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Clinton endorsements include Hirono, Ariyoshi, Kouchi


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a “Get Out the Vote” campaign event at the The Ritz Ybor in Tampa, Fla.

It’s no secret that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has solid support within the political establishment in Hawaii, but the Clinton campaign underscored that point today by releasing a list of Clinton endorsements from the Japanese-American community that includes Hawaii U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono, former Gov. George Ariyoshi and state Senate President Ron Kouchi.

Also on the endorsement list are Irene Hirano Inouye, wife of the late U.S. Sen. Daniel K. Inouye, as well as U.S. Rep. K. Mark Takai, former U.S. Rep. Colleen Hanabusa and Lt. Gov. Shan Tsutsui.

Ariyoshi and Inouye said in a prepared statement that Clinton’s “progressive agenda” and her long record of political accomplishment made her their choice over Vermont U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“From her plan to help veterans struggling with homelessness to her policies that would help families get ahead and stay ahead, Hillary Clinton has shown time and again she is committed to breaking down the barriers that hold us back and to making a real difference in people’s lives,” said Ariyoshi in the statement. “I know that, as president, Hillary will be the leader Hawaii needs in the White House.”

The Democrats will chose between Clinton and Sanders in a statewide Hawaii Presidential Preference Poll on Saturday, March 26.

Sanders supporters have also been busy campaigning, and turnout may be critical. Attendance at the Hawaii Democrats’ presidential poll has varied from a low of 1,315 in 2000 to a high of 37,519 in 2008, when Hawaii-born Barack Obama was seeking the party nomination.

Other Clinton supporters on the endorsement list released today include state Sens. Jill Tokuda and Michelle Kidani; state House Majority Leader Scott Saiki; and Honolulu City Councilwoman Carol Fukunaga.

Also endorsing Clinton is former Hawaii Government Employees Association leader Russell Okata.

33 responses to “Clinton endorsements include Hirono, Ariyoshi, Kouchi”

  1. FARKWARD says:

    What about some ETHICAL-Endorsements? These endorsements read like Who’s Who in “Crime-Land”…

    • allie says:

      I know Hillary is flawed and, of course, far too tied to Israeli interests. But, other than Kasich, I cannot find a good candidate. I am undecided.

      • Boots says:

        Kasich, a good conservative boy. lol But on the republican side the Donald is the best republican running. That is because he is willing to increase taxes, and avoid military engagements. Best democrat running is obviously Bernie Sanders as he has generally been correct on issues from the beginning unlike sweet Hillary who has evolved. Get it right the first time.

      • aomohoa says:

        Bernie Sanders!

        • scooters says:

          Bernie is a Socialist Commie..just like Obama who’s a Muslim Commie. And Clinton is just plain Commie …

  2. Jonathan_Patrick says:

    Geroge R. Ariyoshi? I thought he was dead already?

  3. kainalu says:

    The hacks lined-up behind the hack. BERNIE SANDERS FOR PRESIDENT!

  4. KPaddler says:

    That settles it, I’m voting for Bernie.

  5. noheawilli says:

    Time for the electorate to put hirono, kouchi, takai and the others in the unemployment line for endorsing such a lawless deceiver.

  6. serious says:

    When one gets endorsements I think the voters in Hawaii should sit back and deliberate ONE THING—what did these people every do for me??? So why do they thing their endorsements will benefit the candidate?? We have the highest of everything and the worst of everything–caused by these people–they are LOSERS!!!!

  7. DABLACK says:

    Voting for a liar is no good. Democrats better think about this. The people should stop being lazy and do their own research and stop following the “smooth” talkers.

  8. Hawaii_Libertarian says:

    Ethics, honesty, and integrity are meaningless to those that endorse Clinton. If Clinton was an active duty military person or GS-15 or below civil servant, she would have been indicted, convicted, and sentenced to jail time a long time ago for mishandling classified information on her private e-mail server.

  9. dsl says:

    Tanmitsu, Mitsuyoshi, Yoshimura, Murakami, Kamikawa, Kawamatsu, Matsutaka, Takahashi, Hashimoto, Motooka, Okafune, Funashige, Shigeyasu, Yasutake, Takamine, Minehira, Hirayama, Yamanaka, Nakashima, Shimakuro, Kurosato, Satogata, Gota go now!!! Good sheeple in this town!!! Just what the lying, do-whatever-it-takes-to-be-the-first-woman-president want!! Hillary don’t care about the people, she cares about herself and her friends…

  10. Ronin006 says:

    Dumb, bumder, the dumbest. The fact that the Justice Department has granted immunity to an aide who set up her personal email server is a sign that the continuing FBI investigation is very serious. You would think that anyone with half a brain would take this fact into consideration and wait until Hillary is cleared before endorsing her. I look forward to seeing a lot of eggs on the faces of those who endorsed her.

  11. residenttaxpayer says:

    Endorsements….more like the kiss of death….also I didn’t know old George was still alive too….like Abe Vigoda I thought he had died also…..

  12. MakaniKai says:

    Gee no surprise for me, that my state Sen. supports Hillary the tired old despicable liar for our next president.

    She also voted YES to the gas and vehicle weight tax increase. Come campaign time I will see her on Kamehameha Hwy wearing her Manuhealii adorned with a haku – waving all nice~nice to the people. Once again relying on their one party mentality and or ignorance.

  13. fairgame947 says:

    Totally mindless endorsements!

  14. scooters says:

    Clinton has a history of lying, doing nothing to improve our country, and allowing 4 Americans to die. So our Japanese-Americans, why not just plain old American’s support Clinton? Just what have these ?-Americans done to help us? I can’t recall any bills that Hirono has been the author of that have passed? We never hear of any of our DEMOCRATS in Washington doing anything of good. We’re doom if Clinton wins the election.

    • RichardCory says:

      “We never hear of any of our DEMOCRATS in Washington doing anything of good.”

      No news is good news, especially when it comes to the U.S. legislature. I’m not sure how this idea got in your head that passing bills is automatically a good thing.

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