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Djou raised 3 times as much as his main opponents in July

Honolulu mayoral candidate Charles Djou raised $225,507 in July, three times more than was collected by Mayor Kirk Caldwell or former Mayor Peter Carlisle during that same period, a sign his bid to unseat the incumbent is on the upswing.

Caldwell raised only $68,855 during the same 29 days, while Carlisle reported bringing in $56,748.

Looking at the entire, two-year election cycle, however, Caldwell has raised and spent exponentially more on his re-election than either Djou or Carlisle. Caldwell has raised $2,851,098 and spent $2,101,202, while Djou has raised $484,894 to date and spent $290,719, and Carlisle has raised $57,177 and spent $32,666.

Election financing reports were due to the state Campaign Spending Commission by the end of Wednesday.

Of the money received by Djou in July, $198,984 came from contributions of more than $100. Caldwell received $65,791 in contributions of more than $100. Carlisle received $19,655 in contributions of more than $100.

Despite former U.S. Rep. Djou’s big fundraising efforts in the last month, Caldwell spent twice as much as him during the period, and has $580,000 more than him heading into the closing days of the primary election.

The primary election is Aug. 13, and more than 40,000 Oahu voters have already turned in absentee mail-in ballots, according to the city Elections Office. If the top vote-getter receives more than 50 percent of the votes cast, he or she would become mayor. Otherwise, the two top finishers in the field of 11 will face off in the Nov. 8 general election.

In July, Djou spent $277,474 and had a cash balance of $194,174. That’s less than the $524,243 spent by Caldwell, who had a cash balance of $774,011. Carlisle spent $32,237 in July and has a balance of $24,512 but a campaign deficit of $2,187.

Djou held three fundraisers in July: a $1,000-a-person event at Ruth’s Chris Steak House, a $60-per-person gathering at the Mandalay Restaurant downtown and a $50-per-head gathering at a private residence in East Honolulu.

During the same period, Caldwell held one fundraiser, a $50-per-person gathering downtown. The campaign, however, has held seven other fundraisers in 2016 at various Honolulu locales and a $500-a-ticket event in Boston. Carlisle listed no fundraisers in July or since he announced his bid for office in the spring.

102 responses to “Djou raised 3 times as much as his main opponents in July”

  1. wondermn1 says:

    If the people of Oahu THINK, our new Mayor will be Charles Djou. You can bet the smear campaign from Caldwell’s puppets PRP will soon be coming just like in 2012. lets hope the election is honest and not rigged like 2012. I am voting without a doubt for Charles Djou.

    • Kailuadad says:

      I’m sorry. If the people “think”, Djou will NOT be mayor.

      “No more taxes” sounds great as rhetoric but is an absurd and irresponsible fiscal position.

      What worries me the most is Djou has no clear plan for his rail “alternative”. How does he propose to pay for the alternative? If he’s worried about GET-securitized debt bankrupting the City how would a new bus system – that would have to be entirely funded by property / vehicle taxes – impact the City?

      • hybrid1 says:

        New buses are 80% Federally funded and would cost the city about $200,000 per bus or $40 million for 200 new buses. 200 express buses per hour on West Oahu H-1 zipper lane would carry 10,000 commuters per hour during peak hour. Converting the guide way to 2 lane reversible for 200 express buses and 3,800 HOV(2) passenger cars would carry 17,000+ commuters per hour.

        HART plans to purchase 80 rail cars at $2.0 million (Oahu taxpayer funded) each for $160 million. Rail will carry 3,000 rail commuters per hour.

      • Wazdat says:

        WAKE UP. HE will have a plan that has COMMON SENSE once he figures out how BAD the situation is with Rail and how much Kirk and Hart have LIED !

      • gsc says:

        Mr Djou might not have a plan, but he just wants to spend our tax money with in our means. Kirk has been involved in city government for over ten years and look city services are falling apart. Keehi lagoon last week had storm trash and look who had to take charge and clean it up. Canoe Teams ! Would you hire a contractor to build you a house and ask for a price and the contractors answer is when we are finished I’ll give you a price ! If you would do that you are full of Kukai !

        • pakeheat says:

          Yes I agree with your comments, pro-railers don’t care only for themselves and not looking at our infrastructure problems ahead

        • Vector says:

          Pakeheat, the infrastructure problem NOW, is to way to finance rail all the way to Ala Moana Center metro and transit hub, so people can get to UH Manoa and Waikiki, by hopping on a loan bus route.

