Hanabusa to run for U.S. House to succeed Takai

Colleen Hanabusa, 65, held the urban Honolulu House seat from 2011 to 2015.
Democrat Colleen Hanabusa will make a bid to return to the seat she once held in U.S. House of Representatives representing urban Honolulu, according to sources who have discussed the race with her.
It is unclear if Hanabusa will announce her plans at the State Democratic Convention this weekend, or if she plans to delay her announcement a bit longer. The filing deadline for candidates running for election this year is June 7, and Hanabusa has very little time to organize and launch what will need to be a major campaign.
Last week U.S. Rep. Mark Takai announced he would not seek re-election to the urban Honolulu U.S. House district, saying he needs to concentrate on his health after he recently learned that his pancreatic cancer had spread.
Takai’s announcement that he is stepping down had fueled speculation about an array of possible candidates who might seek the District 1 House seat, but Hanabusa’s entry into the race would clear the field, said Colin Moore, director of the Public Policy Center at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
“It totally changes the race,” said Moore. “I can’t imagine that there’s anyone who — at least among the Democrats — who could beat Colleen Hanabusa, and most of the established candidates, I doubt they would even want to try to challenge her.”
Hanabusa has a very high level of name recognition, she is well liked, and she is respected, Moore said.
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“She has the experience to start a campaign, and the connections to establish the necessary campaign infrastructure quite quickly,” Moore said. “I think she would be nearly an impossible candidate to beat.”
Hanabusa, 65, held the urban Honolulu House seat from 2011 to 2015. She challenged U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz in the 2014 Democratic primary in an effort to ascend to the Senate, but was defeated by a narrow margin of 1,782 votes.
She was recently selected to serve as board chairwoman for the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation.
She is a respected labor lawyer who was first elected to represent the Leeward Coast in the state Senate in 1998. She served as chairwoman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and as majority leader, and in 2007 became the first woman to be selected by her fellow Democrats as Senate president.
Hanabusa remained as Senate president until 2010, when Neil Abercrombie resigned from the urban Honolulu U.S. House seat to run for governor.
Hanabusa ran for that seat and lost to Republican Charles Djou in a special election in 2010 to fill out the remaining months of Abercrombie’s term, but defeated Djou in the November 2010 general election, and again defeated him in a rematch in 2012.
Hanabusa is married to John Souza, a businessman and former state sheriff.
83 responses to “Hanabusa to run for U.S. House to succeed Takai”
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Smart girl. I would run as far away from the rail project as possible.
More vomit and hypocrisy.
she’s smarter than her looks
That’s not saying much.
Recycle the unemployable and mediocre!WShen will we see some talent in our elected office.
Wouldn’t vote for a retread!
Now there’s two….CROOKED hiLIARy & CROOKED colleen
So, why did she take the rail position? Was it just to keep her name in the news? To me it shows no commitment. In life, sometimes you commit and the next day a better deal comes along. An ethical and moral person will stick it out, to meet the terms of the commitment. It smacks of opportunism, sorta like Trump, who never met a bankruptcy he did not like. She should stick with rail and try to help see it through. I have to wonder about her credibility. Actually it reminds me of eager Rep. K. Caldwell, who, at the news of Barnum’s death resigned his house seat and ran down to the county to sign up to run for mayor…..only he was a few minutes late. Consolation prize was to be hired by Mufi. They collaborated nicely to bring rail to us. Now we are in a heck of a mess. One you cannot blame on dissidents, and Ms. Hanabusa apparently volunteered her expertise to help figure out the problems. She is tough, no denying that, and in reality she is the kind of person we need on the rail board, someone who will demand, and get, answers. I think she can serve us better to finish off rail, one way or the other!
So are you saying if she was offered a Senate seat or a cabinet post, she would change her mind and jump at that?
Hanabusa is an opportunist. She gave up her House seat to achieve something bigger and better in the Senate, but she lost. If elected again to Congress, I will not be surprised if she tries again to move to the Senate by challenging Mazie Hirono. Who is Mazie Hirono, you ask? She is a do-nothing US Senator representing Hawaii.
She knows better than to run for Senate. That’s Tulsi’s to win. She’s gonna steam roll Schatz like how she did The Muffler.
In your dreams. Biggest clue, he held a fundraiser for her last year, people in the know, already know that she will not challenge his position.
We shall see who’s dreaming in a short while.
It would be unwise of Tulsi wto challenge Schatz. She would be putting her supporters in a very difficult position as those who support Tulsi and by and large the same who support Schatz.
Completely different demographics. But to each their own.
It’s just speculation; they held a joint fundraiser.
No, Schatz is crafty and has become ensconced in his seat. Hanabusa is too old and too disliked in the community. She has her chance. It has passed.
Useless before in Congress, do we expect anything else from her?
She voted with the GOP on Coal emissions, Pharmaceuticals and ObamaCare.
She refused to hold the Lege vote to over-rule Lingle’s veto of emergency contraception bill.
The Republicans are going to have a difficult choice if she’s the only Dem running, ha,ha
I disagree. She’s been been part of House leadership and under Pelosi as a Deputy whip.
I can hear her campaign song now, “I been workin’ on the Railroad”:-)
and rest of the lyrics “to spend more money and raise your taxes everyday…”
Cute. I like it.
lol…good one!
she’ll work to get Fed funds released.
She spends our money like water.
