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Thursday, March 13, 2025 78° Today's Paper

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All lanes of H-1 reopened after man jumps from overpass


Police and firefighters assist a man who reportedly jumped onto the H-1 freeway from an overpass in the town-bound lanes near the Waialae Avenue offramp.

Police briefly closed part of H-1 freeway in Kaimuki this evening after a man reportedly jumped onto the roadway from an overpass.

The incident happened about 5:45 p.m. in the town-bound lanes near Koko Head Avenue. Police said a man was taken to a hospital.

All lanes were reopened about 6:15 p.m.

28 responses to “All lanes of H-1 reopened after man jumps from overpass”

  1. wn says:

    Regardless of the background on the individual…thoughts with individual, Family and Friends. Sad…

  2. jeffhonolulu says:

    SA can we have more info?

  3. hilo says:

    prayers to this person and his family…

  4. ad1 says:

    Wow person jumps from bridge on east side, lanes closed for half an hour. Stabbing on west side lane closed for 5 hours. Just stating the facts as reported by SA.

    • saywhatyouthink says:

      HPD was probably stung by extensive public criticism after closing the freeway for 5 hours during rush hour traffic. Since the stabbings didn’t even occur on the roadway, there was no real reason to close half the freeway and keep it closed until they had the perp in custody. They’re either incompetent or just don’t care how many people are inconvenienced and for how long by their actions, probably a little of both.

    • gonesh says:

      Lucky for the guy and for motorists that he lived. Had he died you can count on HPD closing the freeway in both directions for 32 hours or however long they would need to investigate.

  5. paniolo says:

    Put fences on overpasses. No incidences such as this. Just about a month ago, a guy tried to jump off the Gulick overpass after stabbing another individual. Better preventative measure.

  6. google says:

    failed attempt. now he has to live with his injuries for the rest of his life. i don’t think he’ll do it again. lesson learned.

  7. YOTARE says:

    The is an island, surrounded by perfectly good cliffs for all these d-bags to jump off of and more than high enough to ensure they won’t be doing a repeat performance in a few months after their legs work again. These inconsiderate pieces of garbage tie up traffic for hours for thousands of normal, productive people on their way home to families when they could’ve just as easily taken a high-flying finale off any ledge on the east side and had a spectacular view on the way out, too. And the sharks would’ve had dinner–think of the animals!

    Perhaps we should be like the Japanese, and have cute, cartoon illustrations showing all the highest jumping point alternatives to freeway overpasses and pass them out in all of Kirk Caldwell’s tent cities infesting our island. If you can lead a horse to water, you can lead a crackhead to a polite swan song option, also.

    • residenttaxpayer says:

      Perhaps they were too lazy to go the Pali lookout and chose the nearest overpass or bridge that was conviently nearby instead…….

    • HanabataDays says:

      Downright sick to refer to people with mental health issues as “d-bags” and “pieces of garbage” and wish them dead in more “spectacular” ways because they INTERFERE WITH YOUR COMMUTE. May you trip over Uranus and take a low-flying finale where the sun don’t shine. When your Alzheimer’s flares up, may your descendants park you on a cliff so you don’t INCONVENIENCE them by eating up their inheritance on elder care.

    • Carang_da_buggahz says:

      Have a little compassion, will you? Suicide is a desperate cry for help. You apparently never had anyone close to you, family or friend, attempt suicide. Consider yourself lucky, so far. You will never know the pain of living with the consequences of such an act.

  8. jasurace says:

    Well, maybe the H-1 itself was open, but I just drove by (at 10pm) the on-ramp and it’s closed with about a million cops down there.

  9. lespark says:

    All I can say is at first it was one of those Trump bashers. They sure get wound up tight.

  10. fiveo says:

    HPD habitually does what they want with little regard to the public which is why they block the roads whenever some incident occurs. Kind of like their dear leader,
    No Aloha Kealoha. Bad things like bad leadership always flows downhill.

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