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Obama: ‘Hawaii is home,’ but he probably won’t live here

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President Barack Obama spoke about where he considers home during a lunch with Affordable Care Act letter writers at Engine Company No 3 in Milwaukee today.

Hawaii-born President Barack Obama spoke today about where he considers home and where he will live after leaving the White House.

At a lunch in Milwaukee with five people who wrote him letters about the Affordable Care Act, a woman asked Obama about Hawaii.

“Hawaii is home to me,” the president said.

But he suggested that Chicago was his real home.

“I spent almost 30 years in Chicago. It’s where Michelle, where she grew up, where our daughters were born,” he said.

The Obamas still own a home there in the Hyde Park neighborhood, and Chicago will be the site of the Obama presidential library.

Home will also be Washington, D.C., at least for the next couple of years after the Obama family leaves the White House.

“We’re going to have to stay a couple of years so Sasha can finish” school, Obama said. “Transferring someone in the middle of high school — tough.”

Obama’s daughters have attended the private Sidwell Friends School in Washington since the president began his term seven years ago. Malia, the oldest, is a senior and is expected to leave for college next year. Sasha will be a sophomore when the president leaves office in January 2017.

50 responses to “Obama: ‘Hawaii is home,’ but he probably won’t live here”

  1. noheawilli says:

    Re: Title of article….Good!

    • Marauders_1959 says:

      Do people still believe he was born in HI ?

      • allie says:

        Yes, we do. But we also know he is Chicago-inspired and likely holds Hawaii in low regard. Except for his golf buds.

      • GorillaSmith says:

        It’s hard to imagine that anyone with an intact brain stem still believes he was born in HI.

        • Larry01 says:

          It’s hard to believe that birthers still exist.

        • klastri says:

          Yes, of course. I’m sure you’ve formed somehow in your brain how his birth announcement was placed in the Honolulu newspaper. The things you know!

        • NanakuliBoss says:

          It’s hard to imagine a birther with intact brain stem.

        • kekelaward says:

          You guys shouldn’t talk about Hillary! that way.

          After all, she’s the one who came up with that idea during her first losing performance.

      • scuddrunner says:

        Michelle says, “When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, his birth place.”

      • inverse says:

        What is so hard to believe he was born in Hawaii? What is a little hard to believe is that his parents basically abandoned him in Hawaii as a kid and his maternal grandparents had to take care of Obama. Both Obama’s father and mother…Yikes… Chris Rock’s old stand up routine of the difference between a Black and White first lady in the Whitehouse is so true with Hillary and Michele. Hillary literally stood behind Bill and meekly let him po rk around with every woman he could get his hands or cigar on whereas with Michele, when Obama just catches a glimpse or has just a thought in his brain of any side fun like with the Danish Prime minister at Mandela’s funeral, Michele immediatly biotch slaps Obama down and literally forced herself between her husband and the prime minister to end it right then and there. Not hard to figure out who wears the pants in that household and no surprise, Obama will retire in Michele’s home town, NOT Obama’s hometown of Honolulu. For the amount of times Obama chooses to play golf with his old Hawaii friends, you get the feeling if HE had his choice he would spend at least half his time in Hawaii and hang out with his Hawaii friends for rounds and rounds of golf and hanging out with them for a beer. In fact without Michele, I’m a sure Bobby T would love to take Obama to the kind of places that he currently hangs out, the kind of places favored by Kenoi, Albert Hee or that ex charter school principal who was using Hawaii taxpayer money to pay for his strip bar tab and services.

        • inverse says:

          PS: Hillary wears the pants in the family but not in the figurative sense and is more to camouflage the obvious.

        • NanakuliBoss says:

          ThE meaning of inverse is is a growth that is in reverse but grows inside out. Yuk

      • lee1957 says:

        Hard not to, even with a tin foil hat.

    • Jiujitsu_Fighter says:

      It’s naive to believe the media. Of course he’s moving to Lanikai next year.

  2. Opelu says:

    Interesting ……..