        • Vector says:

          Yes, blame the storm and all the debris in Keehi Lagoon on Caldwell. Why do’nt you go out there and clean up the mess with all your friends

        • Kalaheo1 says:

          Vector says: “Yes, blame the storm and all the debris in Keehi Lagoon on Caldwell. Why do’nt you go out there and clean up the mess with all your friends”

          Well, it’s not his job to maintain the city, that Mayor Caldwell’s job and all the city workers that cost millions and millions in taxes. I don’t ask Mayor Caldwell and his rail friends to come to my place of work and do my job, and you shouldn’t ask anyone else to the same.

        • gsc says:

          Vector, Kymberly Pine passed a Bill to have Groups or anyone who wanted to adopt a park to clean ! My question to you what about the park cleaners that get paid to do that. I guess trying to get sexual favors because the City Parks are not the greatest !

      • Boots says:

        As if the roads can hold more busses. Sadly Charles does not offer anything concrete. Wonder how long before his approval ratings hit bottom? Fact is Honolulu is messed up thanks to democrats not listening to Fasi decades ago. Djou will just add substantially to Oahu’s problems. I am so glad I no longer have to fight the rush hour traffic.

        • NanakuliBoss says:

          IGE says no more road construction. He thinks things are great. Traffic mess on Sat morning H1 merge. Traffic mess everyday! Wait till UH and real traffic start. The NO gang wants NO taxes. They don’t care about YES traffic but wants NO taxes. DNOJOU, is a NO mayor because he is a RepubliNOcan. Drink your TEA.

    • Mr Mililani says:

      I never thought that I would vote for a Republican like Djou but, in this case, I have to make an exception. Now, if we can just get rid of Republican Fukumoto-Chang in Mililani, we’ve got something.

    • Sandybeach says:

      Been to several neighborhood board meeting in Hawaii Kai where Caldwell’s staff were arrogant and seemed uncaring to the peoples comments. I think I will go with D’jou and hope that he changes some of the people in Cladwell’s administration. These administrators acted like they were empowered and that they were being bother by the board. I stopped going to the board meeting because the Board of Water Supply administrative person was so rude to the board. I felt embarrassed for the board. The parks person was just as bad. Terrible to see these people act so arrogantly. My opinion. Thank you.

      • Vector says:

        Sandybeach, have you noticed how nasty and vile the posts are on Caldwell, HART, and Grabauskas, then you might begin to understand why the city officials might be hostile. Put it out, expect to receive it in return

        • localguy says:

          The truth hurts. There would not be vile posts if Caldwell, Grabby Boy, HART, had integrity, were professional, put the needs of others before theirs, lead by example, never lied to taxpayers, admitted their mistakes were competent. All are totally incompetent, legends in their own mind.

          As you sow so shall you reap. Nuff said.

        • Kalaheo1 says:

          Vector says: “Sandybeach, have you noticed how nasty and vile the posts are on Caldwell, HART, and Grabauskas”

          The nastiest and vilest posts I have seen here were from you and directed at me. It’s didn’t take long for the SA staff to catch it and delete them all.

          Nasty and vile posts have no place here and, like your writing, they are quickly taken down.

  2. localguy says:

    Kirky Boy & Caldwell only raised their money though turning in recyclables and from standing on street corners with cardboard signs. Just like the homeless.

    Yes, those “homeless old people” you have seen on street corners are none other than Kirky Boy and Caldwell. Both need to admit they are no longer relevant in today’s world, need to retire and go away. Far, far, far away.

  3. localtodamax808 says:

    Djou has no plans for rail…he only says the same thing Trump says…”It’s a mess”. He keeps on flip-flopping on taking Middle St to Ala Moana section to At-Grade, BUS Rapid transit, and BUS on the guideway. He should pick one and tell us the cost to do it. As a mayoral candidate whose main issue is fixing rail…Djou I has failed to give me any reason to vote for him. He is absolutely CLUELESS!!

    • OldDiver says:

      Djou is scrambling because his first plan was to stop at Middle Street forever. With polls showing the public wants the project completed he is left with recycling failed ideas from four years ago.

      • localguy says:

        Not so fast OD. First priority for the public is to get this rail boondoggle under control, stop the hemorraging of their tax dollars. Unfortunately this could take years so better to end rail at Middle Street, pay off all the bills.

