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Wednesday, January 22, 2025 67° Today's Paper

What should be done about the Affordable Care Act (‘Obamacare’)?

  • C. Maintain / expand (657 Votes)
  • A. Repeal as soon as possible (601 Votes)
  • B. Scale back (256 Votes)

This is not a scientific poll — results reflect only the opinions of those voting.

27 responses to “What should be done about the Affordable Care Act (‘Obamacare’)?”

  1. Maipono says:

    Obamadon’tcare was an attempt by Obama to use his political capital to “do something”. He placed his reputation on a law that he didn’t understand or read. His advisors were snake oil salesmen that used his reputation to pass this law which enriches insurance companies, because it had a clause that bailed them out if the profit was too low, with tax payer’s money. Remember, “If you like your doctor, you keep your doctor… If you like your plan, you keep your plan…This plan will save money, period” lies that really diminished Obama’s legacy, and will mark him as the most dishonest president in modern history.

    • Waterman2 says:

      “We have to pass it to see what is in it .” Words that will go down in history. Along side “I did not have sex with that woman”.

      • 1local says:

        expand obamacare – give all citizens of the USA – exactly the same as the president and lawmakers of the the USA – whats good for Obama is good ro all in the USA…

        • wondermn1 says:

          The reality is Obamacare (ACA) has made in almost impossible to see a Doctor in Hawaii. Thank god for
          the Longs Minute Clinic and the PA’s ( Physicians assistants) because the real doctors are so busy doing paperwork they have either quit or retired and what we have left are so busy that it takes a month to see them and then its like a rush job and then passed over to the nurses. The people that want Obamacare like wiliki evidently do not pay their own premiums as it has gone up over 80% since the 2009 launch from just over $1200.00 to now well over $2000.oo for a family of 3 persons. We now have people going to Mexico, Indonesia, S.Korea and Canada for health care because ours is spotty at best. Repeal & start over with people buying what they can afford. Rather than what the government can give them for free.

        • wiliki says:

          Actually my premiums have gone down because of Obamacare.Kaiser gets a lump sum payment. Less paperwork for them.

  2. wiliki says:

    Worth every penny we spend on it. We can’t skimp on health care.

    • Allaha says:

      Health care is so complicated and advanced that it costs too much. To give a 75 old a heart transplant and such stuff costs more than our life savings. We need to return to a more basic health care and only people with own money should get the advanced procedures.

      • wiliki says:

        Nonsense… that’s exactly what insurance is for.

        Obama’s legacy will be universal health insurance.

        Anyone who votes for Trump doesn’t expect Trump to take away their health insurance. Republicans will learn that the hard way.

    • cajaybird says:

      Sorry, not money well spent. The 27,000 page bill goes into so many areas of ours lives, including yours, that have not yet been discussed. It should have never been passed with only Democrat support. Reid had to change the rules (which I hope will come back to to make the Democrats wish they never used the “nuclear option”. The medical device tax, the premium increase, losing your doctor and your plan, were known from the start, yet the plan was presented as being just the opposite. The way it was forced on the public is indefensible. The quality of care is decreased, not increased. I doubt the majority of those with the ACA would be able to afford the deductible, which means the taxpayers end up paying the bill. Under such policies, Democrats have lost both houses of Congress, the Presidency, Governors, State houses, in record majorities. Why? You know the answer. One third of the Democrats in Congress are from three states; CA, NY, and Mass. HI should be included as well.

    • dragoninwater says:


      You’re dead wrong as usual Wilkiki! In 2017 I will be paying a whopping 35% and my deductible will be going up by over 300% while I and my family are all healthy. We only go for annual checkups. My newly added costs are going towards subsidizing insurance for illegals on the mainland. You’re so full of $h!t Wiliki that you have no clue how the Obamacare plan was structured from a legal perspective. Every illegal in the state of California has 100% FREE Obamacare, guess who’s paying for it dummy!

  3. inlanikai says:

    Interesting how “Repeal and Replace” is not an option in this poll. Ya’ know, the one the president-elect says he is going to do.

