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Sanders loyalists warn of party split after Clinton victory


Demonstrators burn an American flag during a protest in Philadelphia, Tuesday, July 26, 2016, during the second day of the Democratic National Convention.

PHILADELPHIA >> Bernie Sanders loyalists believe the Democratic Party could rupture over Hillary Clinton’s nomination after a volatile night that saw Sanders delegates leave the party’s national convention in Philadelphia to stage a sit-in at a media tent.

Protesters are rejecting Sanders’ call for unity, even after the Vermont senator declared Clinton the winner of the delegate count at Tuesday’s convention.

College student Cory James of Flint, Michigan, says a fundamental shift in American politics could be underway if the party splits.

Thousands of activists have taken to the streets during the convention this week to support Sanders and his progressive agenda.

Their critics fear they may inadvertently help Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Tiara Willis, of Philadelphia, subscribes to the slogan, “I’m with her … I guess.” She calls Clinton, “the lesser of two evils.”

51 responses to “Sanders loyalists warn of party split after Clinton victory”

  1. Crackers says:

    …and Tulsi is leading the way by nominating Bernie Sanders for President at the DNC.

    • Dawg says:

      What happened to her along the way. Not sure what her personal agenda is all about.

      • 808comp says:

        Guess she’s not happy with Clinton’s policies and was not happy with the committee when she quit and decided to support Sanders. Tulsi must be happy that the Committee Chairman got bounced.
        I’ll be waiting to see her on CNN with Wolf Blitzer in the coming weeks to talk about the election.She must be one of his favorite politician for his show.

        • NanakuliBoss says:

          Tulsi was doing nothings at city council. Pushing time,sitting and counting.waiting for an opportunity. Daddy said patiences,baby. Join the National guards for points. Let’s join the Hawaii democrats. From their we move to washington.

        • OldDiver says:

          Tulsi thought Bernie Sanders would pick her as his VP. It was never going to happen because of Gabbard has too much baggage.

        • Dawg says:

          She is turning out to be a fake!

        • James_M says:

          You guys can be really cynical. Tulsi’s speech last night was amazing – it was about love, aloha, caring for one another and the need to carry on that movement. She was warned not to endorse Bernie because of the political payback from the powerful Clinton machine. It shows incredible integrity that she took the step to strongly follow her conscience. Tulsi represents the possibility for a wave of positive change, as we saw with the historic campaign for Sanders. I see good things to come.

    • chibikodog2011 says:

      Gabbard like Sanders is a DINO. Sanders did the right thing about backing Hill since he didn’t get the nom. The reactionary part of his fan base really are not smart. If he had run as an independent he might have split the vote and handed the white house to the ‘publicans. Gabbard on the other hand seems to be an opportunist.

      • OldDiver says:

        Bernie and Gabbard may not be democrats but unlike Bernie Tulsi has no substance.

        • Kalaheo1 says:

          Bernie Sanders got 69.8% of the primary vote in Hawaii.

          Tulsa Gabbard is representing the wishes of the voters here.

          The alternative is to ignore Bernie Sanders 69.8% landslide and simply do whatever the DNC tells her to do instead. Anyone could do that.

          Tulsa Gabbard is the politician we all keep saying we want, and I don’t understand all the hate when she actually represents the voters.

        • James_M says:

          Tulsi has a Progressive Punch rating the same as Bernie Sanders for 2015 – 94%. Please get your facts straight. https://votesmart.org/interest-group/2167/rating/8768#.V5j8_pMrKkY

    • Kalaheo1 says:

      Bernie Sanders got 69.8% of the primary vote in Hawaii.

      She is representing the wishes of the constituents here.

      The alternative is to ignore the wishes of the people and simply do whatever the DNC tells her to do. Anyone could do that.

      Tulsa Gabbard is the politician we all keep saying we want, and I don’t understand all the hate when she actually represents the voters.

  2. Dawg says:

    Come on time to grow up and stop whining and get on board you Bernie-ites. Even your leader said as much.

    • hawaiikone says:

      It ain’t about Bernie any more. it’s about doing what’s right for all of us. Gary Johnson will pick up several poll point from those unable to swallow Hillary’s bs.

      • Hubris808 says:

        Why???! Gary Johnson is a states rights, anti gun control libertarian, former Republican! How do you go from Bernie to that?

        • klastri says:

          You don’t, of course. They live in two different worlds.

        • hawaiikone says:

          huby, you ought to read every so often. If you did, you’d find out that he’s far closer to Bernie than you realize, with one important difference, he can pay for it. But anyone who’d make a crack like yours is most likely a Clinton drone, so there’s not a lot going on up top…

      • Dawg says:

        More whining cry babies!

    • cabot17 says:

      If Trump wins, blame the Democratic Party for choosing a bad candidate as their nominee.

  3. wiliki says:

    Sanders needs to work harder at convincing his supporters to support Clinton.