        Then we find fresh, new, competent, rail management and work on going all the way to UH. This time the public is told up front how many billions, with a capital B, it will cost. No more playing games.

        Sad to say the Nei’s rail debacle is the laughing stock of the entire world. Tourists come here to see the little 8th world of Hawaii Nei.

    • hybrid1 says:

      Djou has included use of express buses to extend the mass transit program.

      “Ending rail at Middle St or AMC makes no difference to the commuter: most commuters still have to catch another bus to their final destinations. Ala Moana Center is not a transit station, nor is it capable of moving riders where they want to go efficiently. Get over it as the end point.

      The first 10 miles ends at Aloha Stadium. The practical and best option is to convert the rail guide way to a 2-lane HOV(2) Reversible freeway from Kapolei to Aloha Stadium for less than $4 Billion already collected via GET. The two-lane reversible can be used for single passenger vehicles during non-peak hours. Tampa has built a Reversible Express Lane for $42 million per mile in year 2006, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkM-MC3N-oY. The Tampa elevated structure is built similar to the Oahu Rail guide way.

      The year 2030 downtown-bound commuter demand will be 15,000 commuters per hour above the existing highway capacity, according to the city’s Alternative Traffic Analysis. The reversible can carry up to 17,000 commuters per hour (200 express buses and 3800 vehicles per hour) versus 3,000 RAIL commuters per hour. The Reversible Expressway will eliminate traffic gridlock at the H-1/H-2 merge. New buses are 80% Federally funded and would cost the city about $200,000 per bus or $40 million for 200 new buses. HART plans to purchase 80 rail cars at $2.0 million (Oahu taxpayer funded) each for $160 million.

    • Wazdat says:

      Djou is a smart man and once he has the REAL INFORMATION about Rail and the finances Djou will make a COMMON SENSE decision.

      Time to turn the lights on and watch the rats and cockroaches run and hide !

      • Vector says:

        Wazdat, if Djou has all the information, why is he still searching for a solution. So far he has come up with a “Just say no to rail”. His other proposals are also impractical and unrealistic.

        • localguy says:

          Wrong again. Djou will not continue to throw tax dollars into the endless rail money pit as Kirky and Caldwell would do. He wants to end rail at Middle Street, pay all the rail bills, see how rail works.

          Then if and when the public is ready to be taxed more to extend rail, a decision will be made.

          Only a complete babooze would blindly continue to fund rail with no end to the debacle in sight. As I said………

        • Vector says:

          Djou ending rail at Middle Street, will break our contract with the Feds to build rail to Ala Moana, we will lose $1.5 billion in Federal funding. Djou is the babooze

        • localguy says:

          Vector AKA uku and wiliki.

          Wrong again as is your standard. The Feds, realizing the Nei is clearly incapable of successfully managing a large project to standard like rail, has said they will work with the Nei.

          Feds are on board with rail ending at Middle Street as it will end the ongoing debacle, save billions, work to reduce the crushing debt rail is piling on the backs of taxpayers.

          The only baboozes are rookie posters. As I said…….

        • Kalaheo1 says:

          Vector says: “Djou ending rail at Middle Street, will break our contract with the Feds to build rail to Ala Moana, we will lose $1.5 billion in Federal funding. Djou is the babooze”

          There you go calling names again.

          Remind me. What is Mayor Caldwell’s plan again? Something about “finding” $1.5 billion?..

    • pakeheat says:

      How do you like rail so far? On time and on budget lol

      • Vector says:

        Pakeheat, are you always on time and on budget? If you are, let us know your secret.

        • localguy says:

          Clearly the concept of sarcasm escapes you. Not unusual for weak of mind pro railers.

        • pakeheat says:

          Yes Vector I’m always on time for work and I don’t waste nor spend when I can’t afford, what about you?

        • Vector says:

          Pakeheat, I am always on time at work aND been doing it for decades, yet due to unforseen circumstances, not been on budget. However, even I have surmounted it, and doing quite well

        • localguy says:

          Clearly the use of proper English grammar is not one of your strong points.

        • Kalaheo1 says:

          Vector says: “due to unforseen circumstances, not been on budget. However, even I have surmounted it, and doing quite well”

          So, what’s your secret when you went over budget? Did you cut back, make hard choices, tighten your belt, admit you were wrong, do without and learn from your mistakes, or did you get everyone else on the island to pay for YOUR continued poor decisions and broken promises?

