cajaybird says:

        Boots, let’s hope President Trump doesn’t match Obama’s record. New employment of mainly part time jobs, buying power down (especially for minorities), growth rate never exceeding 2%, 9 Trillion added to the national debt. No, I’ll be looking for some “big time” improvement in all of those categories. You’re right, we’ll see. By the way, with 95 million out of work, the true unemployment rate is much higher. Just watch, the media will suddenly start referring to the “true unemployment” rate as the economy improves.

        • Boots says:

          In otherwords, people like you will not be in the Donald’s organization since you have apparently earned all your money from government?

          Great future remains to be seen. Not saying he won’t make things better but he probably won’t as practicing voodoo basically will only crash the economy.

      • lespark says:

        You’re right. Peace in the Middle East, normalized relations with Russia and Israel. Rampant crime in the inner cities, double the debt. You are psychotic.

        • Boots says:

          yes Lespark, love your name, the debt had to go up because the previous republican president practiced Voodoo economics on steroids and left the country with a trillion plus budget deficit. (after inheriting a surplus) Just love you republicans. By the way, how much money do you make off your web site?

          You are right about Russia. That is one of the few positive things I liked about the Donald. Whether he will remain good or be corrupted to the neocon view remains to be seen.

      • Waterman2 says:

        Boots , Do you really think the Stock Market is symbolic of American success? Think about it , who are the big investors? Saudi , Kuwait , Japanese , you name it.

        Main Street is where you find out how Americans are doing and they are suffering.
        Hussain was a great boon for the rich , which makes sense for a Punaho Boy.

    • keaukaha says:

      Yes les the Chump is going to have a mental breakdown. His narcissistic ego cannot handle the billions of insults that will hurled at him everyday until he cracks. Kelley Ann and rence cannot defend his actions. They change the subjects constantly and stutter trying to make the idio- look presidential. Just a matter of time before KABOOM!

  5. sandi2000 says:

    Subliminal message here. SA already knows what the result would be. Now the people can witness it. We know where the SA and the people of Hawaii stand on the Trumpster.

  6. keonimay says:

    Under POTUS Obama, the military – law enforcement – retiree pensions, all suffered.

    It can only get better, with POTUS Trump.

    Anything, that directly effects a person, has a stronger political impact.

    Under POTUS Obama, there was a direct impact.

  7. latenightroach says:

    The sugarcoating is over and it feels good.

    It’s nice to have a POTUS that isn’t afraid to say “radical Islamic terrorists” or “Merry Christmas”.

    I’m very optimistic that a vigorous attempt will be made to fulfill promises. The Donald tells it like it is and is very successful at getting results. That is what he does.

  8. plainly_the_elder says:

    Obama was our first anti-American president.
    Trump on his worst day will be better for average folks than Obozo was on his best.

  9. olderbob says:

    Only SA would ask this question two days after he gets the job. Let’s see the new POTUS in action before this question matters.

  10. Smiley7 says:

    After bho, what could be worse? Auwe!

  11. noheawilli says:

    I have zero faith in any politician but oh my am I grateful it’s not hillary. I mean I am thrilled, optimistic, stoked, happy, and satisfied. May we never hear the words clintion or obama any more in politics. Come on democrats you can do so much better.

  12. raiderDogs says:

    Obama has finally did something. He provided for free exercise for all of his supporters but again he left them with empty promises as America moves to be great again under finally a President that will do something rather than make the politicans rich again on backs of workers.

  13. Kuhio_ says:

    Every time I think about him being our president I feel like throwing up. Never ever felt this way before.

  14. Bdpapa says:

    This is a wait and see situation. Protect your assets and be vigilant!

  15. krusha says:

    Either you like him or you don’t, there’s no in between it seems.

  16. Mana07 says:

    Those of you that said “very pessimistic”, why?

  17. Boots says:

    I am generally pessimistic about the Donald but I realize that he might be good in a couple of areas. First he might end up pushing a single pay health system and two he might have better relations with Russia. But I expecet overall his administration to be the most corrupt in history, ruled by conflicts of interest.

  18. bleedgreen says:

    None of above. My choice: SCARY

  19. wrightj says:

    E. Don’t know yet

  20. Cellodad says:

    I think I agree with Pope Francis. Let’s see what he does. Ask me in eight months or a year.

  21. inHilo says:

    Donald who? How about: How man have already forgotten his name?

  22. GWakai02 says:

    Happy days are here again.

  23. wiliki says:

    Loose cannon. But uneducated poor whites wanted that and they were over-represented from the elector stand point.

    Obama didn’t want to make stupid mistakes and cost the country.

    Donald doesn’t care. Just hope he doesn’t buy into flim-flam Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan’s con game. Donald did say he’ll make up his own policies, didn’t he? Will he have Congress’ support?

    I did hear Ryan say to Charley Rose that they will fund a wall between the US and Mexico – but laughed with Charley when he added the words “where appropriate”. Ryan should stop that because Trump may not like the disrespect and insist that the whole wall be build.