    • South76 says:

      Interesting in deed…the question is are they going to be as as flat broke as the Clintons were after spending 8 years in the white house? At least that what Hillary said not too long ago…yet she is running to get back into the white house. Hillary into S & M. Hmmm maybe she wants a pay back, she’ll hire interns…and do what Bill did with Monica.

      • South76 says:

        Since they are of color (race card) are they going to end up signing up for those social programs like the food stamp, welfare, section 8 and on to the obamacare.

        • Larry01 says:

          Wow, really? Tasteless joke aside, I think history will play out that Obamacare was the pivotal moment when health insurance and health care positively made their way into improving people’s lives.

        • klastri says:

          You can use the term “race card” like some kind of shield if you want. It’s not working. Every day, your comments get more and more vile and pathetic.

        • Tita Girl says:

          “…are they going to end up signing up for those social programs like the food stamp, welfare, section 8 and on to the obamacare.”
          What??? You’re kidding, right? They were comfortable before entering the White House and they’ll be even more comfortable after leaving. They are both lawyers. He’s a published author and I’m sure his books did very well after he was elected president the first time.

        • kekelaward says:

          It’s not color, it’s character. After all, Abs’ wife tried to file for unemployment here, shortly after moving into Washington Place.

          Maybe it has more to do with being a democrat than anything else.

      • samidunn says:

        The Clintons were broke because they were forced to return the china & silverware they were stealing from the white house as severance pay.

  3. peanutgallery says:

    Thank God!

  4. MakaniKai says:

    Or vacation again! Hele aku.

  5. justmyview371 says:

    So much for the love affair with Hawaii. He just likes to come here for his private beaches, expensive low-cost vacation home, and driving around showing off.

    • Jonathan_Patrick says:

      And, do not forget, all on The American People, and nothing out of his pocket. Good overtime for HPD though.

      • kekelaward says:

        Have the feds ever paid the city for that?

        The feds have always had that problem of paying the locals for services they demand. No matter the administration or party in power.

  6. fiveo says:

    No doubt he will return for “vacations” but of course not to live. Rumors abound that he is seeking appointment to be the next UN Secretary General so he can continue to serve
    his one world masters.

  7. Keonigohan says:


  8. wrightj says:

    A couple more of those Chicago winters might change his mind.

  9. Jonathan_Patrick says:

    Come clean and say “I am not a Hawaiian”, just as Nixon said “I am not a crook”. Say that I love you Manti Teo and Tai Manu-Olevao, however my heart is in Chicago. Do not hedge by saying “probably”, because now you have alienated us even more. Can we be sure that ObamaNoCare has “Trump”ed the Hawaii Health Care Law and provided more “red tape” than needed?

  10. lokela says:

    The family would catch island fever if they decide to call Hawaii home. Need room to roam.

  11. Racoon says:

    Saw the movie Chi-Raq. At the beginning statistics were shown that Chicago suffered more deaths than Iraq and Afghanistan in the same time period. Maybe this will be Obama’s next mission. Civilize murder capitol USA.

  12. bleedgreen says:

    Honolulu is too “small town” for an ex-president.

  13. NanakuliBoss says:

    President Obama knows that most of the negative ” no more Aloha spirit” commenter here are transplant gophers from the otta 48. I wish they would leave. Most live in Waikiki cause no loco would live there. Vile bunch.

  14. Hitaxpayer says:

    First good news I heard today

  15. SteveToo says:

    GREAT. We don’t need that race baiting jerk here.

  16. Manawai says:

    Ya, we already know that, Obama. You might have been born here but this was never your home. You’ve made that abundantly clear. Ciao!

  17. krusha says:

    Probably too expensive for him to live here anyway…

  18. xbt says:

    “Hawaii-born, former President Barack Obama.”

    Please stop saying this. Obama sees Illinois as his home town. His presidential library is being built there. “I spent almost 30 years in Chicago. It’s where Michelle, where she grew up, where our daughters were born,” he said. Obama just uses Hawaii as his personal playground once a year.
    Stop trying to make something out of nothing…pretty pathetic.

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