    • Vector says:

      Djou has no plan except to stop the rail project when the $5.6 billion is gone. To change the rail guide way to street level would cause the metro to interface and interrupt all the traffic below, as well as interrupt the metro itself, causing the metro to slow down and make many more stops along the way, defeating the speed of the metro. Transferring to buses at the Middle Street Transit station, would also make the trip longer into the busiest areas of Honolulu, Kakaako, and Ala Moana, where most people go to work, play, and shop. His idea to change the guide way for buses is also ridiculous. Do we throw all the metro cars we already have? Where do you place the on and off ramps. If a bus is stalled on the guide way, how do you get it off? The City has a $1.5 billion conntract with the Federal Transit Administration to build the guide way to Ala Moana Center, which we will lose, if we do not complete the rail project as planned. How long will it take for all of these schemes by Djou to be approved by the electorate, replanned, redesigned, and constucted? 10 years, 20 years? And we still would not have a solution to increasing traffic and congestion between the east and west side of Leeward Oahu. Djou claims to be fiscally responsible. He does not have any practical and realistic, and no schedule what so ever. He wants to throw away all of our tax money already invested in rail, and forfeit the $1.5 billion of Federal money. That is the height of fiscal irresponsibility.

      • Kalaheo1 says:

        Vector says: “Djou has no plan except to stop the rail project when the $5.6 billion is gone.”

        That’s noe much different than Kirk Caldwell’s plan isn’t it? Remember, he was going to stop at Middle St too, and then flip-flopped back to completing to the fancy tourist once he “finds some money.” We both know what that really means.

        As for Charle Djou getting the details of his mass transit rescue plan “approved by the electorate,” is that a new thing? The last chance we had to weigh in on how things were done was the creation of HART. A little “approval of the electorate would have been a really good thing… if we had actually been told the truth about how big a mess this rail project really was.

        And I would I wouldn’t worry to much about Charles Djou “forfeiting the $1.5 billion of Federal money,” because of Kirk Caldwell and HART’s gross mismanagement and irresponsibility, the Feds are holding on to that money for us until they see some sign that HART have got their act together. Have you seen any sign of that? Because I haven’t.

        • Vector says:

          Kalaheo1, you must spend your entire day blogging. You need to restore some balance to your life by getting out, exercising, socializing, partying, working, recreating. Life will become much clearer to you.

        • localguy says:

          Vector – Funny. We all say the same thing about you. Need to talk to your two step fathers, Kirky and Caldwell. Have them take you out to the movies, the beach, have some run.

          No need for more rookie posters like you to waste your time online.

        • wiliki says:

          Djou mentioned the funny idea of running cars on the elevated train rail last times I heard him talk. Definitely, he’s against rail.

        • Vector says:

          Wazdat, the rats and roaches are in your mind

        • Vector says:

          Kalaheo1, throwing away the $1. 5 billion in our tax money is easy for you to say, but you are not doing it with my taxes.

        • Kalaheo1 says:

          Vector says: “Kalaheo1, throwing away the $1. 5 billion in our tax money is easy for you to say, but you are not doing it with my taxes.”

          If you’re concerned about not getting that money from the FTA, then you’re screeching at the wrong guy.

          You’ll want to be fussing Mayor Kirk Caldwell and Dan Grabauskas. They’re the ones who have alienated and angered the FTA so much that they are withholding funds until they get their act together.

          So save your anger for them, and leave me out of it.

  4. st1d says:

    djou’s commercials highlight delays in the rail as one of the major causes of cost overruns. ironic, since his bagman, cayetano, is the main litigator filing lawsuit after lawsuit delaying the rail’s construction.

    • gsc says:

      st1d, Former Gov Cayetano is using common sense ! Spend with in our means ! So to you “Ai Kae” !

    • Kalaheo1 says:

      st1d says: “djou’s commercials highlight delays in the rail as one of the major causes of cost overruns. ironic, since his bagman, cayetano, is the main litigator filing lawsuit after lawsuit delaying the rail’s construction.”

      This lie appears to be PRP’s newest talking point since it keeps reappearing almost verbatim despite being debunked over and over again.

      The then Mayor and rail insiders were making a forceful push to get rail started and beyond the point of no return. They tried a shady legal end run around the requirement for a archeological EIS to be completed before starting work. The City was sued by The Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation on behalf of cultural practitioner Paulette Kaleikini. She was independent and had no relationship with Ben Cayetano or Charles Djou.

