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Voter turnout still shameful with isles hitting record low

It’s the last Sunday in August and time to “flASHback” on the month’s news that amused and confused:

>> Hawaii had record low turnout in the primary election when only 34.7 percent of registered voters cast ballots. If it goes any lower, we can vote by a show of hands.

>> Some 1,600 absentee ballots weren’t counted because they were mailed too late. At least some people put effort into not voting.

>> Gov. David Ige said the Democratic political machine is a myth, and that the party wins elections because of the quality of its candidates. The man has an uncanny ability to keep a straight face.

>> Hawaii island voters pulled 76-year-old former Mayor Harry Kim out of retirement to restore trust after the Billy Kenoi scandals. If only every island had a Yoda to save the day.

>> Mayor Kirk Caldwell came from behind in the polls to finish ahead of challenger Charles Djou, but Djou was optimistic about their general election runoff. He’s like the kid digging up a pile of horse manure hoping to find a pony.

>> Caldwell compared Oahu’s rail disaster to a flesh-eating virus and declared, “I want to recover with all my limbs.” Here’s hoping he gets a better doctor than the one trying to recover his ethics.

>> The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation sent CEO Dan Grabauskas packing with a $282,250 severance package. Hawaii makes an art form of overpaying for underachievement.

>> The Caldwell administration deployed concrete planters and crime-scene barriers in a cat-and-mouse game to keep a homeless couple off an Atkinson Drive traffic island. It’s a classic battle of half-wits.

>> The City Charter Commission approved a measure for the November ballot asking voters to ease term limits for elected officials. The working title is: “An amendment to give Ernie Martin a job until he has another chance to run for mayor.”

>> A judge issued a restraining order after the state sued itself over a $60 million sweetheart deal the Legislature gave Maui hospital workers. One state attorney assured the court, “I’m not schizophrenic.” Opposing counsel said, “That makes four of us.”

>> In high-priced Hawaii, $100 is really worth only $85.62, according to the Tax Foundation. Except in politics, where every $100 in campaign donations is worth thousands in government contracts.

>> U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard charged her campaign fund $7,939 for high-end hair and makeup stylists to prepare for her frequent TV talk show appearances. This is like a remake of “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” starring Lady Gaga.

And the quote of the month … from Waikiki Neighborhood Board member Jeff Merz about the Atkinson Drive homeless couple: “It’s absurd when people are allowed to make a mockery of government.” That’s reserved for folks with titles like “Governor,” “Mayor” and “Senator.”

Reach David Shapiro at volcanicash@gmail.com.

32 responses to “Voter turnout still shameful with isles hitting record low”

  1. CEI says:

    Well done David! As usual.

  2. mitt_grund says:

    “>> Mayor Kirk Caldwell came from behind in the polls to finish ahead of challenger Charles Djou, but Djou was optimistic about their general election runoff. He’s like the kid digging up a pile of horse manure hoping to find a pony.”

    David, sticks and stones may break bones,but cladwell is already prepared with his Territorial Savings director golden parachute. Imagine $250,000 a year for a two hours a month (his own words) meeting. More than he makes as mayor. When push comes to shove, who will cladwell put first, eh, the easy two hour a month job, or his ethically-challenged performance as mayor?

    • SHOPOHOLIC says:

      Problem is, if he’s not mayor TS has ZERO need for the Krook!

    • peanutgallery says:

      Not a remote chance his Territorial salary even comes close to what he’s banking as Mayor. If you really believe that, you haven’t seen all the tower cranes in Honolulu, all the variances, and side-steps in the LUO. Didn’t even bring-up rail. Kirk has been dipping his beak as hard as he can. He knows, like all the other local politicians, the public isn’t going to do a thing about it. He knows his fellow politicians will cover his back, as they kneel shoulder to shoulder dipping those beaks. We have the most un-informed and weak voter base in the nation.

  3. Kalaheo1 says:

    Well done, once again.

  4. Ewasohappy says:

    Great article, loved the comments especially this one. >> Gov. David Ige said the Democratic political machine is a myth, and that the party wins elections because of the quality of its candidates. The man has an uncanny ability to keep a straight face.