    • kuroiwaj says:

      IRT InLanikai, if you review the pending legislation of the “Replace” plan of Obamacare, it will truly aid all Americans. The “Replace” makes a whole lot of sense. Can’t figure why the Democrats pushed through Obamacare without consideration of some of the Republican proposals. Guess the Democrats believed, as they seem to always believe, they know best. No can do.

      • buttery says:

        IRT kuroiwaj: what are does proposals? since the ACA the GOP have been saying they will repeal or replace it (ACA). where is their plan? again I ask you, what are does proposals!?

        • cajaybird says:

          There have been many plans; none would be signed by the current President. And Reid would block anything going to the President for signature.

        • kuroiwaj says:

          IRT Buttery, there is a excellent summary in the “Washington Examiner” today Dec 4, 2016 on the nominee Rep Dr. Price proposals to replace Obamacare. For me and thousands of members of unions, the proposals protects plans negotiated by collective bargaining without increasing costs on these “Cadillac” plans as Obamacare does, rapidly increasing costs on employers. There are a number of excellent advantages for Hawaii with the new proposals to supplement the existing Hawaii Health Care laws, including Medicare (Quest) etc.

      • buttery says:

        IRT kuroiwaj: the “Replace makes a lot of sense”, “Replace” will truly aid all Americans”. brother/sister, I am retired and still Union member, “We” are fortunate, we have Union covered health care, why are you against ACA when you have a better health coverage? how does it affect you? there are people in this country who can’t get the kind of care you and I have and my plan doesn’t cover pre-existent illness/injuries like ACA. is it the ACA you hate or the Democrats? if you didn’t have your Union job with your Union pay, private insurance would cost you plus zero coverage for pre-existed illness. wait and see, the GOP will not touch the ACA because they haven’t got a better plan, if anything, they will scrap ACA completely. In Unionism!

        • kuroiwaj says:

          IRT Buttery, we can talk the same language. First, our union health plan costs were increased by millions of dollars a year as a “Penalty” because of our Cadillac plan to level the playing field with the others. As you know, this created a problem for the medical trust fund incurring this additional costs. So the union requested a reopening in the collective bargaining with employers, who pay into the medical trust fund for union member employees, to increase the contribution amount. The medical trust fund had to made adjustments in medical coverage and others impacting the union member. As you must be aware, the costs for Obamacare (ACA) has been and will be increasing, and in certain State in double digits. Again, impacting our medical trust funds and causing more concern with the employers. You and I don’t have to worry much, but the active members of the union and employers must be extremely concerned. What if your medical trust fund implodes and you lose all its benefits?

  4. stanislous says:

    If Obama Care was such a good deal… why did all the politicians exempt themselves from having to be covered by it?

    • buttery says:

      IRT stanislous: you are talking about Congress, the very people that will vote for their own pay raises,their own “Golden Parachute”, their own health care coverage which includes covering their children till the age of 21. the rich or our politicians don’t need the ACA they make the rules! do you know of any insurance company that will cover pre-existent illnesses or injuries, ACA will.

    • cajaybird says:

      IRT stanislous: You’ll hear crickets on that one. Actually, they exempted themselves much like the Old Soviet Union’s Politburo exempted themselves from all their socialist directives.

  5. Numilalocal says:

    Do you folks who say “repeal” have no compassion for the tens of millions of people who will lose medical coverage? If the ACA, medicare and medicaid are privatized, the likelihood of denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions will be rampant. AND your premiums will skyrocket. All because economic elites (translate really rich folks) will now be making policy in Washington DC.

    • dragoninwater says:

      Complete lies and nonsense. Who exactly are the tens of millions of people that will lose healthcare? Maybe you’re referring to the tens of millions of illegals that game the system and get 100% FREE healthcare at our expense.

  6. Readitnow says:

    The Maintain/expand choice should actually say Maintain/make corrections …
    As in all situations, it is impossible to create a fool proof plan. You can only implement the best plan possible at the time, then make corrections or adjustments as you go along.

  7. samidunn says:

    If it’s so good, how come members of congress don’t use it.

  8. SteveToo says:

    Maintain / expand

    Must be the guys getting free medical care now. LOL

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