      The Hawaii Supreme Court ruled UNANIMOUSLY that the city had erred and ordered them to stop work until a archeological EIS was completed. They did, it was, and Paulette Kaleikini was satisfied. This was a rare unanimous decision regarding Native Hawaiian rights by the Hawaii Supreme Court is not indisputable and a matter of public record. Pretending that year long delay was somehow caused by Ben Cayetan is simply dishonest.

      Remember, if you can’t support the rail project without resorting to lies, then you can’t support the rail project.

      • Vector says:

        Ben Cayetano, Slater, Heen, Djou, Kobayashi, Kawanakoa, Panos, et al, have been opposed to rail for decades, and have done everything in their power to oppose rail, with litigation, and political opposition. To say they had no influence or impact on the numerous delays, which caused the project cost to escalate, is really the height of hypocrisy and disingenuousness.

        • Kalaheo1 says:

          Vector says: “To say they had no influence or impact on the numerous delays, which caused the project cost to escalate, is really the height of hypocrisy and disingenuousness.”

          So this IS going to be the PRP talking point this election…

          Okay then. I can direct you to the ruling by The Hawaii Supreme Court that ruled in favor of Paulette Kaleikini and The Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation that stopped the rail project for close to a year.


          Could you direct me to a similar document where Ben Cayetano, Slater, Heen, Djou, Kobayashi, Kawanakoa, Panos, et al sought a work stoppage, a TRO, or won a ruling that stopped rail construction for even 5 minutes?

          And since you can’t, would you kindly apologize for your lies about Ben Cayetano, Slater, Heen, Djou, Kobayashi, Kawanakoa, and Panos? Thank you.

          Remember, if you can’t support the rail project without resorting to lies, then you can’t support the rail project.

        • wiliki says:

          Laws don’t cause delays , Frivolous trials do.

        • Vector says:

          Kalaheo1, you have completely lost it. Repeating the same nonsense everyday, all day long

        • Vector says:

          Kalaheo1, get real and get a life

        • Kalaheo1 says:

          So you CAN’T direct me to a similar document where Ben Cayetano, Slater, Heen, Djou, Kobayashi, Kawanakoa, Panos, et al sought a work stoppage, a TRO, or won a ruling that stopped rail construction for even 5 minutes.

          That’s what I thought. When I saw the string of frustrated insults, I knew I caught you lying again.

          When you lie like that, you just waste everyone’s time.

      • st1d says:


        “(The) court found them having violated the law on three issues. And the fact is that in December, there’ll be the sentencing, so to speak,” said Caldwell’s opponent former Gov. Cayetano, who was one of the plaintiffs who filed the federal lawsuit. He referred to a court hearing scheduled for December 12, in which the two sides can argue before the judge whether the court can halt the project.

        Rail opponent Panos Prevedouros also said even if the project isn’t halted, it certainly will be delayed.”

  5. MoiLee says:

    Correct Wondermn1…….PRP has been quite dormant up to this point, & you would have expected them to start up with the Smear campaigns slogans against Djou. Since it is just 0ne week away from the primary? I suspect they know something we already know about Hawaii. That Hawaii will keep “Doing The Same Thing Over and Over Again Expecting Different Results”. Based on the theory of “Insanity” Captain Kirk WILL retain his mayoral spot in The City and of Honolulu.IMUA

    • Vector says:

      I want Mayor Caldwell to do the same things again and again, like fixing our roads, repairing and improving our parks, reducing homelessness, improving our sewers and treatment plants, working with HART and the City Council to fulfill the contract with the Federal Transit Administration to build rail for the entire length to Ala Moana Center. What has Charles Djou done to address any of thsee issues, during the years he has been on the City Council, in the legistlature, and in Congress? He is a true Republican, opposing any and all infrastructure projects.

      • localguy says:

        Uhhh, Kirky Boy is incapable of doing what you ask of him, what taxpayers want him to do. He is a proven loser who needs to go away.

      • pakeheat says:

        And what has the democrats done to this state? I can list a lot of things but I might throw up on your pants if u think it’s all good so far, lol

        • Vector says:

          Pakeheat, please list what you and the Repuglicans have done for the City and State.

      • Kalaheo1 says:

        Vector says: “I want Mayor Caldwell to do the same things again and again, like fixing our roads, repairing and improving our parks, reducing homelessness, improving our sewers and treatment plants, working with HART and the City Council to fulfill the contract with the Federal Transit Administration to build rail for the entire length to Ala Moana Center. ”

        I think we’d all like that.