Fed funds are our tax dollars, at waste.
Hanabusa shares the same opportunistic nature as Mazie Hirono: if there’s an open seat she’ll run for it. Nothing against Hanabusa, but we need fresh people in Congress. It’s obvious the same old ones can’t do the job.
Whoa! You couldn’t find two more different candidates.
Surprise, surprise….
She just sticks her finger in which ever pie she wants. Who calls the shots in Hawaii Nei? Hanabusa does, that’s for sure.
She’s part of the Old Guard AJA political elite. One HOPED that their day was fading. But I guess not.
As for “respected labor lawyer” just ask the ILWU members who she neglected to inform were now members about that.
Why not? It pays $174,000 and ample benefits.
Not so much money in DC, and any lawyer worth their salt, could make that amount.
yes there are members of Congress who sleep in their offices. That may explain something.
Power is just as addictive as greed.
also the CADILLAC HC not associated with obamacare!
We are such a sad, pathetic, backwater, Podunk, wanna-be, has been state. We’ll take any scraps thrown our way.
For God’s sake…let’s NOT allow this shameless opportunist into office. Relegate her to Moofee land of has been politicians…
I weep for our future.
Gotta find someone to run against her. She’s got support from Big Pharma and Big Coal not to mention A&B and the Big Five. Not easy to beat her. Last time it took the Lt. Gov to do it….Shan?????? (just kidding. I don’t think our Lt. Governor wants to go to DC)
You should leave Hawaii if you feel that way. No sense be miserable. Go back to the continent , please
Surprise! She got my vote!
Run far and fast. Run while there’s a chance.
I nominate Cayetano!
Colin Moore is mistaken if he thinks Hanabusa is popular. Her negatives and those of her husband are as bad as Hillary Clinton and Bubba.
Not a surprise she is dumping rail for another chance at the gold ring. Imagine the money you can make if you are in Congress. Talk about gravy train.
I would not be surprised if she runs unapposed and is coronated into the position.
Clearly the Republicans have no one who could run and win but who knows, miracles do happen.
Charles Djou should change parties and become a democrat.
That’s the only way he can beat her.
CD for mayor!
Here she goes again.
“Hanabusa, 65, held the urban Honolulu House seat from 2011 to 2015. She challenged U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz in the 2014 Democratic primary”>>> And still doesn’t get the message sent.
That’s right.Schatz should run for Congress because Tulsi will beat him head to head. The only time I seen Schatz was vetting a SC nominee. I’ve seen Tulsi a lot more. She’s got Hawaii’s back.
Tulsi will feel the bern. Watch.
Now she can NOT do a Jessica’s law (the one she said she supported on Fox news on national tv but did nothing about) from that position either.
Hanabusa is as crooked as Bill and Hillary.
All you need to know.
Another politician that lacks integrity and high moral values….she and her husband has been involved in some shady dealings with Jeff Stone as the three of them have taken advantage of the shortcomings in real estate, tax credits and other political shennigans…i will admit she is smart and articulate but she lacks any integrity and is definitely a step down for Hawaii in having a U.S. Rep. that lacks character…think Hillary and you get Colleen….geez, as one of the commenters wrote….a RETREAD…..is this the best Hawaii can offer and how stupid can the people of Hawaii be to be all gaga over her announcement…..what a joke!!!!
Have to remember that she was the outspoken person in the Legislator for 31% pay raises for all legislators when all government workers took furloughs. Talk about looking after #1….
Colleen will do well in whatever she chooses to do.
She’d do well to just go away.
Different gender, same smell, same result. Dud for Hawaii.
It would be an interesting race!
Hanabusa, who lived in the 2nd Congressional District when she ran for the seat in the 1st Congressional District pledged that she would move in to the 1st District is elected. To the best of my knowledge, she reneged on that pledge and continued to make her primary residence in the 2nd District. She did rent an apartment in downtown Honolulu where she spent a few nights when working late in her Honolulu office, but that was not her primary residence. She cannot be trusted to keep her word.
most of these posts are negative~ summing up how people feel about her performance and respect in the community – so how do we keep falling into this political trap? Hawaii needs to WAKE up.
Laters to HART and all the losers there.
Please give us someone to beat this lady. Hawaii deserves better than hanabatta
She has no shame in her game.
great news for rail. The Feds need some prodding by our members in Congess on Rail,
Turd in a punch bowl…. She’s the worst! To her, it’s just a way to scam a dollar. It’s not about doing the right thing for the community.
Good lord Women. GO AWAY. The Senator is resting and we do not need your services.
Colin Moore is correct when he says that Hanabusa is a shoo-in to win whether you like her or not. There is no one else with the name recognition. Get used to it folks, just be thankful she won’t be challenging Caldwell for mayor.
Keep voting for the same corrupt, long serving (D) politicians Hawaii. You’re getting exactly what you deserve.
Ham Sandwich (D)
Sad seeing the same names, same career politicians, in the media. We all knew Hanabusa to rail was only to keep her name in the forefront.
I hope Hawaii voters will select a new name rather than this one. Career politicians have placed Hawaii into the mess we are in now.
She is famous for voting herself a 21% raise during a resession and saying that she deserved it
This was done when ALL government workers taking UNPAID furlough days off.
The only surprise here is that she’s no longer married to Developer Jeff Stone.
Say it ain’t so!!! No more Hanabutta!!! Please take her away!!