Honolulu Star-Advertiser

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Opinion and analysis by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser Editorial Board. Get informed with columns and commentary, and submit a letter to the editor.

Column: Strengthen tools against domestic abuse

On Dec. 23, 2023, Theresa Cachuela was brutally shot to death by her husband while her young child looked on. It was only two days after she was finally granted a long-awaited temporary restraining order. Read more

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Letter: Cutting waste more effective than firing

The letter writer who suggested that Donald Trump and Elon Musk can save America (“Trump and Musk can save divided America,” Star-Advertiser, Feb. 24) should consider these facts: except for the Bill Clinton years, the U.S. government has run a deficit for 50 years. Read more

Letter: Stop USAID bleeding before helping others

I am amazed at how many people were out protesting on Presidents Day against President Donald Trump and Elon Musk exposing the corrupt, incompetent and possibly criminal actions taken by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Read more

Off the news: Saturday immigration event offers help

Recognizing “a shift in the national immigration landscape,” the Filipino Community Center is stepping up to host a “citizenship outreach” event from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, with free access to immigration services for all comers, regardless of immigration status or ethnic background. Read more

Editorial: Money uncertainty dips DHHL’s big ask

The state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) received a transformational infusion of funding in 2022, when Act 279 — the “Waitlist Reduction Act” — became law, appropriating a historic $600 million to the chronically underfunded department. Read more

Letter: LNG reenters amid renewable shortfalls

The Hawaii State Energy Office’s study shows that liquefied natural gas (LNG) is cheaper and cleaner than oil. Hawaiian Electric was exploring use of LNG, but Gov. David Ige, via the Public Utilities Commission, stopped HECO from pursuing it. Read more

Letter: Heiau could preserve old school site in Manoa

Documents show the Kaualaa Heiau is sited on the grounds of the former Saint Francis School in Manoa. Emma Nakuina was born there in 1846 to high Hawaiian Chiefess Kailikapuolono, whose name is translated literally to “the sacred land division of Lono.” Read more

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