        The fact that Mayor Caldwell appears incapable of doing that is probably why he’s lagging in the polls.

  6. wiliki says:

    Tough fight ahead.

  7. el_burro_sabio says:

    If Djou thinks he will not be beholden to his large contributors he is extremely delusional. The sad reality is if he is elected and doesn’t “pay back” those contributors, they won’t ever be there for him again.

  8. wn says:

    mnmnmnmnmidea of pushing for responsible governance(albeit foreign)was a good idea. I presume his strong Family values, business acumen and leadership skills (military) will make him a fine leader. Give Mr. Djou a chance and “if no look good”…get someone else.

    ByByBByI fully expect PRP to do their thing

  9. makiki123 says:

    Djou’ snegative campaigning is irritating. All he can do is point out the negatives, but provides no real solutions. He just makes vague references to doing this or that with real solution. Just like Cayetano who gave proposed alternatives to rail that weren’t going to do anything but create more traffic. Just like Cayetano, Djou doesn’t have the backbone to be honest and tell people that we can reduce the cost of rail if we took one lane of each road away just for mass transit vehicles. If you want to save the people money then just take one lane away from cars and just use it for transit lines. Is this going to create more traffic? Obviously, but it will encourage more people to use mass transit because they will be able to get to their destinations in half the time it takes to drive their car.

    • Wazdat says:

      Uhh Hello, wake up and look around, open your eyes. This city is going down the drain and Kirk is helping cause a lot of the mess.

      Time to WAKE UP HAWAII !!

    • pakeheat says:

      You are irritating with negative comments, do you think the rail is worth the price? Will you ride the rail?

      • Wazdat says:

        No, I do not think spending 10 Billion for a train to a shopping mall makes any sense. And I do not like LIARS, Rail was sold at 3 billion to UH not a shopping mall !

        NO I will never ride rail as I live on the east side, The only people who will ride the rail is current bus riders.

        I do support taxe monies for NEW FREEWAYS, BRIDGES, SYCH LIGHTS and every other solution that will actually HELP traffic and HELP the residents of the west side.

    • wiliki says:

      He’s Mr. No on rail.

  10. Wazdat says:

    I think Djou can win 50% plus 1 in the primary. Lets send Kirk the clown PACKING and STOP the DAMAGE he has caused this city !

    Get out and vote folks or better yet mail those ballots in. Djou in a landslide !!!!!!!

  11. ready2go says:

    Support for Djou is growing.

  12. wrightj says:

    Concerning the rail, a new mayor probably won’t change anything.

  13. islandsun says:

    Caldwell is a complete failure. Seven years off poor performance. Send him back to the mainland where he belongs.

  14. Cellodad says:

    I like Ruth’s Chris just fine (except maybe the Waikoloa restaurant) but not $1000 worth. I would be interested to read information about all of the candidates concerning the origins of those contributions >$100.

    • Mr Mililani says:

      Don’t want to go off subject but went to the Ruth Chris in Waikiki once and it was a disaster. I’ll give you one small sample…ordered well done and the filet was raw. They put up a big fight to provide a new piece of meat since once it’s cut, it will get dried out if it’s more well done. And that was just the beginning. The one in Ward is OK.

      • localguy says:

        Pure shibai from a whiner.

        A quick check of Trip Advisor and Yelp prove you are completely wrong. With a rating of 4.5 stars, majority are excellent.

        One must understand some people just like to post trash reviews, are angry at the world.

  15. popolo says:

    we need a stimulus like donating one’s paycheck to r & m the roads etc
    i would vote for that person regardless

  16. justmyview371 says:

    Caldwell has an unlimited source of money from developers, contractors, unions, consultants, etc.

  17. WizardOfMoa says:

    Acquiring a sound financial means to finish this rail to Ala Moana is the most logical plan. Somehow, at this point in time, common sense is in limbo! We can’t have anyone playing politics and or climbing an egotistical ladder just to achieved the title of Mayor of Honolulu. Sadly, this is a picture one of the three candidates seem to draw of himself! ….and Kids please stop this bickering and insulting each other , it’s getting tiresome!! It makes me want to take each one of you on my lap and give you a good spanking!!

  18. butinski says:

    Notice now that loser Kirk is trotting out his wife, Donna, to help his cause. Next, will come daughter Maya with her torch, to burn his opponents signs as she did on Ben Cayetano. The guy is getting desperate.

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