    • NanakuliBoss says:

      Sanders voter are young and naive
      Why is it college kids gotta protest something. ANYTHING!!They look like they have not gone thru 2 cycles of voting. They believe the Trash republicans have splew over the years. Sure politician make mistakes but to continual the bs benghazi hearings.lol.republicans legislators are just as guilty by.underfunding the embassy needs. Such hypocritters.

      • sarge22 says:

        http://www.dineshdsouza.com/movies/hillarys-america/ In Hillary’s America, New York Times #1 best-selling author and celebrated filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza reveals the sordid truth about Hillary and the secret history of the Democratic Party. This eye-opening film sheds light on the Democrats’ transition from pro-slavery to pro-enslavement; how Hillary Clinton’s political mentor was, literally, a cold-blooded gangster; and how the Clintons and other Democrats see foreign policy not in terms of national interest, but in terms of personal profit.

        • lespark says:

          sarge, great movie based on facts, not the hyperbole of Nanakuli Boss, Klastri, boots, ikefromeli, keaukaha. I hope I haven’t missed anyone.
          Let the games begin. Go Bernie, Go Donald.

        • Ronin006 says:

          You missed Wiliki.

        • klastri says:

          lespark – I’m flattered that you think about me and write about me.

          I never think about you. Not ever. Not even once.

        • kolohepalu says:

          Oh- do you mean Dinesh, the liar and convicted felon? Sure- right after hannity and o’reilly. Cuuucckkoooo

        • kolohepalu says:

          Oh lespark- don’t forget me- I also pity dimwits.

        • klastri says:

          sarge22 – Mr. D’Souza is a convicted felon and adulterer.

          This is who you rely on for “the truth?”

          It figures!

        • laeboy says:

          And Hilliary is a shinning star of total truth?!?!?!?! Come on you blind moles. Oh and hows that hate klastri? Simmering for something good?

        • Dawg says:

          Sarge22 hhhahhahahahah! You must have gotten dropped on your head when you were born.

  4. primowarrior says:

    Sounds like Democrats have their own version of the Tea Party…hurt the country if you don’t get your way.

  5. MichaelG says:

    We can’t let a bigot become president!

    • klastri says:

      He’s a racist and a xenophobe too. Don’t forget that!

      • Winston says:

        Well, no real evidence of racism or most of the other isms you trot out and we could use a touch of xenophobia just now do displace the drooling globalist self blame crowd that infests the government now.

        BTW: Xenophobia is intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. There’s nothing irrational about the fear induced by our lack of sovereign border control or the introduction of terrorists with hostile political ideologies.

  6. Pacificsports says:

    Fight among yourselves and have your worst nightmare come true. If Trump becomes President, you have no one to blame but yourself.

  7. Tita Girl says:

    It’s time for the Sanders supporters to grow-up and realize and ADMIT he was never going to get the nomination. Never. He only recently joined the Democratic Party. Didn’t put in his time working for them. Calls the system rigged…the system he has been a part of for 20+ years….with no proof of any type of rigging. Those e-mails w/in the DNC? Big deal. That’s strategy. That’s planning. He got his little feelings hurt. If he and his supporters think those e-mails lost him the nomination, they’re deluding themselves.

  8. mauiday says:

    These extreme left leaning liberals’ man did not win, so now they are going to extract their petty revenge by helping the extreme right??? Sour grapes??? We did not win, so we are going to make sure you don’t win. Seems like it is all about them and they can’t see the big picture that their man Bernie was fighting for.

  9. Winston says:

    Well, the schadenfreude over the Republican convention was hilariously short lived. What a mess.

  10. AdmrVT says:

    And open the door for “King” Trump, who is the only ONE with the answers. He doesn’t need anyone else.

  11. lespark says:

    Boy, if the DemoRats are expecting a bump in the polls I’d be surprised. The Bernie supporters look like they aren’t going away. Love turned to Hate. Go Bernie. Vote Majority, Vote Trump. Trump may be a lot of things but he is not Corrupt.

  12. wrightj says:

    Only sore losers burn the American flag.

  13. Rickyboy says:

    Tea Party/Democratic Party. Cruz/Gabbard, similar actions.

  14. ryan02 says:

    Oh, there’s going to be a fundamental shift alright — to the right. Because fracturing the democratic party means Trump gets the presidency, and he will appoint right-wingers to the US Supreme Court, which will ensure conservative “values” are imposed on us for decades to come (depending on the age of the justices). If any Sanders supports want that to happen, then they do not stand for what Sanders himself stands for. They are simply “sore l0sers” who would like to punish EVERYONE in the country because their personal pick didn’t win. I don’t think they fully realize that they are spiting themselves as well. I guess they will learn about life the hard way, but it’s too bad everyone else has to suffer too.

    • ryan02 says:

      Seriously, “awaiting moderation”? I did not swear, or call out any individual person, or show racist or other unacceptable behavior. You’re now editing for content you don’t agree with?

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