    He should also try to work with Donald as a team. Ryan says they (Congress) will build the wall but Donald will get the money from Mexico to refund our cost. More smiles and laughs. So this wall is tax neutral because it will not impact our bottom line?

    • cajaybird says:

      wiliki, you know better than that. But again, maybe not. To say uneducated poor whites were over represented from the elector standpoint is absolutely wrong. Are you saying that voters between the coasts are uneducated compared with those people in the major cities? Guess again. Do you believe that all the Southern California voters, where Hillary won by some 4 million votes, are all more educated than those between the coasts (and outside of major cities)? Where do you get your data from? CA ranks 50th in terms of those who graduated from high school. Do you really believe decades of open borders results in a more educated public? It is insulting to refer to those who voted for Trump as being uneducated. The reasons people vote for any particular candidate are very complex.

  24. residenttaxpayer says:

    Time will tell whether President Trump will make good on his promises..it’s still too early to judge him on his presidency and I believe all these predictions that he will make America great again or destroy the country are nothing but predictions and at the end of four years the country can decide whether or not to give another term in office or fire him…..

  25. eastside808 says:

    My prediction is he will promise the world anything and everything and when the time to make good on his promises, he will back out and say sue me, even declare bankruptcy. These next four years will be super fun to watch. Glad we are on an island and somewhat insulated from the chaos to follow.

  26. Makua says:

    You have to admit the existing government was a do nothing situation. Congress was determined to fight between parties. Trump comes in with government outsiders who have proven they can accomplish and excell. Hopefully this NEW way of defining the problems and being straight forward about getting solutions will accomplish what most average people will see as needed and will appreciate same.

  27. blackmurano says:

    First of all, I am glad the worst United States President in the history of this country, Barack Hussien Obama 8 years tenure is finally over. This marxist raised and most likely born in Kenya, has almost turned this country into a secular, progressive, atheist cultural. Morality has collapse in this country. He has blaspheme marriage by supporting homosexual marriage over what God Almighty convenant of marriage of one man and one woman.
    He has fed Planned Parenthood millions of dollars to murder the unborn. Since 1973 when the U.S. Supreme Court disobeyed God and approved the murdering of the unborn (abortion) close to 60 million babies have been murdered. 95 percent of the abortion were because their mother did not want the baby – it was not the health of the mother like the Democrats and Planned parenthood is always claiming. 95 percent!!!
    If Hillary Clinton would have been elected, her agenda as well as the Democratic party is to eradicate Christianity from America with their progressive, secular atheist doctrine. Religion liberty will be banned. The holocust of the murdered unborn will continue. The Democratic party has always been anti-God and of course anti Christian.
    Barack Obama has also angered God Almighty by not vetoing that UN bill condemning Israel – the first U.S. President to do that. God has called the Jewish nation, Israel, the Apple of His eye.
    President Donald Trump is 100 percent opposite of Barack Hussien Obama. Presient Trump will now strengthen ties with Israel and for the first time in the U.S. History, will move the American Embassy to Jerusalem. The U.S. Congress had approved that moved in 1995, but somehow pressure from the Arabs, they have yet to move the embassy. President Trump has reiterated this promise during his pre-inauguration speech.
    There will be a build-up of our military that Obama has dangerously cut and put this country in jeopardy. He will cut funds to Planned parenthood and stop the murdering of the unborn.
    As for the media who is 100 percent against President Trump, they will continue to be on the side of the Democratic party. It will be a rough 4 years for President Trump, even though he wins reelection in four years, there will never be peace with the media and liberal Americans. Liberal America does not want Godly family values or Christianity, they their secular, progressive atheist cultural back….

  28. udonnome says:

    POTUS Trump formative adolescence years were at the New York Military Academy for five years’ at the age of thirteen until graduation where he boarded. This has contributed why he has reached the level of success, it instilled core values and discipline in him. He resonates Duty, Honor, County walking in the footsteps of General Douglas MacArthur’s Thayer Award speech:

    Duty, Honor, Country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.

    The unbelievers will say they are but words, but a slogan, but a flamboyant phrase. Every pedant, every demagogue, every cynic, every hypocrite, every troublemaker, and, I am sorry to say, some others of an entirely different character will try to downgrade them even to the extent of mockery and ridicule.

  29. oldsurfah says:

    Listen folks, he gets mad after blantantly lying about the small crowd size at his inauguration, the tries to defend it repeatedly despite ample proof to the contrary using his press secretary to repeat them, then using white house mouthpiece Conway to say it was “alternative facts.” Nuts. And this is the guy we have given the keys to the nuclear codes to. Thanks a lot Trump voters.

    • Waterman2 says:

      Sorry sure dude , Add up all the TV and cable viewers together with the on site D.C. viewers and you have the largest viewing audience of an inauguration ever . Considering it was on a work day for the vast majority of Trump supporters that is phenomenal.

      That is also compared to the Sunday inauguration of Hussain a day few work.

      Go back to surf , leave the fact checking to those who can read.

  30. HAJAA1 says:

    LOL. All you “pessimists” have one thing in common: You give the POTUS way too much credit. The position (by itself) simply does not have that kind of power to negatively affect all the issues of which you speak.

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