    • fiveo says:

      Funny article Dave. Personally I think there are three types out there in regards to people who do not vote.
      There are those who do not feel there is anyone to vote for so why bother.
      Then there are those who are dumber than a doughnut, who do not care and
      are totally oblivious to the connection between who is in office and what is happening around them and who only know what they are told
      to think by the drive by media which are controlled by a few multinational corporations.
      I am afraid that the latter group is increasing and have become an increasing segment of the population.
      And from what I can determine, it has very little to do with social class or educational background. It is kind of like a general dumbing
      down of society. The last group are those who do not care about anyone else and are content to go along with those in control as long
      as they are not negatively or directly affected. This group by the way are the ones who scream the loudest when they are impacted directly.
      They are the type who will step around someone who has fallen and are ill and will not do anything to help a fellow human being in need.

    • fiveo says:

      I believe the guv’s ability to maintain a straight face may have something to do with being an inscrutable oriental as they used to say
      back in the day. No longer politically correct now, I suppose.

  5. SHOPOHOLIC says:

    This month was especially acidic because there’s more to be cynical about regarding “our” state and local governments.

    CADWELL needs to GO! OUT with this person that laughs in the face of the citizenry and mocks his office, the people and so called ethics!!!

  6. justmyview371 says:

    The candidates are all deplorable. That’s why voters don’t bother to vote. And don’t say if your not happy, run yourself. Without Party support you can’t win and you need to be an insider for Party support. And a Democrat.

  7. Macadamiamac says:

    Grin and bear it, or groan and beat it. Thanks Dave.

  8. tsugi says:

    people are disgusted with all the corruption and incompetence that these legalized crooks are doing.
    NO CAN!!

  9. rytsuru says:

    All of it, sadly, the truth. In the end though, little can be done by the unwashed masses short of armed revolution and that will never come, so people just decide it is better to do something else with their time rather than vote.

  10. MamaKin says:

    Dave’s top ten countdown should be a daily regular. So sad but true.

  11. saywhatyouthink says:

    34% voted? That’s how the Democratic party of Hawaii maintains it’s stranglehold on local government, only the old people seem to vote. When the Repubs occasionally field a good candidate, the Dems move to “convert” him or her into a Democrat, for their own good of course. If things don’t change, the Dems and their special interest owners will bankrupt this state. We’re already in the hole for Billions to the public worker unions. Who’s going to pay for that?
    Keep voting (D) people, you’re getting exactly what you deserve.

    • Boots says:

      Well I certainly will continue to vote democratic, except for Cynthia of course as republicans have zero values today except socialism for the rich. I am also against big intrusive government which today’s “republicans” tend to love. Why would anyone vote for Orwell’s Oceania?

  12. paintslinger says:

    Shameful? Are you joking? The most politically corrupt system in the western hemisphere and you are lamenting a poor voter turnout? Perhaps you need to peer a little closer into the rotting vitals of our government, its vitiated authority, moribund, ethically bankrupt and nearly unable to solve the simplest issues while they’re constituency looks on……and you think its shameful we dont all rush out in huge numbers to cast a vote. You are funny!

  13. papio5 says:

    Don’t forget Kaneshiro, he’s up for re-election.

  14. laupahoeboy says:

    Voter apathy? Well yes. Look at the people running. I seriously considered voting for Trump until I looked at his record. I would vote for Hilary but it will be more business as usual. So I think I will scratch out both their names and write in Ron Paul, not because I agree with all of his policies, but because he seems to stick to principles and to the rule of law over that of the rule of men. Sounds like a good place to start.

  15. Manawai says:

    I’ll never forget my older customers…seniors, some barely able to walk, coming into my office on election day saying that they had to come out to vote for THE PARTY. “The party needs my vote.” Now these are uninformed oldsters who knew nothing of the issues or the candidates other than their name and race. It was race and party that largely determined their vote. But party first. And that’s why we’re a one party state to this day. The “Quiet Revolution” lives on…as senile as its members.

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